Final Depravity OOC

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:17 am

It's already 5:15 a.m., later than this will be morning not "tonight" XD

ps: i'm joking, i know the time zone is different and to you now is not as late as it is for me XD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 4:57 pm

Just a question... shouldn't the "Further movement by the Worgs will require acrobatics rolls to avoid slipping until out of the 10 ft. square." include their attacks too?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:04 pm

Urhr93 Wrote:Just a question... shouldn't the "Further movement by the Worgs will require acrobatics rolls to avoid slipping until out of the 10 ft. square." include their attacks too?

I suppose it would make sense, I just read the spell and only saw it said movement.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby SnowyCold » Sat Aug 16, 2014 5:14 pm

I'll be passing until I regain consciousness, of course.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Sat Aug 16, 2014 8:36 pm

Could we get enemy status as well? Kinda confused with all the action ^^;
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:07 pm

Nobudi Wrote:Could we get enemy status as well? Kinda confused with all the action ^^;

Sure, but it won't be exact just for realism sake. Such as "the Orc in the back looks winded" or "severely wounded."
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Aug 16, 2014 9:35 pm

Alaena Wrote:
Urhr93 Wrote:Just a question... shouldn't the "Further movement by the Worgs will require acrobatics rolls to avoid slipping until out of the 10 ft. square." include their attacks too?

I suppose it would make sense, I just read the spell and only saw it said movement.

Attack is also a kind of movement. How can they attack if they don't move? Moreover, how can they dodge if they don't move? Even when they are hit by our blows they are likely to move ò_ò practically, i think that whatever they do, they are bound to move... though i suppose for this case we have to consider only when they move using their legs or move their center of gravity, and those include whatever action they take in battle except speaking.

Anyway, what will happen then? Are the acrobatic rolls already made, still in the making, or there won't be any change? XD

ps: if my Sae is unconscious i suppose i'll pass too until she regains consciousness xD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Sun Aug 17, 2014 5:13 am

The grease is there permanently, right?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Tsai » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:07 am

grease lasts a certain amount of turns if my knowledge of DND is anything to go by
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Fawkes » Sun Aug 17, 2014 7:23 am

According google it lasts a minute per level. IIRc a minute is 10 rounds, so we should be good.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Aug 17, 2014 12:14 pm

Yes, now that i think about it with my talk about movements i was using common knowledge, not DND XD well, i just don't know how it works so i'll continue to hope for acrobatics roll to attack too +_+ XD

Ah, and i really hope Melina will start firing her arrows instead of running around, i think it'll do some good adding to the dps XD yes, now i'm using MMORPG knowledge ù_ù so many types of knowledge exist in this world *-* XD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 17, 2014 3:01 pm

I'll sit back and have a nice cup of a tea and wait for all this to blow over.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Tsai » Sun Aug 17, 2014 9:13 pm

If only there was some baddass fighter from the north who took no damage from the last fight could save us, whatever would we do.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Mon Aug 18, 2014 2:10 am

Tsai Wrote:If only there was some baddass fighter from the north who took no damage from the last fight could save us, whatever would we do.

I blame the Chaotic Neutral alignment.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Aug 18, 2014 4:10 am

Nobudi Wrote:
Tsai Wrote:If only there was some baddass fighter from the north who took no damage from the last fight could save us, whatever would we do.

I blame the Chaotic Neutral alignment.

I blame myself for having though of the worgs as just mounts XD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Kuragari » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:17 am

Name: Aleria Azerili
Character: ... tid=986919
Race: Half-Elf
Age: 26
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 129 lbs
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Born into the well known Azerili family, which has ruled the Duchy of Penathor for nearly 1000 years...during which time said Duchy has experienced moments of greatness, of weakness, of Dominance and Submission. Since her father's taking of its throne, it has quietly sat as a quasi independent realm near the western mountains.

Within her family line have been many elves, and even humans, of great power and skill, some supposedly even rivaling the best in Vaalniya. She has inherited such greatness, or so her family tells her.

With the sudden appearance of the large Orc force to their north, and its march on their supposed Elven rulers, her father has tasked her with finding a way to prepare their realm for the coming war, whether it be through assisting the Elves...or turning on them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She can be warm and friendly to those she respects, or cold and distant to those that have earned her eire. To those who have managed to befriend her, they find a rather charming and open young woman...but she harbors some darkness. Her family, for generations, has always followed a code whose focus was to protect the family's base of power, and they have and continue to do everything in their power to protect it.

Alora herself has for example, killed an older brother when he threatened rebellion when her father refused to make him a count.

If it takes being kind and generous to protect their line and titles, then they shall do so. If it takes burning a few it shall be done. Above all else, their family must survive...and retain power.
Last edited by Kuragari on Tue Sep 02, 2014 6:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Wed Aug 20, 2014 5:31 am

So many Chaotic neutrals and half- elves.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:14 am

Got busy last night, will get some posts in later today though
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:01 pm

Waiting on one more person to post, but if no response, I'll post by the end of the day or early tomorrow.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Kuragari » Sun Aug 24, 2014 2:29 pm

Send me a PM when I get thrown in, fyi.
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