Final Depravity OOC

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Aug 09, 2014 2:19 pm

I'm finishing it right now (or so i hope XD). Well, at least the character without the mythweavers sheet will be up shortly, and updated with the other as soon as i can ^^

edit: and here it is, though the mythweavers sheet is not completely ready:

Name: Sae Yoake

Character: Sae Yoake

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 21

Height: 5 ft 6
Weight: 130 lbs

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Sae was born in a remote village at north, near the border of the human kingdom in the north. Her mother was exiled here by her fellow elves for reasons she never mentioned, while her father was the leader of a bandit group roaming the border. He would often try to raid the village, but thanks to her mother magical prowess and good strategic mind he never managed to do so. Failing his raids every time and always managing to catch a glimpse of the elf beauty leading her fellow villagers, her father steeled his resolution to have her and, eventually, after years of failed attempts he managed to invade the town. He asked the villagers to give her to him as a tribute, and that same night Sae was conceived.
However, not all was as bad as it seemed for Sae's mother. Turned out the guy was a decent guy and seriously in love with her. After their first night he treated her as his bride and remained faithful to her, not looking at other women and giving her whatever she wanted. Both he and his band continued to visit peacefully the town, sharing their "earnings" with the villagers and some of them actually settled down here. The elves were not happy about the situation, but as time passed they decided to not mind much their presence as they never gave any trouble and even protected the villages from other bandits.
Sae's childhood was pretty peaceful, growing up between the wise elves and playful bandits and ex-bandits let her have a general view of the world that later would play a big role in her neutral attitude towards everything.
Having an innate ability in the magic field, with her mother guidance Sae began her training to control her powers, learning and making progress at an unnatural fast pace. On the other hand, his father was way too overprotective and never let her go with him while he was "working", so she never really got to learn too much from him. His father's friend sometime showed her a trick or two that she managed to pick up, but nothing much if compared to her progress in the magical field.

Eventually she reached adulthood and wanted to go on a trip to see the outside world, but as usual her overprotective father wouldn't let her, and the opportunity to leave the village wouldn't come until a year later, when an elf convoy came to relay the call for arms from the High Council of Vaalniya and she promptly signed up. Her father was still unwilling to let her go, but eventually he was convinced in a combined effort of both her pregnant mother and the eldests of her sixteen siblings (Yes, her father has been busy with her mother).

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Though a bit too naive, Sae tends to use logical reasoning for whatever situation she's in. She's isn't very sociable and likes to be by herself, but doesn't refuse the company of those she knows.
She has a quite neutral attitude towards everything, deeming extremes as something to avoid. For her, having too much is the same as having nothing. If there is one exception to this rule, it's her addition to betting and gambling that she picked up from her father's friends. She knows that it's no good, but she just can't help it.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Fawkes » Sat Aug 09, 2014 6:31 pm

So, we're starting today then?
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Aug 09, 2014 7:00 pm

Fawkes Wrote:So, we're starting today then?

At some point, yes. I'll start working on the intro post in a little bit.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:03 pm

Okay, the thread is up! Post as soon as you're able. :)
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Sat Aug 09, 2014 10:25 pm

Man, the decision of where to go is kinda tough for me.
Opinions anyone?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:19 pm

After reading the descriptions my Sae kind of came up with a plan, but i'll write it directly in the IC XD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:54 pm

Do we even know if we are going to stick together yet?
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Aug 09, 2014 11:56 pm

MelissaB Wrote:Do we even know if we are going to stick together yet?

You can discuss it all IC, you're just talking about it right now.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Aug 10, 2014 12:22 am

My IC post is long, but i think it's quite good for a plan ù_ù

ps: i interpreted those description as if given by the elders
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:36 am

Was a good plan. pity it part of it meant screwing with my character's king.

Also i do love the war room setting we current have going.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Nobudi » Sun Aug 10, 2014 1:57 am

oh boi. things are heating up.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:03 am

war room if things aren't heated we're not caring enough. besides arguments don't mean violence or even lack of working together.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:07 am

yeah, i'm liking this setting too xD though seriously, after the plan Sae came up with i'm seriously considering changing her alignment from neutral to chaotic neutral XD
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Tsai » Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:09 am

i hope not, cuz we have a ton of chaotic neutrals already. i think we have 3 already.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 10, 2014 2:10 am

Think mine should be more chaotic good if i'm honest but i'll see.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:11 am

Yes, I like what I see. I'm going to wait for everybody to post at least once before I contribute but you're all free to keep going.
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Tsai » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:23 am

who hasnt posted anything yet?
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:25 am

A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

"Beware the Users of "Yo" I've got a big hammer to hit you with upon it's use" - Mel
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:50 am

i think he will post tomorrow... and i will do so too, as i'm going to sleep now. Good night XD

edit: scratch that, he posted a little while ago somewhere else so he's probably writing for us now XD well, it doesn't change anything, see you tomorrow ^^
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Re: Final Depravity OOC

Postby Fawkes » Sun Aug 10, 2014 3:54 am

Sorry, was at work, back now.
As a warning, if I'm playing a girl, she's rape bait.

Looking for a Animeish picture? PM I probably have something like you're looking. Especially if you're looking for something sexy.
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