by Reaperbones » Mon Aug 11, 2014 2:14 pm
I honestly forgot what the place between heaven and hell is when I posted this.
Some of the mechanics i was thinking over were:
First off room difficulty and time you have.
Difficulty would be decided via a 20 sided dice. That's pretty simple, the higher the roll the more difficult.
Time you have would be decided with a 6 sided dice and the equation 2+x= Time
The base of two should give your character enough time to examine the room and test stuff.
Example of this:
Difficulty roll: 13 Time Roll: 2+2
Room is a hard difficulty with you have 4 posts to solve it.
It would probably have something you would have to solve stealthily otherwise you'll set off a trap. Mistakes would either set it off or adds strikes.
Next Willpower:
Willpower would start at like 50 and either decrease or rise based on difficulty of the room. Reach 0 and you lose. Reach 100 and you win.
This would reward you more for harder challenges and less for easier challenges. Punishment would be the same unless it fails and then I will probably decide a different method.
I'll also probably be putting in things like skills and sins. Your sins being the reason why you are there and would determine what your rooms would be based around. Wrath would have rooms where you have to keep a calm mind even while something is angering you and punishment would probably be more pain based. Sloth would have rooms that require more physical skills and the punishment would probably involve be pushed beyond your limits.
The skills would be used in the standard way. Your person is strong, well they get a bonus to pushing, lifting, and pulling rolls. Person is stealthy yada yada.
Um any other mechanics I should work on. I'm taking all input so long as it is helpful in someway.