GangsnWhores - 2014-12-13.swf [ 509.84 KiB | Viewed 27483 times ]
Earthsage Wrote:Some things I was having trouble with in the game is the fact that trying to select options to do combat is.. Tedious.
It's just click, click, click. You have to continually move the mouse, and it makes combat a drag instead of any kind of fun. Maybe try binding certain action slots to keys on a keyboard? Because otherwise it's just going to get to the point where combat is boring and to be avoided, instead of.. Fun.
Also, the escape system doesn't give me any indication if I'm actually attempting to escape, or if I'm not even making it. It just continues combat normally. The other problem is that there's no tutorial for how combat works.. It's just shoved you into the main scheme. I didn't know what Ranged T. did, Melee T. did.. It was all confusing.
And possible bug, the Fungal enemy in the sewers/underground area simply stops attacking you after.. One or two rounds of combat. It's weird. I don't think that's intentional?
I'll try to put up more things once I'm done with the tutorial.
FurrinGok Wrote:Awsome301, as a Newly Registered member, your posts will be delayed. They will show up once approved by a moderator, but moderators do not check for duplicates, so please just assume it went through unless it's been an hour or two.
Some of the enemies are going to be insanely difficult to defeat at the moment, simply because either experience is not yet working, or spoils aren't working. I dunno exactly. What's the story here, Blue?
Duplicity Wrote:Unfortunately, until the coders return or new coders are found the bugs are going to remain. I am fairly sure the source code was going to be released at some stage, but that depends on Pixel and others.
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