Tails of Krystal

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Tails of Krystal

Postby impsworkshop » Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:46 am

I started a poll a little while ago about what type of game Krystal should be in next. The answer so far, by over 50% since the beginning, is an RPG Combat Style [EXP+Stat System] type game. Thus, I'm starting project Tails of Krystal. The combat system will be similar to final fantasy 12 and tales of series. Each character has a charge bar that fills up over time and can only perform actions when it's full. Each character and enemies will also have two additional bars, a health and stamina bar. Health and Stamina will play a key roll in how you play the game. This is an H-Game so I'll let your imagination do the rest =).

Edit [9-1-14]:
The poll has been completed and an RPG style game received the highest votes.

Here's a sample of what the battles will look like.

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

rpg_battle_6.swf [ 454.11 KiB | Viewed 21830 times ]

Sample Description:
Blue characters are the your party members, red are the enemies. Clicking on a blue character will make it the focus character. Once it's focused, you can click on the H. Attack (or S. Attack) and then on an enemy to start attacking. The reset button resets the fight.

update [9-1-14]:{
I've been focusing on structuring the battle files and getting them ready for skills since my last update. I'll be able to enter my optimization phase after I create a skill animation.

*New Features
..Unit AI's are now in place and setup to have different AI's for each unit type. The current AI for every unit is a randomized auto attack setting. Each unit will randomly select an opposing unit to attack whenever it doesn't have a valid target.
..Added a way to select a target by clicking on their respective health bars. This helps to respond to heavy attacks quicker and makes it easier to select a unit during animations.
..The defense button works now.

*Current features that don't work
..Run Button
..Skill Button
..Unit Movement to a specific spot on the battlefield w/o targets

..The game battles may run a little sluggish since I'm still getting to know as3 limitations and how the language works.
..The sample can be used to test some decision making skills. It can be a bit fun to see if you can keep all your characters alive during the fight.
} [9-1-14]

I can't promise a quick response to your messages but I can promise the game will be completed.

Last edited by impsworkshop on Tue Sep 02, 2014 2:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby Kurushimi » Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:25 am

This sounds extremely interesting, and I am very much eager to see the first version when it comes along. As of yet, I've not seen enough to really suggest anything, though.

Edit: Errr... First? Did I do that right?
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby tonyret0651 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:51 am

Very much looking forward to this, wish I could help but I'm neither an artist or programmer
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby VintageBass » Sun Aug 24, 2014 3:59 am

tonyret0651 Wrote:Very much looking forward to this, wish I could help but I'm neither an artist or programmer

Well, can you write? I can write, but I got other things to worry about and I don't want to add another project to my list. However if you feel like you can write for this, then why not try that? Or even provide feedback and do bug testing. That's always a handy thing to have and do!
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby impsworkshop » Mon Aug 25, 2014 5:59 am

Beta testers will be very welcome when a demo of the game is in the final stages of being released. I've been tweaking the battle system and I think it's ready for an animator and artist. I'll release some more of game's mechanics so the animator/artist knows what to expect.

Krystal will be joined by allies during the course of the game. Some of them are automatic, others are unlocked. Each ally that joins you will have unique animations for abilities and actions. The unique character animations are needed because each ally represents a different class that Krystal can choose to be. Aside from class skills, shared skills and basic attacks will need unique animations as well. The reason why is because the classes are based around fetishes and sexual desires/fantasies. A safe number to release is a minimum of five classes.

Battles will often be won when all enemies are incapacitated. H. Attacks are aimed at taking the enemy's health. Some form of physical harm. S. Attacks are meant to take away an enemy's stamina. Some form of seduction. Since these attacks will be repeated often, their animations will be short and simple.

The reason why two of the enemies in the battle sample attack a single target wasn't just for testing. Group attacks will be in the game; both from enemies and your party. These animations, though, will be shared.

The main focus of the project will be the battles so animations for the rest of the game will be kept simple. The game will, overall, be simple to play. I want whoever plays the game to enjoy the artist's, animator's, and the writer's work.

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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby impsworkshop » Tue Sep 02, 2014 3:12 am

Now that the poll is finished. I'll put together some more information to release about the RPG game. Hopefully some artwork will be included.

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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby impsworkshop » Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:58 am

Sadly artwork will have to wait until the game has an official artist on the team. That said, recruitment has officially started. I'm looking for a writer, artist, and animator. Also, if needed, a person to digitize raw artwork.

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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby Enkide » Mon Sep 08, 2014 9:16 pm

So what kind of art are you going for? XD just curious really.
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby Nanospliccer » Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:26 am

I'm a writer, and I would be happy to help if you need it. Just don't abandon me like other project owners did.
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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby impsworkshop » Wed Sep 10, 2014 2:31 am

Enkide: The kind of art I'm looking is probably best said with a little bit more about the project. The artwork should reflect the time frame that's being used for the game. The game will be taking place during Star Fox Assault. The quality I'm looking for should be like Xenotake by vosmug at it's minimum.

Nanospliccer: If you're on the team then abandonment won't happen :). I'd like to see some of what you've done so feel free to send me a msg with some of your material. I'd want the rest of the team to bring out what you're trying to say through writing so they'll be going under evaluation as well :).

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Re: Tails of Krystal

Postby Enkide » Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:06 pm

Now I am curious of the style now. XD
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