Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:27 pm

"They where nice, although now I don't know what to do. Do I punish you twice for disobeying two of my rules, or do I ball it up into one big punishment since they were so close together."
Her frown turns into a smile though after a second.
"I don't wish to punish you now anyway, since the day is still so young. I just want us to make something to eat in the room, talk, and maybe do something else before going to sleep. Sound good?"
you can't help but notice an absence of Claire as Isabella talks to you, more than likely hiding in another room incase she gets hit with runoff from you being told you are going to get punished.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:37 pm

"Y-Yes, mistress. That sounds good. W-Would you like for me to make something for us to eat?" Felicia couldn't help but feel nervous at Isabella's smile and the fact that she wasn't going to punish her yet. Her eyes move around the room and notice's that Claire is gone.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:24 pm

"It's fine, I just really want to get the food in my bag cooked before it goes off."
Claire comes out from her room though, her head poking out from the door as she says "What are you two up to? I've just been in here tossing stuff into a pot to make more stew, but I don't have a way of making fire. Mistress, you wouldn't mind lighting one for me?"
You can see in Isabella's face that she knows what Claire is up to, but keep quiet for now.
"Sure, I'll come and help."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Tue Sep 23, 2014 11:45 pm

Felicia follows Isabella into the room Claire was in to see what Claire was putting into the stew. "So what's for dinner tonight, Claire?" Felicia asks, a bit unaware of what Claire was up to.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 6:29 pm

"Well, I kinda just threw whatever we had into the pot, since It would more than likely be bad by the time we finished up here anyway."
"Claire, tell me why I shouldn't punish you for running off when you did?"
"I-I'm sorry mistress?"
"Don't act like that. We both know it was suspicious how quickly you seemed to go into that room and close the door when I appeared at the door, which meant that Isabella was going to be punished for not getting undressed."
"I-I just thought-"
"I would punish you while I was at it? Have a little faith in me, after all I'm not that bitch elf."
"I-I know mistress, I-I'm sorry for thinking otherwise."
"That's fine."
Ciera quickly casts a fire rune underneath the pot, which soon ignites but stays within the seal, cooking the food but without risk of anything else catching fire.
"So since we have cleared all that up, do the two of you fancy doing anything?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Wed Sep 24, 2014 8:37 pm

Felicia looks at the contents of the stew before taking a seat. She listens to the exchange between Isabella and Claire and decides to stay quiet for now. "Well I can't open those strongboxes for a while which means I got nothing to do so we can do anything you want, mistress."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 9:38 pm

"Well to be honest, I did want to have a bit more fun with the both of you... But I thought that if I had fun with you both EVERY day, then it would just grow dry and not be pleasing for any of us. So I thought it would be nice to have a day where we just hang out, and if you and Claire want to fuck, you can go right ahead. I would be a bit upset if I didn't get told you both were having fun however. Sound good?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:02 pm

Felicia blushes a bit and nods her head at Felicia. "I understand, mistress." She looks at the cooking stew for a moment and then back to Isabella. "So did you have anything in mind for today, mistress?" Felicia asked the mage.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:21 pm

"Well, there is not alot I can think of doing. The books are finished being copied, so I want to leave those into the library again and then get to work on finding out the next step. I also was thinking about us going out and talking to some of the other students, since it seems like it might be a bit suspicious if I only ever come in here and hang out with you two, considering that while Savos may know of of the mistress-slave relationship, the teachers won't."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:41 pm

"I think we should put the books back as soon as possible. I hope that no one has noticed them missing either." Felicia suggests. "Though you may be right about going out to meet the other students. Best not to draw suspicion to us especially since we did steal a couple books here."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 6:40 pm

"Exactly. Actually, do you still have lockpicks on you? I'm pretty sure we could do it know, since one of us could distract the librarian while the other unlocks the bookcase, replaces the books, and locks it again."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 25, 2014 7:21 pm

"I got about sixteen left I believe. That should be enough." Felicia says before heading back to her room and coming back with her lockpicks. "Lets eat first and then go to the library. I should only need about five minutes to get the job done."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 8:24 pm

(GM roll - 19, 18, 7, 20)

Isabella gives you a nod, and once you all are finished eating the stew, you and Isabella go off to leave the books back while Claire stays behind to clean up the room. Isabella tells you that once you are finished, to come over and tell her that you couldn't find what book she was looking for, and something along those lines. When you both finally get to the library, you find that the orc is just getting ready to leave, making it alot less likely for him to notice you unless you really fuck up. He is even more distracted when Isabella begins to speak to him, making him face opposite the bookcase as you quickly unlock the bookcase with ease after remembering the sweet spot from last time. you are in such a rush however that you make a bit of noise when you put the books into their rightful places, making him turn around... Only to find that you look completely natural, searching through the bookcase beside it while the forbidden bookcase is already locked shut. It was dicey at the end, but you pulled it off with ease in terms of the lock. Now the two of you just need to make your escape.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:32 pm

Felicia holds in her sigh of relief as she was browsing through the bookcase. She almost got caught putting the books back in but she was able to lock it and was now at another bookcase. She turns around and acts like she couldn't find the book she was looking for. "Sorry, Isabella. I couldn't find the book you wanted. We should get going before it's past curfew." She said as she approached Isabella and the orc. "Thanks for letting us browse your library, sir."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 9:52 pm

"That's fine Felicia. We can always look tomorrow."
The orc just give a grunt to you and Isabella before following close behind you as you both leave the library, where he locks the door and eyes the two of you up before heading off down a hallway as you and Isabella head down to your room. "So, did you get it sorted out?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:00 pm

"The books are in the case and the case is locked. If they haven't looked in it since we took them then it's like they were never missing." Felicia says to her as they head back to their rooms. "So you want to walk around later like you wanted?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:41 pm

"Nah... Kinda just want to talk to you guys for a while. Ain't feeling up to anything except getting to work on those books. Why, is there anything you wanted to do?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Thu Sep 25, 2014 11:54 pm

"Sure, we can talk." Felicia says as they head back to the room. Once inside they find Claire and Felicia sits next to her after removing her cloths and putting her collar back one. "So what did you want to talk about, mistress?"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Fri Sep 26, 2014 10:15 am

Isabella whips off her robes as quickly as any other time, revealing that the only thing she was wearing underneath were thigh-high leather boots with a 6-inch heel. Whether this is due to her reformed feet and the only place she could have bought stuff out here was a fetish shop, or because she has them to get better into her role as a femdom, you have no idea.
"Well i just wanted to have a normal conversation before i began reading, but there is one thing on my mind. I know that you were in the thieves guild, but what was life like before it? Did you grow up in riften, or did you only join the thieves guild and move there, ooor? You don't have to answer or take this as a command if you aren't comfortable talking about it."
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Fri Sep 26, 2014 11:05 am

"I don't really mind telling you, though it's not really interesting." Felicia grabs a bottle of wine and sits down. "I was an orphan and lived in the land next to Skyrim. I always had a knack for taking things since I never had much coin of my own and not many like my kind. In fact I got into enough trouble where I lived that I ran to Skyrim and found myself in Riften. One member from the thieves guild saw me pickpocket someone and they recruited me. So the guild became my family and I've been with them ever since. That is...until I got captured by those slavers. And now I'm here." She took a long sip of her wine. "What about you?"
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