WTMRPD Wrote:Who is metas? And I guess we should probably wait for venom. It would be rude to go.
WTMRPD Wrote:Oh! But on the subject of healing, I can spend a surge to heal you guys with lay on hands. Which means I spend one of my 13 surges and heal you your surge value with a bonus for being trained in healing and being a combat medic. Also, I can stabilize dying folks as a minor action.
VintageBass Wrote:And I wonder since we have Lust HP to worry about, is there a way to go about healing it back up?
WTMRPD Wrote:VintageBass Wrote:And I wonder since we have Lust HP to worry about, is there a way to go about healing it back up?
No but really we can have lust healing in the form of calm down actions, a player can raise themselves or another player's lust hp by half of their healing skill.
Mind Thrust Psion Attack 1
You unleash a psyrhic assault onYOllr foe's mental pathways.
YOII can increase the assault's intensity to weaken yourfoe'S
At-Will +Augmentable, Implement, Psionic, Psychic
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Intelligence vs. Will
HIt: 1 d 10 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage.
Special: You can use this power unaugmented as a ranged
basic attack.
Augment 1
HIt: As above. and the target takes a penalty to Will
equal to your Charisma modifier until the end of your
next turn_
Augment 2 Hit: 2dl 0 + Intelligence modifier psychic damage, and
the target takes a penalty to all defenses equal to your
Charisma modifier until the end of your next turn.
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