Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 4:31 pm

"Well... I guess I can at least tell you a bit. For starters I never knew my dad, and my mother died giving birth. She was a dibellian priestess in Markarth, meaning I along with ten other children where taken in by the temple. It was kinda weird how all eleven of us where exactly a year older than one and a year younger than another, to the point where by the time I was 10, our eldest had already reached full maturity at 21. Made birthdays easy though. I was raised and taught to be a diabellian priestess, the tattoos on my body not only marking that, but the fact that I was to fill a very special role at 18, although I found out the plot two years in advance, and the day before the deadline for when I would get the final tattoo, I ran. Safe to say I haven't been back to Markarth since, and have spent most of my time in Falkreath and Dawnstar learning magic from the wizards there. One day I went to Whiterun and heard there was something that would make anyone a master if the arcana, and the rest as they say, is history."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 26, 2014 7:45 pm

Felicia nodded as drank some of her wine when Isabella had finished speaking. 'So that's why she asked about Markarth before...' Felicia thought to herself. "Well I would ask about what that role or plot was but I can tell this is something you rather not share yet. So how long to you plan to stay here at the college?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:51 pm

"Well, as long as it takes me to find the next step in finding this place of unlimited knowledge. Could take only a couple of hours, could take a couple of months depending on the complexity of the writing and luck. Sure, it will be boring her... But it does mean enjoying each other in a place that has very few people around to witness it..."
Isabella gets her sly smile back when she says this, before saying "Well, I think I'll get started searching for it now. I'll be staying in my own room, giving you and Claire the double bed to yourselves today, and any other day I do this. Night you two!"
With that, Isabella goes off into the other room, leaving you and Claire to... whatever you fancy doing.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:13 pm

"Good night, Isabella." Felicia says to her before she left. She then turns to Clair. "You feel like doing anything tonight? If not then I'm probably going to go to bed." She said.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:30 pm

Just before Isabella shuts the door, she doesn't even look at you as she chimes "Mistress. Three punishments~!"

When you ask Claire the question on what she wants to do, she just shrugs. "You know what I always feel like doing, it just comes down to whether or not you want to do it as well. IF you aren't I will probably follow you."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Sep 27, 2014 12:26 am

Felicia gulps when she realizes that she forgot to call Isabella mistress. "Maybe next time, Claire. I kind of want to save my strength for whatever punishments Isabella has in store for me..." She sighs and takes one last sip of her wine before crawling into bed.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 3:44 pm

Claire just gives you a nod, before crawling into the bed beside you as you drift off...

The three of you end up staying in the college for over a month, the entire time when the three of you aren't 'enjoying each other's company' in the privacy of your room, Isabella would be deep into one of the book copies trying to figure out your next step while you and Claire ending up doing whatever. The boat still wasn't touched for a while after the first time you and Claire visited it, meaning you both were able to keep revisiting and building your money back up to your previous amount, since it would be silly for you to have been there a month and spent nil after spending thousands over the first couple of days. Isabella didn't punish you during the entire time, leading you to think she has forgotten, and over time leading to you forgetting also, along with continuously forgetting to open the strongboxes resting on a shelf in Claire's room. You would say that the month is Sun's height (July), but Winterhold is always covered in snow, making it very hard to tell between the seasons. Currently you will be just getting ready for the day, when you suddenly hear Isabella from her room...

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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:01 pm

The next month seems to go by quickly as Isabella continued with her studies while she explored and did whatever it took to keep herself entertained. Felicia's head raises when she heard Isabella shout. She finishes getting her cloths on before heading to Isabella's room. "What? What did you find?" Felicia asks as she enters the room.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:07 pm

When you enter you find that Isabella seems to have taken off the string tying the pages together, and now has a page from this and a page from that scattered across the floor, making... a map of Skyrim. It's made out of a text you can't read, and the text seems to be alot bigger at the bottom of the map. you have no idea what it says, but you are guessing Isabella does. While it may be a map of Skyrim, you can only tell because of the shape and the one hold coat of arms it hosts. Riften.

"The writing says 'Unlock your potential' and Riften is the place marked. Unlock as in pickpicking, so the thieve's guild?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:19 pm

"Hmm..." Felicia looks at the map and then at Isabella. "Maybe...Though I don't remember seeing anything there that is what you're looking for. At least maybe not within the guild itself..." She tells Isabella. "Is this the location of what you're looking for or another clue to find?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:34 pm

"I don't know, all I know is that it's in Riften and those three words. I could have thought it was here, but it turned out to just be another clue. We wont know until we find on or the other now will we? And even then we will still need to go there. So, shall we get the supplies and ourselves ready to leave? I can probably get Claire to tell Savos that we need to leave for reasons, and I have given back most of the books I had since I'm only learning one and a half spell groups. Also where you planning on leaving on leaving the room just before I shouted?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:38 pm

"I was going to go to the tavern to pass the time. I haven't had much to do around here besides exploring. I'll start packing up while you return any books you still need to return and tell Claire that we're leaving." Felicia returns to her room and starts to pack up what they had. As she does she wonders if she should visit the guild. It's been a while since she last saw anybody from there. She wondered if they knew where she was or what had happened to her.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:12 am

While you may not have an answer to your questions now, you might just get them when you arrive In Riften. Upon entering the tavern, the keeper you know to be Adam looks over to you, and while you may not be able to see anything but his red eyes, you have a feeling from the past month and the way he has spoken that there is a smile behind it. "Felicia! Welcome back! Can I get you the usual, or have you got a hunger and thirst for something else?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:16 am

"Hello, Adam." Felicia smiles at him as she sits down. "I'm heading out soon so I think I'll be having something different today. Do you have any special mead or fish?" Felicia asks him. She brought enough money for a more expensive meal for today.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:00 am

"Well if you are looking for something special, we got some clams in just today and they're supposed to be good this time of year, although I wouldn't really know. Also if you don't mind anything imperial, we got a shipment of cyrodilic brandy in past the stormcloaks , but it's pretty expensive due to shipment on top of what has to be done to get it here. Pretty good stuff though, goes down smooth and is pretty strong, but you won't have any of the after effects the next morning. Since it's early I would say not to be drinking it, but I'll sell you a bottle to take with you even though it's pricey. We also has surilie brothers wine, which is still pricey, but is nowhere near the brandy and gas the added bonus of not flooring you after a shot."
Last edited by spriter1 on Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:12 am

"Interesting. Well for now I would like my usual mead and fish, though some spice on the fish this time and I'll some clams with it as well. And I'll like a bottle of both Cyrodilic Brandy and Surilie Brothers wine to go later." Felicia gives him her order and takes out the amount of money to pay for it.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:20 am

(Reason for last post being blue: typing this on phone and the hexadecimal code for red and blue are opposite, so I wrote it back to front.)
"No problem! Your meal is going to be 60 coins now, with the wine it will be 100 and with the brandy... 325. Would be 250, but only a little amount got through this time."
Once you hand over the money for what you wish to pay for, Adam will hand you your mead for your meal before asking you to take a seat. When you sit down, you find the bard has finished playing and is asking if anyone wants to request a song.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:25 am

Felicia sits down at a small table and takes small sips of her mead as she waits for her food. She decides to tip the bard and lets him play any song he wanted before going back to seat and drinking her mead. As she does this her mind wanders a bit, thinking about her friends at the Thieves Guild and wonders how that are doing. Would they be happy to see her again? Or would they think less of her because she's been gone for so long without a word. With a sigh she decides to stop thinking about that and continue drinking.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:19 pm

The bard thanks you before beginning to play the dragonborn comes, leaving you to think that there have been other members of the guild who have had to lay low and not return to the guild for a while, so it might not be as bad if you haven't showed up for as long as you did. Some time later Adam comes back with your meal and bottles. He tells you to enjoy your meal and goes to leave, before stopping himself and saying "So Felicia, with this talk about you leaving soon... I was wondering if... You will ever stop by Winterhold again. You know, to see if it has become more than just a village in the snow with a huge college over a cliff."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Mon Sep 29, 2014 5:54 pm

"Thanks Adam." Felicia says to him as he brings her her meal and bottles. She puts the bottles away before turning back to Adam. "I'll probably be back again. I tend to travel Skyrim quite a bit." She says to him, which was true because of her work at the Thieves Guild. "And Isabella may return here so I might be back visiting her as well."
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