eaenidu Wrote:
Blushing She looked around and then back up at the leader "Do~Do I have to do it here? C~Can we go somewhere else, like your camp perhaps or this town first maybe get a room, I~It's just These are my only clothes and I don't want them covered in mud and filth from the forest floor." She looked truly apologetic but well she still had some pride as a noble and doing anything in the forest revolted her, "A~And well this was my mothers Dress....." She trailed off looking through her lashes at the man.
(GM Roll-10+5=15)
The leader purses his lips, but then after a moment says "Alright, our camp's not that far off. Fraid we'll have to blindfold ya though...no offense or anything, but can't risk any lawful folks being able to find us."
He produces a small cloth, wrapping it around your eyes and then taking you by the hand. As you walk, the others talk amongst themselves, and occasionally step closer to you so that they can grope your ass or breasts, though they do so gently, in fact, its almost tenderly done, like they suspect if they're too rough they'll hurt you.
It takes about ten minutes, but the cloth is removed, and you find yourself in a simple log barracks. The floor is covered in soft furs from various animals, and though its obviously a home of poor woodsmen, its rather cozy and comforting.
He leads you to the center of the room, where he again asks you to get on your knee's, himself and his man standing in front of and to your sides, pulling their cocks out and lightly jerking them in anticipation. The air is charged with their contained desires, and the demonic part of you is almost humming in delight at the sensation, and the knowledge that it is you who will be sating them.