Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Fri Aug 29, 2014 5:08 pm

(Lol, didn't help the door was silently booby trapped, but Ran's new to all this after all)

Ran spotted her wand... but with both hands held down by webbing, she found herself at the mercy of the creature fucking her oh so nicely now, the pain all gone as pure pleasure struck her cunt and womb with each thrust,"Mmmm... I restrain you because I enjoy your struggles, but the fact you cannot escape, that your at my mercy, that panicked look on your pretty little face.. I cherish it all, my sweet morsel", The spider Lustar cackled, only to lean in and force a wet and lewd kiss onto Ran's lips, thrusting even faster as it seemed the Spider was about to finish fertilizing Ran... then would come the eggs.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:40 pm

"TAKE IT OUT! IT HURTS IT HURTS! I'M NOT WET ENOUGH" Ran yelled breaking away from his kiss in a last ditch effort to get him at least out of her.
It was a lie of course and she could feel herself about to cum as her insider tumbled with his abuse with pleasure.
"Please i'll submit! Just get me wet before you cum " she continued to cry.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:08 pm

"You're already quite wet... but if you truly mean that", The Lustar mused with a mocking tone, slowly it's thrusts down just a bit," I'll be willing to pull out and slobber all over this pretty cunt of yours... if you drop your transformation here and now, return to your normal state so I may properly ravish you", the Lustar threatened her with," Otherwise I'll just keep filling your with my dick and then my eggs!"

"Ran, if you drop the transformation, you'll have NO protection from the pleasure at all", Magi suddenly warned her," Just... fuck, you won't like this but just let the monster do what it wants for now, the moment it has you completely webbed up you can escape with my help, it won't drain your stored up energy because the eggs are going to do instead... if we time this right you can get out of this, but you need to trust me..."
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:20 pm

Ran let out a sigh in defeat. She didn't look at her attacker but she just rest rested her head back and let the fucking continued while looking at the dark ceiling . She'd have to wait it seemed There was nothing she could do; all possible action had been done. She imagined what her attacker looks which were unseen as of yet because of the dark. Then she felt herself clench down on his member and gave a screen as she came. Her body was trying to pump the creature of it's sperm. Her face light with red with embarrassment.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:18 am

"YESSSSSSSSS!", It hissed out as Ran hit her orgasm... filling her with a warmth that was obviously cum... and yet the moment it hit her womb, the inner walls of her womb began to tingle in an oh so pleasing manner,"Mmmmm... Now let it sit for a moment... it seems you don't wish to save yourself from your fate then? Oh well, I'm sure you'll make a fine little incubator for our children", It cackled, a thud being heard as the lights came on... the body of a horse sized black spider was above her, the stinger shaped like a cock currently still in her cunt. Where the head should have been was a humanoid upper body, though it was arachnid in form with all the eyes on it's head leering at her, the mouth covered with sharp teeth and dripping with greenish saliva that dripped down and onto her face," Ah yes... now then, let's impregnate you", it chuckled, a large bulge showing in it's stinger cock, pushing into her as she felt something the size of a baseball land inside of her womb... then another... and another, continuing on and on.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:40 am

(You should be ashamed. Your scaring Ran again! You know she isn't fearless. She has a health dose of fear)
. Ran's back arched to give his a penis a easier time time to her womb. Hopefully the eggs will have a easier time getting inserted.
"To much to much! Their to big!" she yelled as a new orgasm took hold of her insides.
She couldn't help but cry out "Please keep away!" she screamed looking on the horrid creature.
It was frighting with it's teeth and fangs! Was this really the manifestation of someones fetish? She knew that a spider could be kinky stuffing a girl; she was feeling it but why did it have to look so huge.... so ugly. She was starting to lose her nerve again! "Just remember what Magi said. Just remember what Magi said!" She kept thinking to herself trying to keep anymore out burst from happening.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:18 pm

(... Kinda the point lol)

"Mmmm, still much more to give you... as a magical little whore you can handle much more then a normal human might", The creature cackled in a mocking manner due to her reaction, continuing to push more and more eggs into Ran's womb... by this point her stomach was expanding to handle the amount, the spider lustar wanting her to truly look pregnant it seemed,"Mmmm, perhaps I'll push you beyond your limits? Find out just how much you can take before you pop?", it mused darkly... before chuckling once more," No worries though, I wouldn't want you broken, you're going to be in use for a long, LONG time my little incubator"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Sun Aug 31, 2014 5:27 pm

Ran in a attempt to regain composure started to ask her attack question.
"Your attack... was well... aimed, and came... out in... a.. instant; were.... you... looking at.... the door.... the whole... time? Co...uld you... see... me? iiiifffff so why.... didn't... you at....tack sooner?" she asked, taking breaks when a new egg was added

Her head was moving side to side, in part because the eggs were a discomfort and also so she got a better idea of the lit room.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:05 pm

Ran would be able to see the room was filled with webbing and cocoons... some squirming a bit while others just let loose muffled moans, showing this Lustar had captured quite a number of victims like she was,"Mmmm... I had a bit of webbing connected to the door... that single bit connected to every little part of my web, so the moment you opened it... I knew you were coming", The spider informed her with a smirk, dropping the last egg as she felt her stomach pushed out to the limit, her energy already starting to slowly drop as the eggs drained her of it... her captor picking her up and he began to spin webbing around Ran, binding her up to place into a cocoon as well,"Mmmm, plus many of my victims have birthed children for me as you will... they're all inside of this building and what they see, I too see"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:40 pm

Ran's eyes showed a hint of realization at what this meant even in her dazed state. This meant escaping was going to be harder than she thought. Assuming his..."Pets" were normal sized spiders; than there was no way she was going to be able to hunt them down. What if they were each the size of an egg?
The idea of one of those things crawling out of her was already bad enough but a huge one by spider standards was utterly terrifying.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Mon Sep 01, 2014 4:13 am

Ran was soon completely covered in the web, the continued drain on her sexual energy bringing her closer and closer to being empty," Now relax and rest... when you wake up my babies will be born and YOU will be drained of your powers", the Spider cackled from outside of the cocoon... before the sound of it leaving the room was heard,"... Okay, now carefully, start flowing your energy through your body... imagine yourself on fire with your own energy, focus on that image in your mind and make it real, you need to concentrate", Magi's voice whispered. But could Ran focus on such a thing? The continued horror of what was going on inside of her... what would become of her if she messed up... could she work past her own fear and arousal to escape?
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 01, 2014 5:07 pm

(Hmmm.... is the GM justifying for me my character failing? Should i take advantage of this? hmmmm.... nah, sounds boring. If Ran is going to birth Spiders babies it's because she honestly messes up, not because i made her mess up. I'm on to you GM. BTW i'd kinda like to see you do this premise in Medieval Erupe)
Ran focused her mind or at least attempted to. Her thoughts became less about fire surrounding and more about see a huge hairy spider leg sticking out of her vagina. She was having trouble shaking this thought out of her mind but at least she was putting energy into it yet.

"Alright I know where i am, i know where i want to be, and i know how to get there" Ran thought to herself in a attempt to clear her mind.
Next she thought was of her body being surrounded in fire, but more showered in it. As if from a shower head. This fire would hugged her body like glove followed by entering every orifices in her body and cleansing it. burning the filth inside and out side of her. The heat after wards would kiss her on her neck like a love telling her she was clean. (My god ran! Stop sexualizing fire like a pyromaniac . It's going to burn you!). When she had this image in her head she added her energy into the mix, with hopefully creating this in her reality.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Mon Sep 01, 2014 6:26 pm

(Lol, really now? It'd be an interesting concept... I suppose there's have to be someone willing to do it though. As for justifying, yeah well I figure offering excuses is always helpful, lol)

Her choice in visualization worked... though in a sensual manner as she actually felt a pleasurable sensations as the fire caressed and.. kissed at her neck? apparently her imagination influenced her energy quite a bit... though at the same time she felt the webbing burning away from her... Ran eventually feeling her body tip out of the cocoon as she ended up stumbling out... her energy quite low, but she was free," Use what energy you have left, focus it all into your legs and RUN, get out of here as fast as you can and get somewhere safe", She heard Magi tell her.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:01 pm

Ran quickly pushes down on the ground (Insert chuck Norris joke here) raising her self to her feet. As this happened her mind raced about if she should free the other girls. By the time she was standing up, she decided against it. She'd just nearly escape death as a slave and she wasn't going to push it. She pushed her legs to the limit attempting to get up those stairs as fast as she could. She could tell but she thought she was going up by 3, 4 or maybe 5 steps at a item while she rushed up.

If the lust isn't in sight we'll rush out the front door running through the alleys attempting to get as far away from this place as possible. She'll take random directions in an attempt to get away. When she felt safe, she'll stop hopefully out of sight from anyone. She'll find her hands are wandering over her body by a bit as she'll the need to get off. The question is, did she completely run out of power and if so is she nude?
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:21 pm

... Ran found herself learning this as she felt her magical attire vanishing... in fact leaving her nude, the eggs still inside of her however as her body had protected them from the flames she'd used to escape. So she was naked in an empty alley... looking pregnant as well, and without a single drop of energy to help her fix anything,"... I'm willing to give you enough energy to form clothing, but you'll owe me a favor in turn Ran", Magi spoke up suddenly," You have no idea how we Succubi are about this sort of thing... so do you accept?"
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:29 pm

Ran leaned against a wall and pushes her hands against her stomach trying to get the eggs out of her. This is likely a bad idea considering Bluelight shallow understanding of Biology but Ran wouldn't exactly be caring about that. She'll be more focused on the eggs inside her rather if it's possible to even remove them.
The pressure she's placing on her womb isn't helping her libido in the least.

With the offer of a deal, ran thinks for a minute, continuing her current course of actions.
"Shouldn't we remove the eggs first? if i get more energy wont the eggs just abosrb it?" she says while not really trusting Magi. The deal was vague and left to much open. More over it seemed like it only be the most temporary of solution. It might not last until she got home!
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Tue Sep 02, 2014 7:55 pm

"True I suppose... fine then, same offer AFTER we get the eggs out of you", Magi noted with a giggle,"... One moment", she heard, right before Ran noticed the brooch go dark... as if the battery had been removed from it. Within seconds she found out why, as QUITE the arousing sight suddenly appeared before her, the sexy woman with clearly demonic features leering down at her knelt down, cupping Ran's cheek," We best make this quick, don't want anyone or thing finding me on the mortal plane", she noted lightly, her voice being the same a Magi's had been... her hand sliding up and moving to Ran's lower lips,"... Brace yourself", he warned, before slowly pushing her fingers into Ran's cunt... and further up, apparently going to fit her hand up to remove the eggs one by one.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Tue Sep 02, 2014 9:06 pm

Ran quickly grabbed anything she could to bracing herself to what Magi was doing. If it be a wall, dumpster, or Magi. A moan escaped her but unlike her normal muffled moans this wasn't. She quickly took her dominate hand and placed it over her mouth to force the muffling.
Once she gets a pause she'll let her hand down and say "Please hurr.... sorry" she says as the fisting and stuffed womb along with nude body in public were adding up to the worst moment of her life. This was sure to be the worst day in her life by a long shot. Magi pushed her fist in again and ran yelped covering her mouth again.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby MASigma » Wed Sep 03, 2014 4:01 am

It took ten minutes before all the eggs were removed... by this point Ran found herself burning with the need for release as it actually began to feel really good by the time Magi finished," all done... best destroy these before I take you home, then we'll discuss my reward", Magi noted with a light smirk, before moving to destroy the eggs... yet Ran felt horrified by this idea, most likely due to having some sort of motherly affection for "her" children within the eggs... though she also knew they were little spider monsters in there.
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Re: Mahou Shoujo Ran (BlueLight)

Postby BlueLight » Wed Sep 03, 2014 10:33 pm

Ran grimaced at the loss or her soul does. Her mind was cheering magi on with genocidal move. After Magi gets done, ran asks "What do you have planned" with a glare of suspicion sure she had a idea what the succubus would demand. She kept her left arm over her breast and her right hand over crotch. She was thankful to the succubus but she wasn't sure if it was wise to completely trust Magi.

It was based on her suggestions that landed Ran here.
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