Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 30, 2014 11:06 pm

(GM roll - 11, 15, 19, 8, 9 and... 4 > : D)

You manage to dodge the first one's attack and hit him in the torso, making it collapse with a resounding clatter. In the case of the second one, you manage to block the sword swing with your dagger's, and the resulting vibrations are actually enough to make the skeleton collapse. Damn. an arrow hits you though, but with you wearing armour, and the way the arrow hit, it pings off harmlessly, and you just about manage to separate the skeleton of it's torso before it can fire again. Unfortunately the skeleton's head falls away just in time for you to see a ball of green light coming your way...

Then blackness.

When you wake back up, you are looking up at a grated ceiling, meaning anybody can look down on your, with you guessing this because of the slight breeze blowing through your fur, naked body. It doesn't take you long to realise, without you even having to look around, that you are in a cell.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:24 am

Felicia wakes up with a groan. She blinks her eyes and notices she's naked; her armor and gear taken from her. She rubs her heads as she gets up and looks around. "Hello? Isabella? Anybody here?" She calls out.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:31 am

Looking around reveals that apart from the grated ceiling, it is like any other cell. through the door though, you see a cell facing you, and once that contains Isabella... wearing a gag and armbinder, and she is shoulder-barging the door. Seeing you awake, you can see the look of both relief and fear in her eyes as she lets out a "Mmph!"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 12:40 am

Felicia goes over to the side of the cell facing Isabella's cell. "Isbaella, are you alright?" She notices that she is gagged and her arms bounded. "Don't worry, I'll try to find us a way out." She looks around for anything in her cell or close enough to her cell that she can reach for.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:09 am

Looking around the cell reveals nothing that could help you get out, but the lock on the cell looks VERY simple, to the point you think you might be able to pick it with your claws... You don't get a chance to think about that though, as what looks to be one of the robed figures comes down the steps to the side, the hood pulled down to reveal a female dark elf, and the skull on her front more than likely showing she is a necromancer. The woman looks at Isabella with a smirk, before looking at you. "I was told that we had some new captives in the cells, but I didn't realise they would be as pretty as you two... I think I may have some fun with you both before the main event."
To that, the woman clicks her fingers, at which point a nord wearing a slave collar and another necromancer robe comes down, handing the elf two things: a blindfold, and a pair of slave heels, the only difference being the blindfold looks to be more of a band, and has a strange device (A zipper...) going around the middle, meaning that it is possible for whoever else to choose how limited the wearer's sight is, and that the slave heels look to be more built than the ones you wore before, with it being built to support the whole of the foot, which is good considering the angle, and the base is padded to make longer wear possible from the looks of it.
"These two items are both magic. You see, both items will act like your collar and the buttplug we found in your rectum, in that until the magic is taken off, you won't be able to remove them. They also have their own unique abilities, with the blindfold not allowing the wearer to manipulate it, and the slaves heel will over time reform the wearer's feet, making it impossible for them to wear anything that isn't heeled. You have a choice, my dear. A choice as to who will wear these items. You can make both of you wear one each, or one of you wear both. We also have another copy of these items, so if you want to choose that both of you wear both items... well, there will certainly be a reward. Mind you, not choosing will count as choosing that last option..."
Looks like you have a choice.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:17 am

Felicia growls at the dark elf as she forces her to choose to wear those enchanted slave items. Right now she wanted to reach through the cage and claw the necromancer's face off. She looks at Isabella for a bit and then back at the dark elf. "I'll...I'll wear both. Just leave her out of this." Once she was forced to put on the items Felicia asks them what they planned to do to them.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:32 am

The elf has a smile on her face that would make anyone uneasy, but then puts on a mock pouty face. "Aw... And there was me thinking you would want that reward...
Her mock face evaporates though as a lime green line suddenly darts from her hand to you as you realise... You can't move! Whatever it is, it,a stopping you from moving or doing anything as you see the jail gate open and then, well, that is the last thing you do see as the necromancer slips the blindfold over your head, only for a short while later to feel your feet forced into the heels and them closed on you with a Click!. You hear the door close again before you are once again free to move, and you can hear the woman laughing as she walks back up the steps... Looks like you are on your own, and your once simple lock as gotten as complicated as a masterwork one...
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:35 am

Felicia curses and listens to make sure no one was around there, making sure the only breathing she could hear was her own and Isabella's. Once she was sure no one was around she tries to make her way to the lock again and use her claws to pick it. She relies on her hearing and her experience with locks to pick it.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:41 am

(GM roll - 16. Damn you.)

You fumble with the lock, listening for the sounds to show that you have gotten them all in place... And by some luck, there. You hear the click that says you can open it, and by slowly turning it to make sure you don't lose your spot, you manage it, feeling the door swing open... And luckily, from the fact you can hear noone, you seem to be in the clear at the moment.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:43 am

(Man, the dice just don't want bad things to happen to Felicia)

Felicia smiles when she gets the cell door open and slowly makes her way to Isabella in the slave heels. "Help me find the lock so I can free you." She says to Isabella is a whisper and tries to find the lock and pick it.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:53 am

You don't hear anything from Isabella, although she probably couldn't help much anyway with her being gagged. When you are fumbling around looking for the lock, you feel something different through the bars... A lace. Going farther up reveals a knot, and farther reveals a pair of arms! It must be Isabella's armbinder!
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 1:55 am

"Hang on, I'm going to see if I can cut through theses. Just...make some kind of noise if she see people coming." Felicia tries to use her claws to cut the laces off the armbinder to free Isabella's arms.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:19 pm

You cut through the lace pretty easily, and what helps is you soon hear a Ziiip! as you can suddenly see again, albeit with a patch of black at the sides of your vision. You watch Isabella quickly pull the gag from her mouth, before looking a bit scared at something outside of your vision, and then begins to speak in a hushed tone. "Look, quickly get into the cell and close the door behind you, then make sure they won't see the blindfold is open. When they are gone again, get your stuff and run. Whatever happens to me, just run. Run and get that stuff off you, got it?! Now hurry up and get in the cell before they catch you!"
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:23 pm

Felicia quickly nods and runs back to her cell, closing the door behind her but makes sure she doesn't slam it closed. She sits down with her back to the door of the cell and puts her head down to hide that the blind fold was open.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 6:57 pm

You manage to quickly but quietly close the gate so it isn't noticed, and also get to a spot where they can't see if the blindfold is open. Just in time to, as you hear the woman and two other people coming down the stairs.
"Oh my, it seems I've underestimated you..."
"Fuck you! May the nine divines frown upon you!"
"Well well, someone has a mouth on them, now don't they? Guess I'm going to have to teach you some manners. Slaves! Be dears and fit our guest out in more suitable gear, and give her to the men to use as a punishment. Maybe next time she will learn to keep her pretty little mouth shut as well."
You then hear somebody being dragged off, who you assume to be Isabella. Why is she making no noise though? Is the woman using the same magic she did on you earlier? But you soon hear the woman behind you.
"Treat your friend as a lesson to people who disobey me, and while you do that, why don't you turn around to let me see your pretty little face..."
You are struggling to fight off her words because of the collar, although strangely enough you find it a tiny bit easier to do it then you did when the slavers told you to do stuff.
(GM roll - 16)
... And that fact means you are able to fight off the woman's words, and actually manage to not make it look like you are fighting them either.
"Oh well, perhaps you will come around in time..."
With that, you hear the woman cackling as she walks back up the steps, and away from the cells... and listening a little more reveals noone else. Looks like you have got the chance to escape.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:23 pm

Felicia quickly gets up and tries to get the slave heels off. Whether or not she could get them off she swiftly leaves the cell and heads down the direction she heard Isabella get dragged off to while looking around for her gear. She keeps her eyes and ears alert for anybody that's nearby for she didn't want to get caught till she found Isabella and got the both of them out of there.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 9:33 pm

You try to get the slave heels off, but to no avail. You do remember that the dark elf said they had the same magic as your blindfold, along with that other enchant to change how you stand on your feet... walking out of the cells reveals that there is another two cells, both empty, and that the only way forward is up the steps, which when you walk up them reveals large wooden doors to your left, a ladder to a hatch on your right, and three chests in front of you. there is a sign above them saying 'prisoner confiscation'.
Why would they need three chests though?
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:02 pm

Felicia decides to open all three chests first, seeing if her gear was really in there as well as anything else that might be of use to her. She tries to open and search them quickly so she could get to Isabella in time.
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 31, 2014 10:53 pm

(OOC: You have chosen to open them in this order: middle, right, left)
(GM roll - 9)
You go to open the middle chest to begin with, revealing... bondage gear! And for some reason, you feel an overwhelming desire to wear it... to the point where before you even realise it, you have just locked arm and leg slave bands, a locked harness, and a locked harness ball gag onto yourself! and from what you can see of them, you see a momentary shimmer of an enchantment across the harness and bands. Looks like they are locked onto you like the heels, collar, and what else... you can't see a enchantment on the gag though, but that may just be down to not seeing it.
Opening the right chest reveals... Isabella's gear! Your gear isn't there though, which makes you wonder why they would separate the stuff... Maybe to make it more likely for the bondage stuff to be found?
Opening the left chest reveals your gear, which looks to not be missing anything, but not have anything added to it. You question how useful your lockpicks will be now you are wearing all of the enchanted gear, but also you realise with the harness on, you won't be able to wear your leather armour! The same goes for your boots, due to the heels. also while wearing all of this stuff, you REALLY question how useful you would be to Isabella... Sure you want to save her, but it won't be much good if you are both caught, now will it?
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Re: Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 31, 2014 11:13 pm

Felicia looks down at herself in shock with all the bondage gear suddenly on her, put on by her very own paws! She grabs her lockpicks from the left chest and tries to see if anything comes off. Whatever she could get off she'll try to put her armor on if able. If not then she grabs her daggers and anything else that is useful and heads out to find Isabella. She heads to the large wooden doors to her left and slowly opens them and peeks inside.
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