BlueLight Wrote:So the only time i've had vertigo is when i stand up in a movie theater after a movie. Not sure why since i'm normally in front of a screen all day.
That's actually a tricky one and I'm kind of wondering why myself. Maybe it's the distance and the over-all size difference between you and the screen that gives you the vertigo? I mean you're in front of a screen that is generally never larger than 20" or so, and if it is, not by much. On the other hand, a movie theater 'screen' is generally upwards of 150" or so if I'm not mistaken. Do you think that could be it yourself?
Anonymouse Wrote:Sometimes I get lightheaded and headachey when I stand up too fast, and I know someone who will get the same from moving up/down hills too fast.
Staring at the screen could either be an eyesight thing (do you need glasses?) or a photosensitivity thing. Have you tried turning the brightness down? And make sure you have the lights on, staring at a screen in a dark room is bad for your eyes. (Hope this doesn't patronizing, didn't mean it to be)
As far as I know, my eyesight is a solid 20/20, and I don't generally have any issues besides minor blurs occurring when my eyes are really watery ( which happens a lot due to my tear ducts being overproductive ). As for the brightness, it's generally always turned up because my computer screen is very, very dark as far as LCD monitors go. That aside, I always have a lamp on in the corner of my room that illuminates it fairly well, especially ever since I moved my fan out of the way of obstructing it.
Getting light-headed from standing up too fast is normal, but I can definitely relate on getting a headache after doing it. I really hate when it happens ( as it happens often these days ) and I think it either has to do with the relative, though extremely minute change in barometric pressure as you go from a sitting position to a standing position. The fact that that alone can change the relative pressure around you is phenomenal to start with, so I kind of doubt that it is a prevalent issue, but who knows. As for the hills... well, that's just strange to me. Foreign, you know? I've never heard of someone experiencing that. The more you know!