Sim Red Light Town projects starts

The place to post non-Flash projects such as RPG maker games.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby Kurushimi » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:55 am

This still sounds like stuff you can do yourself.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Mon Sep 01, 2014 9:39 am

Kurushimi Wrote:This still sounds like stuff you can do yourself.

Yes the entire engine, editor and many of girls i plan to make alone, but i wanted this project to last long with many mods made by community, so what i really trying is to get a community that will help with developing game (even if a small help is still help). The example of such project is WhoreMaster which gets few heavy mods that changes gameplay. Also trough making this project i plan to introduce to rpg makers developers idea (and base resources) to make their own games using templates from my game.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby Xela » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:08 am

Play nice you guys...

dullman Wrote:So Why i release information about my project?? Because i search for people who wants to join a team of developers. I search mostly for:
- spriter (if someone will do sprites for free i won't need a crowdfunding campaign)
- writer (to write quests, descriptions of jobs and think about main questline)
- desgner (to design a base world add traits to game, make a definnitions for classes, add spells/skills etc.)
- interface designer (to help me project an interfaces for game (mouse oriented) i will need one after i publish a tech demo)
- programmer (to help me with some simple work and populate maps with events)
- mapper (to project a many large maps for game, I have a general idea how the world looks like)
- and everyone who think that can be helpful to project

As I've said on the pp forum, you're starting too early with the recruitment drive. Get some stuff done first and release a demo version or at least a teaser. You're just pissing people who're tired of dead end projects they've wasted time on or seen others waste time on :(

BTW: I was searching for a Frenchy RPG Maker project (with great graphics) where devs switched to RPG Maker VX Ace I've encounter few month back but lost the link (and now found it again through the magic of google :D ): I am still fuzzy about why you insist on starting this in ancient dev toolkit (XP), there seem to be script to increase resolution for ACE on rpg maker forums (once again, I could be mistaken as I've never really went in depth into PRG Maker). Just seems like a pretty big decision that you can get right from the start...
Like what we're doing?
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:42 am

Xela Wrote:Play nice you guys...

dullman Wrote:So Why i release information about my project?? Because i search for people who wants to join a team of developers. I search mostly for:
- spriter (if someone will do sprites for free i won't need a crowdfunding campaign)
- writer (to write quests, descriptions of jobs and think about main questline)
- desgner (to design a base world add traits to game, make a definnitions for classes, add spells/skills etc.)
- interface designer (to help me project an interfaces for game (mouse oriented) i will need one after i publish a tech demo)
- programmer (to help me with some simple work and populate maps with events)
- mapper (to project a many large maps for game, I have a general idea how the world looks like)
- and everyone who think that can be helpful to project

As I've said on the pp forum, you're starting too early with the recruitment drive. Get some stuff done first and release a demo version or at least a teaser. You're just pissing people who're tired of dead end projects they've wasted time on or seen others waste time on :(

BTW: I was searching for a Frenchy RPG Maker project (with great graphics) where devs switched to RPG Maker VX Ace I've encounter few month back but lost the link (and now found it again through the magic of google :D ): I am still fuzzy about why you insist on starting this in ancient dev toolkit (XP), there seem to be script to increase resolution for ACE on rpg maker forums (once again, I could be mistaken as I've never really went in depth into PRG Maker). Just seems like a pretty big decision that you can get right from the start...

The first plan was to create first tech demo, but decided to share idea and watch what response i will get, also thanks to that i found someone who are willing to do walking template in eight frames (i had in four) which make a great animation (for male sprite i watch a gif). This also makes that i won't will be redoing sprites that are in first release to show base game and show how the choosing right pose for sprite works.

Also i really didn't find any res scripts for Ace (besides changing to 640x480 which is done by enterbrain), but for XP there is exists XPAce which converts projects to use new ruby (i think it version 1.9.2 which is up to five times faster) so if i ever has problem with perfomance i will switch to XPAce

Zeus Kabob Wrote:I'd like to point out that you can try to attract helpers for your project, but that I can't support your crowdfunding the project. As a community, we've dealt with many projects fail after being crowdfunded. Wasted time is much better accepted than wasted money, so I'd highly recommend you focus on expanding your project group instead of looking for funding.

At the end of the day, the people you buy on this forum and on Hongfire won't be quality like the people you can find through perseverance and good behavior.

As you pointed this in pm, but i can't find reply button to you pm and can't send new pm i reply to you in post.

- First release will be tech demo to show what i plan
- then i will wait two weeks if i find someone willing to make sprites for me (since it's the most important aspect of game, and i can't done it by myself although i plan to make a simple sex animation to see if it might be easier to make on larger sprites)
- in this time i will reveal more information about planned class, skills, jobs, materials etc. to get more people interested in game
- when the gaining spriters fail i will begin crowdfunding campaign

I say that i might failed to enlist interest of people until i complete game becauswe i'm rather not much eloquent person but my dream is to build community around this game.

ps. It's possible to merge this post with another two which aren't yet published on forum
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby Darthan » Mon Sep 01, 2014 7:05 pm

Xela Wrote:I am still fuzzy about why you insist on starting this in ancient dev toolkit (XP), there seem to be script to increase resolution for ACE on rpg maker forums (once again, I could be mistaken as I've never really went in depth into PRG Maker). Just seems like a pretty big decision that you can get right from the start...

I know of several people that prefer to use RPGMaker XP over VX or VX ACE. Every one of them has the same reasoning, the way mapping is handled in XP allows much more freedom than VX or ACE. I don't know if this is why dullman is choosing to use it or not though.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby ThatOldFart » Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:52 am

Had to chuckle that ya let me piss ya off, kiddo.

I'll give ya a pass since English ain't your first language but the way your original post was originally worded, it wasn't properly explained that you really WERE going to be doing the heavy lifting - you had a lot of rhetoric, a call for a kickstarter and a list of things you wanted other people to do. Buildin' a community around your project ala Slavemaker is a noble and lofty goal but as we've been sayin' all along, put your money where your mouth is and give us a cool core game to build on. If your game's cool the community will follow. Promise!

To be frank, I think you've got a nifty idea for a game but a much better approach would have been a short post, with the first demo included and a brief "here's what my game is all about" blurb - a paragraph or two is usually perfect. See what people say about it. Let that percolate. If there's interest in the core concept, put out a -brief- call askin' for folks to contribute whatever they feel they can and keep the massive, vague feature lists out until you have the features closer to implementation or better yet, in the game.

One last thing, and this is a life tip as much as a project creation tip: learn to handle criticism better. People throughout your life will talk down to you, trash your work and needle you on -every- little weakness they possibly can. Rather than getting pissed off, get -motivated- to prove them wrong by rising above their bullshit and producing a better product. Don't get pissed, get even.

Anyway, I'm done buggin' folks for now. ;) Good luck on the project, I'll be keepin' my eye on it and who knows, maybe you'll prove -my- old redneck ass wrong. 8-)
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Wed Jan 28, 2015 11:32 am

So i wanted to say two things i'm still alive and sim red light town 2d got canceled, instead of that i would present you the new old project (the same name, the same plans, but it will be in 3d). Currently i'm going to make a customize character scene, which i publish (video), after that the response from community shows if i would work on it or not (mainly donation since 3d models aren't cheap + cost of indie game license + cost for custom made animations etc).
I believe the video should be published during two weeks (but i think if i don't find any problems i will publish it in the end of weekend)
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Thu Aug 06, 2015 9:41 am

So where am i you ask?
I decided that at first i will make 2d game with sprites known from different media(as stated it will be easy to add, modify existing etc.).
As for engine i'm still undecided but if i get some help i would use unity (by help i mean someone who understand how engine works, how to create 2d assets etc. for now i watch an asset named rpg map editor which basically is something what i search since it create a tilemap in unity, but if i want to heavy modified it's code should be open to buyers, so today i asked few question author of asset). If i can't make an unity based game i will use heavy scripted rpg maker vx ace, but to be truthful, using custom sprites seems sometime causing lags during animation so it's not so smooth as what i would expect. When i raise a campaign to fund more sprites and things i talk before i would use some of money to fund someone who is able to create 2d engine in unity for me which support all the planned features, but must be clear it will require a large amount of money so it's not something that would be done fast.

So i search someone who can help me with development of game for unity if i can find a person who is able to help me with development in unity i will be very grateful.
As for those who are not believe in me i present you a simple sex sprite i made for D large breasts, it's not a high quality but for those i need to hire a professional spriters since no one wanted to help me with project.
gif.gif (10.31 KiB) Viewed 1205 times
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Fri Apr 22, 2016 9:57 am

Hi it's me again, since i currently work on unity engine i wanted you to show some concept work for any game that i make in unity in future(2d at least), it has Main Menu, some simple template of body and two items (hairstyle) that you might customize for you character, it's compiled for windows platform (x64 probably). Also consider that Customization Scene is work at the beginning so you can only customize female (and as for customize change hairstyle and it's color in future i plan to add more customization option)
I'm showing this to show that an Vector art might be used in unity games.

Also if anyone wants to help with development i'm pretty open for that, especially it's needed someone who can make me some better templates of male/female since the current ones i made myself and it doesn't looks stunning.
Here the link:!j08gkYqR!7L2R-E0LJfgF ... vgAX5D-uNc

ps. The post is the exactly the same as on pinkpetal since i just copy it.
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Sun May 01, 2016 5:57 pm

Hello since i posted new version of my tech demo which showing power of vector graphics in unity, i would post also here since here is the place where most vector lovers reside in hentai world. As the demo from today shows the concept of morphs, from modder side he only need to provide at least three states of object (MAX, MIN, NEUTRAL) and the program will interpolate between them to create a "morph" in 2d art.
Link here and more you might find on pinkpetal :!uts30I7D!MN1_7UmrUaYw ... dqz5QA0pQw
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Re: Sim Red Light Town projects starts

Postby dullman » Wed Jun 01, 2016 3:48 pm

So Here a new build of tech demo showing vector graphic in unity (which will become full fledged game). Here i implement morphs, fitting clothes to morphed shapes (like you need to create shirt only one time not 200) although it's not look so good as drawn especially on extremes. There is few bugs, people complain about lagging but remember svg art are supported here by tessellation of shapes into meshes, so every time we change/create shape it would take some time, something similar to what i done could be easier implement into flash and should run much smoother. Here is a link :!vhVkwZCK!B5Sz9_rH5rKK ... bJWb24dQJQ
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