Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: July 2017)

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Pokémon: Lesbe Island (Update: July 2017)

Postby Dark_Onix » Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:43 am

I have been working on creating a new Pokémon game using Humbird0's level editor. Right now I have worked out a system of using random numbers to make parts of the game hard to predict. I have also worked on the lines of code needed to make the appearance of all of the girls in the game changeable. I am currently using this ability to make all Pokémon Battles, Strip Pokémon Battles; But it can be used for other things. There is no story yet. I do not want to work on that too much until after I finish working on other parts of the game.

= Update: 7-9-17=
Posting a new update to the game, it includes:
* I started to work on a second city. It still has a lot to be completed.
* Added more places to buy. Mostly in the second city.
* I edited the way that Pokémon, that are stored in houses, are saved. Now the pokedax counts them as owned when they are in storage.
* Added 2 new events in the forest, that must happen before you can get to the second city.
* Added new events in town, Now it is dangerous to walk around the town naked.
* Added handcuffs to the game, they are also very hard to remove.
* Added new items to the game, I also made it so that some of those items can only be found in caves.

= Poll: 1-8-17=
I want to see which fetish people are starting the game, with so I know which traits I should develop in more detail and which ones that do one wants to have.

=Update 12/19/16=
Making a small update; I am adding a couple new girls to the game, and a new Pokémon to the game. Also I am testing out the ability to buy a house, and choose what kind of rooms that you want in to put inside that house. Another big change to the game is that I have re-added the event, to the game, that the player can become horny just by walking around the forest; I have also merged the way that Pokémon are added to your party with this new event. Meaning that to get a Pokémon to join your party now; you first have to walk around the forest horny. I have also added one unique girl to the game to be a rival.

=Update 8/6/16=
I have updated and improved battles with other trainers, and Pokémon. Now trainers out in the forest can have girlfriends in their parties, and more random Pokémon. Also Pokémon you battle may be holding a random berry. I have also added a way to add Pokémon to your party. However I still need to work on this function. I want to make it so that a player's personality helps choose what Pokémon want to join their party. So far there are not enough Pokémon in the game to do this.

=Update 11/14/15=
I have reworked the outfit options; and how Pokémon battles work. As a side effect it is almost impossible for the game to end. The first town is still underdevelopment, all of the houses are still being worked on, and there is not much to do there. I have also added more sexual activities in the bedroom and improved how party members function. It is now possible for girls to learn sexual skills in any order they wish.

=Update 2/10/15=
Ok I am changing the name from, "New Pokémon game Idea" to "Pokémon: Lesbe Island". This name should help set my game apart from other people working on different Pokémon games. Basically I am working on a game where there are only girl Pokémon trainers on an island. This update is to test the new system for improving your stats. Also to see what people think to the new system.

What I am working on:
1) I am planning to take a break from this game and start working on another one, using a different game engine.
2) I may still add some more updates to this game.
Lesbe Island July 2017.zip
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Last edited by Dark_Onix on Thu Jul 20, 2017 3:07 am, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Terrantor!!! » Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:27 am

You know it's great to see a bunch of new talent stepping up to the plate and I'd like to encourage some more of it, I haven't seen this much activity since the forums started up back in '10. Keep up the great work, guys.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Cyriann » Thu Sep 04, 2014 9:36 am

This is just a small demo but, I look forward to see what'll come out od this
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby FMC » Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:29 am

Seems interesting so far, but the fact you outright lose if you lose when you have no clothes is a little irritating, and the pokemon can spot you from so far away, which is annoying when coupled with the fact that they'll never stop chasing you, even halfway across the map, so trying to sneak past to conserve items isn't a possibility.

Probably things that'll change in the future, but just the ones that jumped out at me so far. I do like the fact you play as a girl that could get fucked by trainers and pokemon alike, so that's a plus. ^_^
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby harryp21 » Fri Sep 05, 2014 11:18 pm

have played the demo

even do i am a bit disapointed that a bunch of bugs have such a far side to the point i dont get past them and running is not possible as far as i noticed no matter how far away i am of them they end up getting me iether way

also i would rather see pokeballs be added from the beginning of the games and due the speed of the pokemon i would also rather say some cash to buy them i cant figure out the editor at all albeit it looks easy
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby n1jay » Sat Sep 06, 2014 12:58 am

I played the demo too :) Very interesting concept and certainly not bad for a start. Other than some of the above things I did have a few questions.
Is there going to be more for a backstory or plot? I know this is probably because it's still an early beta but why is Misty in that town anyways? Shouldn't she be near water or a beach atleast?
And are the enemy pokemon set to immediately know where you are on the map? I sat in a single spot just inside the forest and pokemon from deep in the forest came after me. Is setting up a radius or area for each pokemon not possible?
I just entered the forest and was attacked by a level 1 caterpie. I enjoyed the fact that it had a random spread for hit points but I was then chased down and attacked by a level 2 ratata resulting in a game over.
And finally, why is it so difficult to level up? I can see pokemon leveling up faster than their trainers but I had cleared the first 2 areas of the forest twice before I was half way to level 2.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Chan » Sat Sep 06, 2014 1:08 am

I'm going to definitely agree with the problem of them chasing you. Especially if you leave and then re-enter and their ALL there back (also if you load a saved game). As soon as your in their line of sight they chase after you and levelling up takes awhile, yet you start meeting level 3 when your level 1 so youve got to quickly manage your Potions, hp and attacking (When 2 HP use potion etc...)....

For that money bit, its not that bad for me. As i figured out you got potions and such, and money from the bushes. and If you beat the girls in Strip Pokemon Battle (I havent lost...) you can sell them clothes for 25 or 100 and have your naked party member wear those clothes. (I believe i may have found a bug there. If you save the game while the party member is nude you cant move around from that spot. :shock:

Or i may have just messed up a bit of the coding when i was editing the HP and Power of her.... (I played Humbirds so know how change my items amount, money amount, hp and such which i did as the encounters were getting on my nerves when i was wanting to run away)

And another bug is just battle, sometimes your battle can be "Jumped" so your facing one of the Girls. Then your facing a Lickitung. You beat the pokemon...and the girl is also stating her defeated lines about buying clothes.

Though i wouldnt mind a map to be honest. That way you know where youve been and such.

As for the girls. I pretty much only met 3 of them for Strip Battle. Not the 11 different ones, and other 5 editable ones. Though i first thought you had to make the girls Horny mid-battle to get them to join you.... Otherwise i have no clue what Fan Art is for....
And found only 2 of the party member girls. So had a 3 girl party?

Though i do find this game interesting and what n1jay said is a good part. The HP is spread apart!

And as a reply to n1jay. Its about 200 XP to level up to Level 2...
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Dark_Onix » Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:52 am

Thanks for the feedback!

To answer some of the questions, the reason that there are only 3 girls, when the total number in the program is 15, is because I have not made the sprites for them yet. If you want to see what the other girls in the game could like, talk to the Onix in the cave. If you do not know where the cave is, I placed a hidden portal to it on the left hand side of Misty's house in the first tree. One of the things that Easter Egg Onix can do is "add girls" to the game. After listening to him give notes about how you can add sprites to the game, you can then adjust the code. At this time if you adjust the code to show a 4th or a 5th girl, they will all look like Misty until you battle them. Or if want to save time, the Variable that needs to be changed is "world.girls" the defalt value is 3 change it to 15 (No higher).

And as for Misty being the playable character, she is just a temporary playable character. I need to create more girls for this game before can change this. I want make the playable character someone new, but I am not at that point yet. I still have lots to do before I am going to worry who should be the main character. Misty may make a good side character.

As for the comment about the game being over if you lose a battle naked. I am thinking about adding a hentai event after this happen. However if the game is built in a way where it is impossible to die, what is the point in playing it? If anyone can think of ways to solve this problem, feel free to post them.

Also if any one has any plot Ideas, feel free to post them too. I have a general idea of what is going to happen, but I need some more ideas.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby MPLDAM9919 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:19 am

This looks like a great demo. I'm gonna have to try it out later.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby musical74 » Mon Sep 08, 2014 10:45 pm

Played it a bit, I like the idea but GEEZ those pokemon sure can spot you from far away! Also the attacks are pretty bad so a fight with a caterpie is *flee back to home to get healed* so much of the time. There are items to be found in the forest, but given her attacks are so bad (and it seems to take awhile to level up) it's more *evade when needed* which is hard given they spot you from so far away! Also, it would be nice if the pokemon could be felt up and have effects like in Humbirdo's game (if the rattata or caterpie can, I'm not aware of it).

Barring that, it's pretty fun, just...frustrating when you can't flee (at least, I never was able to) and fighting is difficult at the start. Oh yes, if you lose 3 times in a row (or maybe just 3 times, period) the game ends, is that intentional?
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby kira_yagami165 » Fri Sep 12, 2014 6:13 am

I think the demo is really interesting i like the idea however until the FOV of the pokemon and trainers are nerfed a significant amount the game is pretty hard and requires you to be able to grab every item possible also reaching lvl 2 takes a LONG time. I think one the exp needed to lvl p is reduced and the enemies FOV are nerfed enough the game will be much more enjoyable. I also noticed some sort of glitch where i loaded a save and started to fight a trainer when somehow a lickitougne interrupted my fight with the trainer and reset my hp to what it was then put me in a battle with the lickitougne who was supremely stronger than me no matter how many times i reloaded the save. I did have a good time with the game up till that point however. Once the hentia options are added and the balance issues are delt with this will be a great addition to pokemon flash games.
To those who are having a hard time with this game, you can edit your cookie save file with something like minerva.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby FMC » Thu Sep 25, 2014 5:41 pm

I don't mind losing with the last piece gone, but like I said: Pokemon and trainers auto-try to get to you from the moment you enter the map they're on, and they have a long 'spot radius' where you can't move to try and get away. That's what makes it really annoying, especially when it takes so long to level up and get better moves and the like, and battles take so long anyway.

I'm always a sucker for bondage-type stuff, so if you lose, maybe have a hentai scene and then get bound to a tree or just somewhere in general, and you have to get back home or to a mart or something to get rid of the binds, otherwise you'll be fair game to be fucked by pokemon and trainers that see you alike. Those can be sprite animations or full fucks with drawing animations / pictures / word description. And if you couple it with addressing issues above, it won't be AS annoying because every pokemon wouldn't see you and initiate the fucking scene, making it take longer to get back. And you lose some money, like in the Pokemon games, and maybe a random item from your inventory -- maybe a piece of clothing that you hadn't been wearing, as punishment for not wearing it.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby rebelseal » Sun Sep 28, 2014 6:39 am

its a nice start ive enjoyed what ive played so far
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Dark_Onix » Tue Nov 18, 2014 1:24 am

Still working on the game. However it is taking longer than I thought to write some lines of code. I am currently adding new stats to the player and all of the pokemon, so they can do stuff other than battle. This also means that it is becoming harder to keep track of all the stats inside the game. Below is a picture of what I am working on. The stats, in the bottom of the picture, are some of the ones I am working with. Now the game ends if your players Stamina score falls to Zero, and you fall asleep in the forest. Those new stats also improve by means of spending EXP points, or by doing stuff. With any luck, I will post an update sometime next year, after most of the bugs are fixed.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Dead2112man » Tue Nov 18, 2014 8:53 pm

So, were can I get the game to test when you get the update out, I don't see anything on this page that says click me to download or something of that nature
I might not create games, but I will test them, Then I will give advice on what I think needs to be added, removed, or improved.
Official bug tester of Dark Impulses, creators of pokemorph:Pink
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby FMC » Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:47 pm

On the first pic is the first build of the game he gave us, on a file called 'Demo.zip'. That's not the version he's working on, though, so don't expect to see what's in the second pic yet.

Maybe you could give a list of things you plan to implement, Dark Onix. I'm not saying things that are far-off in the future, but in the next update.
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Super Poke-grinder 2 Alpha Deluxe

Postby humbird0 » Thu Nov 27, 2014 2:43 am

I like how you included the info.txt with the name of the character for players who want to find more pictures of that character online.

The extreme difficulty, long length, and boring repetition of each battle tends to severely discourage the player from ever wanting to backtrack, because they never want to re-do any of those battles. I myself never once turned around during the entire duration of my playthrough. I wanted to get past all the enemies and reach "the goal" whatever it turned out to be.

It's not actually clear that the player can find girls in the caves. I only figured this out after looking at the levels in the editor. It would probably be a good idea to immediately show the girl in each cave, and have the player figure out how to get to them.

I'm not personally a fan of grinding. But I think it would be more fun and meaningful if there were only about 1 or 2 enemies roaming the forest, but they're like bosses that you need to avoid at first and explore the area to prepare for. Of course you'd need a compelling reason to fight them, so maybe each boss also uses a girl in battle that you can capture and acquire. (Make sure you actually tell the player about this ahead of time) So you explore to find items, abilities, and upgrades to prepare to fight this enemy. Growth doesn't have to occur through experience points or battles. A pokemon's power and defense stats can be raised directly by modifying their variables.

For example, if you wanted to directly change the attack power of the 1st pokemon in your party, you'd modify the number stored in this variable:
Code: Select All Code

The 0 is a zero. The pokemon are stored in an array (an ordered list)
... therefore this variable would change the attack power of the 2nd pokemon in your party:
Code: Select All Code

Here's how the game stores the pokemon data for your party:
Code: Select All Code
         trainerId:""      (unique trainer ID)
            0   = "flail"
            1   = "strength"
         trainerId:""      (unique trainer ID)
            0   = "quick_attack"
            1   = "spark"

If you have 6 pokemon and you capture another one, it gets added to RAM.storage instead of RAM.pokemon. But the variables are exactly the same as above.
The "trainerId" variable is a way to uniquely identify a pokemon the player has in their party or storage regardless of what nickname the player gives them. This is normally an empty string, but you can use anything you want. This allows you to search through the player's party or through their storage for a specific character.

The way attack power works is that when a pokemon attacks, their move uses their attack power and multiplies it by the inherent power of that move. The result is then subtracted from the opponent's HP.
Here's a list of all the game's attacks, their effects, and their inherent attack multipliers:
attack list.txt

If you want to add or replace a pokemon's move, you'd modify the string stored in one of their "move" variables, like so:
Code: Select All Code

This would affect the 1st pokemon in your party and change their 1st move to "scratch"
The name you use must exactly match one of the names in that text file. It must be lowercase too. Changing that pokemon's 2nd move would be done by changing this variable:
Code: Select All Code

Moves must be added in sequence because they're stored as an array. If the pokemon currently only has 2 moves, and you try to set its 5th move, you wouldn't be able to. But you would be able to set its 3rd move because that would be the next available slot. You can figure out the next available number by looping up from 0 until you find the value:
Code: Select All Code

A pokemon's "level" variable actually has no effect on their stats. But the act of leveling-up permanently multiplies their "power" and "maxHp" by 1.5
There's nothing preventing you from increasing or modifying these manually, regardless of the pokemon's displayed level number.
The last version of Pokemon Hentai Version is: January 31, 2015
Every Pokemorph created for the game
Every cutscene picture in the game
Reference material gallery (characters, poses, outfits, expressions, personalities)
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Dark_Onix » Tue Dec 02, 2014 3:36 am

Thanks for the Info Humbird0! I have not started working with the moves of pokemon yet, mainly because I did not know the math behind how the moves worked. I would also add, to the notes about how pokemon data is stored, that you can add new variables to a pokemon once it is added to your party. The copy of the game idea that is currently on this website have the variables, for how a girl looks, stored in a different location than the rest of the pokemon data. I learned that once a pokemon is created you can add those variables directly to that pokemon's array.

I also agree that the current game is too hard. I have been removing pokemon from each level to make it easier to play. I have also been toying with making the pokemon appear in different locations each time you enter the level. To make the game less predictable. Also about finding the Third Girl in the cave, she is so hard to find because she only appears after the other two are found, and that cave is not a fun place to explore. I did not spent too much time thinking about where to place those girls, it was a simple plot idea for the simple Demo. The next time I upload an update to this game, I hope to remove all three girls and have a real plot to the game. I am more of a math geek, than a story teller. So I am finding that part of the process harder to do that playing with numbers. That Demo was mainly to see if the lines of code for changing the Player's outfits worked on other people's computers. If you read the lines of code in the "_common.lvl" file it gets confusing.

Anyway Thanks again for the info, and good luck writing your game. By reading the lines of code you wrote above, it looks like you have added a "quick_attack" to Pikachu's moves. This move is not in the current game.
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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Deathmark323 » Wed Dec 03, 2014 5:42 am

Hey! Just a quick question for whoever can answer it.

Is Onix taking over Humbird0's Pokemon project? Or is this just someone generating a fresh idea/game?

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Re: New Pokémon Game Idea

Postby Shadoon » Wed Dec 03, 2014 6:15 am

Deathmark323 Wrote:Hey! Just a quick question for whoever can answer it.

Is Onix taking over Humbird0's Pokemon project? Or is this just someone generating a fresh idea/game?


New idea for what i'm aware of
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