Urhr93 Wrote:Just a question... shouldn't the "Further movement by the Worgs will require acrobatics rolls to avoid slipping until out of the 10 ft. square." include their attacks too?
Nobudi Wrote:Could we get enemy status as well? Kinda confused with all the action ^^;
Alaena Wrote:Urhr93 Wrote:Just a question... shouldn't the "Further movement by the Worgs will require acrobatics rolls to avoid slipping until out of the 10 ft. square." include their attacks too?
I suppose it would make sense, I just read the spell and only saw it said movement.
Tsai Wrote:If only there was some baddass fighter from the north who took no damage from the last fight could save us, whatever would we do.
Nobudi Wrote:Tsai Wrote:If only there was some baddass fighter from the north who took no damage from the last fight could save us, whatever would we do.
I blame the Chaotic Neutral alignment.
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