WTMRPD Wrote:I was wandering round his sight when I noticed that people seemed to be playing dungeons and dragons over here in the rp section, and involving sex to do so. I would like to do the same by running a game of dungeons and dildos. I'd mostly use 4e in the playing of the game, but if someone wanted to home brew or link me to some home brewed sex stuff, it could be added in as well.
WTMRPD Wrote:Okay so this is indeed 4e. The wiki some of you got hombres from includes home brew for 3.5 and 4e. The kitsune can use some of the shifter stuff.
BlueLight Wrote:Not sure about my daily power..... But no matter what i'm going to have some kinky time with them when applied to the party![]()
So who wants to have horrifying thought of possibly dying without ever fucking or for the matter dying a virgin? MUHAHAHHA!!!!
BlueLight Wrote:GROSSS!!!!!
Stay away from me or i'll blow your mind.... by... uhhh sapping your will to fight.
spriter1 Wrote:Should I mention that I'm a rock that is also a Psion?
RITUAL CASTING You gain the Ritual Caster feat as a bonus feat , allow ing you to use magical rituals (see Chapter 10 of the Player's Handbook). You own a ritual book. Choose either Sending or Tenser's Floating Disk. Your book contains that ritual, which you can use without expending components once per day. It also contains another 1st - level ritual of your choice.
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