So yeah, since there seems to be some interest in making an rp based on the magaman battle netwoek series, I figured that I would go and make an ooc for it. For now, I think it would be best to decide which game/games to base it on,as well as how best to adopt (or maybe even abandon) its combat system. For now, here's my 2 cents on the combat:
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Using a grid like that to represent the current field in the turn, and multiplying the effect of each action by a large sum. Also adding a willpower/resistance bar for the .exes would probably be for the best. Everything else would be done in either d10, d20, or d100, depending on what has been agreed.
As for the characters:
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...if we wanted to, we could have it as you can either be a user or a program, or just have it that the users are just an extension of the player
So, any thoughts/takers?
Updated story;
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In the year 20XX, the Net is once again being threatened by another virus. This time however, doctor Willy seems to be free of involvment, owing to his current inçarceration, and the virus seems to have grown up naturally from the darkest corners of the net. Rather than destroy any Netnavis it encounters, as the rumours go, it will change them to a more "suitable" form, and has even been known to force components outside of the net to "attack" opperators. Other such rumors include the formation of ownerless Netnavis to combat them, and every now and then a picture of them appears. Either way, it is a dangerous time to be on the Net...but it to shall pass...right?
Character sheet:
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Net-Navi Program File-
Battlechips- (pick five, this is only if your Netnavis doesn't have an Operator)
Operator Name: (Operators are optional)
Battlechips- (pick ten, don't go crazy or anything though, and they have to be standard chips)
Stats: 30 points to spend(40 if no opperator), max is 10
Hp:(starts out as 100/100)
Lp:(starts out as 100/100)
Weapon-(name, you have 6 points to spend(8 if no opperator), all start of at lv1, no stat can go over lv5)
Attack: damage done per attack
Rapid: attacks per round
Charge: how much extra damage is done by standing still and charging it first
Element: (costs 2 points)