Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

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Skyrim: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:12 am

This is Skyrim, but not like you know it. You see, from the beginning of the first Era, this Skyrim has been... Alot more open to Diabella's teachings, and Saguine's desires, leading to Skyrim now being home to things ranging from lingerie shops, to bondage shops, to slave camps. If it is sexual, Skyrim has it somewhere. Even dungeons have them, and people are always wanting to get their hands on some of the Dwemer inventions... well, some people. While people are more sexually active, you will still find those who are just like they are in normal Skyrim, and those who preach that chastity is a virtue. Although one person is about to realise that some preach chastity in a different sense...

Soru's CS:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Felicia
Age: 26
Appearance: She is a female khajiit with light grey fur with dark grey markings and stripes and her body and face are very feminine. She is average height for her age and has a curvy build that is also very slightly thin. She has c-cup breasts and a round rear to go with her body.
Bio: Felicia was a skilled thief of the Thieves Guild, using her khajiit reflexes and flexibility to her advantage in order to get into homes and get out before she was caught. It also helped her escape many close situations. She also uses her feminine charm to her advantage as well, though that sometimes almost got her into some sticky situations. However her skills brought on jealousy by one rival thief. One day he got fed up wit her always being better and decided to get rid of her. He sends her to a den to steal something valuable, but what she didn't know was that it was a den of slavers that were told of her coming. She was caught quickly and was soon enslaved, but she won't give in easily.

You are in the back of a caged cart, the last shreds of your clothes hanging off you, your arms tied firmly behind your back with rope, ankles tied together, and a piece of cloth in your mouth like a makeshift gag. You see through the bars that the cart is being pulled through large wooden gates, from which you can tell from their rugged design meant you weren't going to be in a cozy inn anytime soon. As the gates close behind the cart, it pulls to a stop, and you hear the movement of people around in the front until someone comes over, holding a set of keys and a collar with magical seals crudely engraved into it. He unlocks the door, and with practised speed has the collar on you before you can so much as attempt to try and escape. He gives a chuckle, before saying in a deep, gravely voice;
"Oh how the mighty have fallen. I'm going to untie your legs and ungag you, and you are going to follow me. If you don't, I'm pretty sure the guards and archers will have no problem with you while you are tied up, understand?"
you probably would have told the man to fuck off as soon as he ungags you and gets to work on removing the rope around your ankles, then made a break for it, but you feel an overwhelming sense to do as he says... not to mention what else you want to do to him, as dirty images flash through your mind, having you in all kinds of submissive positions, with him dominating you...
Last edited by spriter1 on Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:16 am

Felicia shakes her head as dirty images of her being submissive form in her head. "Let me go you bastard! And what is this collar you put on me?" She tries to see if she wiggle out of the bounds around her wrists, even trying to cut the ropes with her claws.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 5:25 am

Your wiggling doesn't seem to lossen the ropes at all, and your hands are twisted in a way to make it impossible to reach the ropes
He steps out of the wagon and takes a step back, giving you enough room to stand before him outside, all the while the dirty images continue. "Curse all you want. All it will lead to is a bigger punishment. Now I've given you an order. Stand before me, then follow behind me."
The more he says this, the more you feel like complying... You are on your feet before you even realise, and are walking towards the wagon door. You can still try to resist whatever is causing you to do this, but as the man said, it would only lead to a bigger punishment.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 10:10 am

Felicia sees that she can't break free at the moment so she'll need to cooperate for now. She slowly walks towards the wagon door and gets out of the wagon. She looks around, trying to see if she had any chance for escape or something to help her escape later.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 12:56 pm

As you step out of the wagon, the man begins to lead you from there towards a door built into the mountainside. When you look around, you notice a wall made of logs surrounding you, with no seeming way to walk around the edge, and only one way to leave - the way you came through. The only way you can see to open it as well is a wheel in the single watchtower beside the gate, but with the way the ladder on the watchtower is built, it would not only require your hands, but would leave you a sitting duck to archers on the ground, and the inevitable archer in the tower. It seemed like it was the only way you could be above the wall as well, as the logs look cut specifically to make escape as difficult as possible. About halfway between the cart and door, another person comes up behind, to more then likely make sure you don't get any ideas.
When you get into the building, you see a front room which basically amounts to a slave showcase,with eight cells and about half of them filled with women wearing varying slave gear and bondage. The two slavers bring you to the end of the room, which has a set of chains and cuffs both connected to the roof and to the floor. They lead you over and hook the ankle cuffs to you, then cut one arm free while still holding it, before Joplin it into the dangling cuff, then repeating with the other hand. They get rid of the last shreds of clothing covering you, leaving you with your arms above your head, naked except for the collar they put on earlier. The man who put it on you in the first place takes a step back, chuckling to himself before saying "There we go, much better. Now, if you apologise for calling me a bastard earlier, I might make your punishment less severe."
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:25 pm

As they lead her she tries to go as slow as she could, which caused the person behind her to shove her forward often. She tries to resist when they cuff her, but she wasn't able to keep them from binding her wrists and ankles. Gasping when the rip off her cloths she tries to cover herself with her tail. She stares at the man for a moment before spitting at his face. "I hope your ripped apart by wolves one day."
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 7:57 pm

The man's expression changes from smug to one of annoyance "You need to learn your place, bitch! And I surely hope you are around for a while so I can teach you it..."
Him and the other man then head off down one of the side hallways, coming back a while later carrying bondage and slave gear. They start off by hooking collars similar to the one around your neck to the mid sections on your arms and legs. After this, they begin to hook you into a slave harness, the straps holding it closed out of reach. You then see the man pull up to items. A buttplug, and a chastity belt with a hole where your ass would be, and a soul gem dildo sticking up out of it where your slit would be. They slip you into the chastity belt, the dildo sliding up into you with your attempts only making you spree yourself around the dildo, before the belt is locked in place. At which point you feel a pressure at your backside, and it isn't relenting. You are either going to have to relax and let the intruder in, or try and hold it out as long as possible. The latter is going to hurt a lot more if it goes in though.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:06 pm

Felicia's eyes widen when she sees the equipment they bring and she begins to struggle. "Get that stuff away from me!" She yells at them. Soon they have the have more cuff around her arms and legs and the harness on her. She struggles more when they put the chastity belt on her. When the soul gem dildo slips in her tight pussy she gasps and wiggles her hips. "WH-what is this?" She asks about the soul gem dildo before gasping again when she felt the buttplug being pressing against her ass. She tries to hold out for as long as she could but the pain soon became to much and her ass relaxed, allowing the plug to be pushed into her soft rear.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:53 pm

They utilise the time when you are seaking to quickly shove a simple panel gag into your mouth and secure the strap to the back of your head, making you unable to close your mouth and make sound more than mmph! As you give up and let the buttplug slide in, you feel it is softly vibrate for a second, which sets off the vaginal one to do the same thing. once he removes his hand from the buttplug, it seems that no matter how hard you try, it is stuck fast. they continue with the dress-up by them both giving you the stern answer to stand still, making the order in unison almost impossible to ignore, wiggling your toes and fingers would be the extent of what you might be able to do in defiance. They undo the ankle cuffs, only to shove and lock your feet into slave cuffs that are only supporting the heel, and are almost as high as a set of ballet heeled shoes, causing you to walk on your tip-toes at an extreme angle, and making even walking difficult.
Before they undo your arm cuffs, they put on what amounts to gloves, with the fingers being hardened leather and the wrist being able to be tied, rendering your claws useless at this time. they call in one of the guards from outside, and together they have two people take your arms out of the cuffs and keep them together behind your back, while the other begins securing the last part to you. An armbinder. the two on your arms keep you locked to that position as the third one secures the armbinder to your harness, then begins to ties the rope through it in a way where it ties your arms together and to the binder, making it alot more difficult to escape. once they aredone, the third man goes and hold open the door to a cell next to the entrance, while the other two stand with one in front and one behind, with one saying "Now walk on into your cell there slave, else we may just need to blindfold you as well."
You feel the need to comply again, and with the plugs inside you, the images flowing through your head about what you would do to these men seems more frequent.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 9:01 pm

Felicia groans as the buttplug and dildo start to vibrate inside her, a blush forming on her face. With the way she was bound, there was nothing she could do except walk, and even that itself was difficult. She tries to ignore the naughty thoughts inside her head and walk towards her cell, which was very hard for her with the amount of bondage on her. She was used to non restrictive clothing, so her current gear made moving very hard on her.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:27 pm

As you enter the cell, which only consists of a cum-stained bedroll, the door is closed and locked behind you, and as if sensing your compliance, the plugs start to vibrate a bit stronger this time, but once again only for a second. The only thing you can really do for now is try to get used to your restraints, and try to get out of them. As the seconds passing by turn into minutes, then minutes to hours, and after what feels like an eternity, the man that put the collar on you in the first place walks threw the front door, smirk on his face and key in his hand. "Guess what? It's time for your first lesson in manners."
He goes to reach for the lock, before you here someone outside shouting "Boss!"
The man looks annoyed for a second, before shouting back "What is it?! I'm busy!"
"There is someone here who wants to see the merchandise!"
"Grr... Fine! I'll be out now!"
He takes one look at you as he moves away from the cage door saying. "I have some business to take care of. Don't worry though, I won't forget about you, and will deal with you after."
With that, the man goes back the way he came, leaving you there once again as you here the boss' voice and a voice that sounds like it belongs to a female though. If you look around the room though, you would notice that three of the four slaves are looking at you (one is blindfolded), all with a look of defeat and sorrow in their eyes. Whether it is because of their predicament or yours is another matter.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:34 pm

As Felicia lays on the bed roll her hips and thighs would shift and squirm as dildo and plugs continue to vibrate. She was wet by the time the man came back. She glares defiantly at him until he leaves. She tries to test her bounds again as she looks around at the other slaves. Seeing how defeated they looked Felicia knew she's in deep trouble.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:47 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Name: Isabella Skullheart
Age: 23
Clothed- Image
Naked- Image

Bio: In the want to become a adept mage, Isabella left the temple of Diabella in Markarth in which she was raised to head to the college of Winterhold. One of her stops along the way was Whiterun, when she heard a couple of people speaking in hushed tones about a library of unlimited knowledge, that has the elder scrolls pale in comparison to the knowledge it holds, and that the first step to finding it is contained within the college's library...

The slaves quickly change to be looking at the floor as they hear people approaching, just in time for the door to swing open, revealing the boss, and from her clothing, a apprentice mage.
"...assure you, we might have what you were looking for. What is it you were looking for again?"
"A thief, or an assassin if you don't have the first one. If none of those, someone with sufficient lockpicking skill."
As she says this, he nonchalantly steps so that the mage would need to walk around him to be able to even see you, since he has the door open.
"I'm sorry, but we unfortunately don't really have any slaves like that. We have a couple of them known for their magic, if they are of any use."
"That was why I need a thief, as these locks will be made so magic can't open them."

Looks like this guy is trying to get rid of your one-way ticket out of here! You are going to have to do something, anything to get their attention!
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sat Aug 23, 2014 11:49 pm

Felicia tries to scream through her gag and thrash in her cell to get the mage's attention. She even tries to bang her shoulders or legs against the cage walls in order to draw attention to herself.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:07 am

While the man seems to be trying to ignore you and direct her attention away, she certainly notices, looking around to see what the racket is, before her eyes go wide.
"You don't have anybody that might be good with lockpicking, eh? Well I'm sorry to say, but khajiits are known for their ability at it."
"Yes, well this one isn't for sale. She just arrived here, and has had no training at all. As you can tell, she is a feisty one, but maybe if you come back in a week she will be nice and docile."
"Or I can take her now. How much"
"Like I said, she I-"
"I said how much."
"...15000 gold."
"How about a more reasonable price of three bottles of skooma from the caravan?"
"... Make it four. Five if you want to keep the bondage."

This guy must be a serious addict if he dropped his price like that in a heartbeat. That or he isn't that smart. Maybe both. But anyway, the mage shakes his hand, and hands over the skooma from her rucksack, before waiting as the man unlocked the cage and brought you over to what was now your new owner. He hands the apprentice a small tome, stating "This is part of the bondage too. Just cast it if she ever gets too rough, and it should turn the plugs inside her on till full blast until you stop casting again."
"Thank you. Let's go."
She gives your arm a little tug, and with the collar you are wearing, you would find it hard to not comply. Of course not complying might mean returning to the slaver, who looks quite pissed that you got away from him.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:09 am

Felicia would have thanked the mage, but with her mouth still gagged and most of her body bound she decided to just follow the mage till she was far enough away from the slaver den. She wondered just what the tome the mage had could do though. She only knew it affected the things inside her pussy and ass.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:20 am

Once they where a little bit away, to the point of having a layer of trees between them and the main cobble road, The girl turns around to you.
"Okay, I may own you, but here is how things are going to happen. I don't know if you have done mercenary work, but this is what this will be treated like. Once it is all over, you are free to do what you please, but until then, I have hired you to do a job, except I'm paying you the keys to freedom instead of gold. Understand?"
She removes the panel gag from around your mouth as she says this and places it in her bag, more to see if you are going to agree to it. She also has a quick read through the book, from what you guess is trying to learn how to cast it.
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:23 am

Felicia gasps for air and takes a few breathes for answering. "Alright, I agree. But can you take all this stuff off me please? I won't run, but I need to be able to move about freely if I'm to be of complete use." She says to her. "And thanks for getting me out of there."
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby spriter1 » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:30 am

"No problem, and I'll try to take it off. But I'm serious now, no running."
She gets to work, untying the armbinder first, and taking off the gloves you had on, freeing your arms and claws. she puts the items away, and reaches into her pack and pulls outa couple lockpicks, bringing herself down to unlock one of your heels, before stopping herself, and reaching the lockpicks to you. "See this as your first test. Hate to know I bought the first Khajiit that couldn't pick a lock"
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Re: Bliss in bondage [Soru]

Postby Soru » Sun Aug 24, 2014 12:33 am

Felicia sighs in relief as her arms are freed, rubbing the soreness from her arms once the gloves were off. She takes the lockpicks given to her and quickly picks the locks on the heels, freeing her feet from them. "Do you have any cloths I can use? And maybe a weapons?" She asks.
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