CoC: a new Era of Champions

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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby fragmasterson » Tue Aug 05, 2014 4:50 am

Frag Rolls 20 (critical 3x damage))

(succubus Rolls 7)

(Frag wins)

(Succubus Damaged 60 points: 18 health)

Your second strike hits true and really hurts the succubus who falls to her knees. She’s not fully damaged but she’s given up to defeat, not wanting to Perish at your blade. She snarls up at you and grips her chest where the biggest blow was made. Coughing a little she wipes her lip clean of a bit of blood that formed from the fight

“fine fine! What do you want you bastard! You defeated me and slain my army.. now what be it that you want?"

OOC: I decided to name the demoness being look for, "Zamia," as long as there is no objections there.

"I want to know where Zamia is." she told the Succubus calmly. "As long as you give me good information, I promise I won't hurt you. If not..." she let what she was going to say trail off.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Urhr93 » Thu Aug 07, 2014 7:04 pm

Kittykitty501 Wrote:Urhr – Aurora – (corruption: 25)

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Salamander gets up and rummages through his own little collection of books and notes, quite a mess but he finds it in the end and hands it over to you but stops as he watches you try it for your self. He smiles and drops back down to the floor into a meditation position, putting the book next to you.

When you try the spell, the same magical effects begin to happen but the aura seems to be a purple colour instead of red, this catches the Salamanders attention and he reaches forward to stop you just in case the purple was a bad sign. He’s too late however and the purple Aura plunges into where you heart is and unfortunately the spell has a reverse effect on you, raising your lust to a point where you can almost think about nothing other than sex. You’re like a bunny on heat.

“oh Mareth.. that.. seemed to go wrong for some reason. Maybe the book will tell us what to do if done wrong..”

His eyes gaze over you briefly and no doubt you look like a horny creature ready to pounce, you could give into to these desires and seduce the Salamander or do as he asks and look through the book for a sign to help do the spell properly, though in such a horny state, you can still do magic. If you take the young lad, it could higher your corruption.

Aurora lets the salamander do his thing while trying herself the spell. It begins well, with the aura forming, though the color was a bit off. Well, little bits of spells always don't go exactly as one wants the first time they're tried, so Aurora decides to let it play for another while before deeming the spell a failure. The salamander is not of the same opinion however, as he decides to intervene before it's too late... and unfortunately it is. The purple aura seeps into her and things go wrong, as waves after waves of arousal assault the girl. Her mind clouds and her body reacts in a stronger manner with each passing second, her nipples stifferning and her privates flooding.

The previously unnappetible companion now looks so much more desiderable, though her mind still manage to barely held on to the surging urge of pouncing on him. In such a state of mind she doesn't register well his words, but at least she catches the meaning and nods, replying stutterly <Y..Yeah... do it fast... i don't... i don't think i'm... in any sta..te to be able... to read> she pauses, while her arms wraps around herself almost as if trying to restrain herself <if... if you can't find anything... just cast a puryfing spell... or whatever to get me... back to normal...>
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