CoC: a new Era of Champions

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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Soru » Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:51 pm

Rosa looks around as she explores a part of the forest she hasn't explored yet. She wasn't even the in the deepwoods area yet. She was surprised at what she found there, a human that had some parts of a cat. "I was just exploring the forest." She answered him. I never seen this area before."
Last edited by Soru on Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby BlueLight » Thu Jul 17, 2014 11:11 pm

Bluelight – suki - Corruption: 80

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You the Corrupt Kitsune have never been happy with your surroundings and it seems death and destruction follow your wake. Your travels have taken you far and wide, most recently, Mareth. You are in a part of the area that no many have been to.. past the Desert is an actual coastline. This is where we find you.

you’ve been staying in a local tavern run by a bunch of Tigersharks who have become a bit more civilised on this side of the land. They’ve been nice enough to you and haven’t shown any violence your way. The girls and male Tigersharks just go about their business as normal.

Unknown to them however is your schemes and horrible ways. No-one knows of the poor soul trapped under you who is in so much bliss and ecstasy but at the same time he doesn’t want it. You’re feeding upon the Tigershark man who cannot free him self from you, thrashing away below you with success other than pushing his cock into you again and again. You know this man cant hold out anymore and he soon unleashed a hot torrent of his hot spunk into you.

this town is probably ripe for you to take over and corrupt this side of Mareth. What will you do?

"you're a big strong man now aren't you!" Suki says as she has her body hopping up and down his rod with one hand on his nose covering his nostrils. "I know you've been wanting to make me your omega bitch since you saw me! You've just want push your cock in my pussy and fill me up with your fishy cum. Cum on, this is your chance" she says as she lifts her pussy off, his rod and places her free hand around his member stroking it with her fingers just a bit but making sure to place a finger on the hole. "However i've been wanting to make you my beta, my any time fuck toy! How do you think your beta would like that? To know that not only is she your toy but that you mine? Does feeling helpless make you just want to cum?" she says cooing.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Voff » Fri Jul 18, 2014 1:26 am

Sweetpea?!! Jack had been called a lot of things but this was a first. When the blade was removed from his throat Jack could finally breath normally. He had no clue about what this creature was talking about. Mareth, another dimension? What the hell did I drink last night? Sex crazed demons and imps... This can't be right... When Jack heard what she planned to do with his balls if he tried something funny they basically hid as far up into his body as they could. "No worries, you're more then scary enough for me not to try to mess with you", he replied after he had regained his demenour "and I don't see how the goddes would care for my balls anyway".

Jack stoped talking as she hushed him. Her daugheter, huh. For some reason he couldn't believe this was a dream, it felt to real. Since the first creature he saw unintentionally more or less gave him a much needed shave with the business end of a sword Jack figured this was not a place to mess about in. He considered his options for a moment. Fuck, this is not my battle to fight but it is her daughter... And maybe it would be worth having someone owing me a favour for once... He was still unsure what she meant by imps. No matter, he had already decided to help. Only to gain some favour mind you.

Jack runs to the shrine to get a weapon and tries his best to follow the creature to wherever she was going. Why the fuck am I doing this, Jack asked himself as he tried to catch up, and fuck this one is quick. He put all his efforts into catching up.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby White » Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:32 am

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Your journey has been one of corruption and unfortunate enslavement, branded and labelled for all of Mareth to see. She was, no doubt a victim of the factory before its shut down 1 year ago but you luckily have escaped and with a full will to have vengeance upon the demons who did this to you.

Your current location is the swamp, Horrible and misty place filled mostly with Driders and spider morphs, yet you were here in search of Lethice’s lair but with no success. No-one has been able to find it as of yet and those who do never seem to leave.

Your deep, up to your knees in the swamp water and your vision is minimal due to the climate and mist that flows through the swamp lands. Then, splash! Oh where did that come from? You turn to look but nothing is there. Continuing onwards putting it down to wildlife, then again, splash but this time it’s followed by quick thudding coming straight towards you. You turn again, only to be met by nothing. Before you can call out to who ever it maybe, you hear a woman’s laughter, quite sinister and dark yet can you pin point it? Nope.

“My my, what do we have here? A little demon wandered into my playground? All ready for this mama to fill up nicely. Stay still honey”

more thudding sounds, but it seems to be all around you. You could try to run away or wait to see who it could be?

"Pft... Back off bitch." White growls, her breath frosty. She crouches low to the water dipping her waist below its surface and soaking her ragged pants in swamp water. The faded grey cloth clings to her legs as she moves slowly through the swamp, her hands up in a ready position to send a blast of ice at the next sign of movement. Her eyes snap all around her as White tries to keep 360 degrees of vision up. "You'll find this little honey not as sweet as you'd like..."
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby thealchemist » Fri Jul 18, 2014 4:35 am

Ismira tried her best to steady Nicholas as he tried to stand.In doing so, she got a glimpse of his penis through the tears in his pants. Ismira gently bites down on her bottom lip as hundreds of scenarios spiraled through her mind, all ending in a sticky situation. Shaking her head, Ismira began to walk Nicholas towards her camp in the mountains. "Nicholas huh? I'm Ismira. Don't worry I'll get you to a safe place." As she walked with the minotaur she kept a look out for any guards and on Nicholas. Although something is telling Ismira that she could trust him, there is probably a reason as to why the town guards are after him.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby fragmasterson » Fri Jul 18, 2014 3:12 pm

"Hahaha," laughs Raena, sensing she's getting the upper hand. "Surrender now, and I may be merciful." She plans on going with the same strategy she went with last time, since it seems to be working pretty well.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby dndman997 » Sun Jul 20, 2014 8:26 pm

After the kiss on lips Duo fell into the harpies submission unable to do much any due to being pinned.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Kittykitty501 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:14 pm

Spriter – Kala – Corruption: 0

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The effects take effect almost straight away, the oil running down your throat is nice and cooling. The change however is a little painful, your legs close together and the skin becomes scaly in a matter of seconds. The Naga smiled delightfully as she watches your change. Bounding together your legs form as one and then lengthen. Soon you are left with a long naga tail that replaces your legs. That’s not the only change either, your tongue starts to feel a little unnatural and it begins to lengthen. The tip splits open a little, luckily no pain this time as its so quick and its not long til you have a long fork like snake tongue.

“it isss the oil of sssnake, you did what I wanted you to do.. this will do perfectttly”

She says with a sultry smirk, her coil now wraps around your own and soon you feel your new snake like genitalia being rubbed again. Looking down would reveal she has her own snatch pressed against your own. Her femme juices flowing over your new tail, and the scissor like position induces a pleasure filled moan from the naga. You cant help but feel the pleasure also as the dom like naga works your pussy wonderfully.

Crimsonnutcase – Klarion – Corruption: 40

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Before the girl can even speak she is impaled and bound to you, her cries of delight as her still recovering ass and pussy is penetrated once more. Her back rests against your chest and her head rests back against your shoulder. Through moans of delight to speaks to you.

“..w..well I..Im sure my sisters wouldn’t mind... f..four of us in total.. b.. but Sister Lisa.. shes not like the rest of us.. she w.. ohh by marae.. she wont be as accepting as me and the others”

She clenches her walls against each of the invaders, milking your twin cocks with her gaping ass and snatch. Her femme juices already start to soak the cock in her welcoming entrance as shes hit by an orgasm already, twitching in your grip before almost going limp in your bindings.

“m.. must we fuck like this master Klarion? Ca..cant you just fuck me against a tree?”

Valitel – Kaede – Corruption: 0

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Kitty almost gave a little smirk, watching the girl infront of her almost squirm in a lustful like state. She smiles though and lounges back a bit more on her own seat, her pants were tented by this point but she remained a good little kitsune herm for now even though she was in rut and heat at the same time.

“oh there is many demons here, different kinds of corrupt souls that plague this land unfortunately. To go through the all would take a while but the ones you need to look out for the most really are the Succubis, Incubis and Omnibis.. they are the ones that will suck your soul from you.. in a sense. Don’t give into there deals, even if they promise ultimate pleasure. I nearly ended up a slave to a Omnibus.. known as Cerapth.. tricky one.. but you look like someone who could handle them selfs.. though I have one concern.. and forgive me for saying this but.. you look lusty and that is something you need to try an avoid being. Even if you have to masturbate your self furiously or give into some of the nicer beings around here. Demons will use your lustful state against you”

She smirks again however, almost going of topic as the warrior asked about the Endowment between her legs and this just makes kitty give the warrior another flash by “accident” of course.

“of course its normal, horse cocks are the new thing it appears. I just love having one because its massive and oh so good to be fucked by one!”

She giggles and gets up from her cushion and grabs two little tea cups and fills them with tea before sitting back down, this time right next to the warrior, handing the cup to her.

“I have been here over three years now, a champion my self until I lost track of it and moved to Tel’adre. I used to be a warrior like you, till I took a fox herm to my ass”

VintageBass – fuel – Corruption: 30

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Loppe gives a soft smile and turns around to look around the main street as if pondering where to start first. As if a light bulb just shone above her head she takes fuels hand and begins to walk.

“I guess we should start with the main street then, well this is the main point of the city where most of the business is run. Shops for all of your needs are hear, Do not expect anything corrupt though as the guard has stomped that down.. if for some reason you do need something like that, then the Bazzarre not that far from here will tend to them needs”

she walks ahead with fuel in tow and turns her head to the local pub within the city and smiles warmly.

“that place there is known as the Wet bitch, its where I sometimes do a dance for the punters, you should come and watch sometime.. im sure you wont be disappointed. Also if you ever need to speak to the captain of the guard, Urta you are sure to find her there.. there’s also a cat morph who dispenses beer from her tits, quite fascinated and is such a delightful drink”

She walks on again and continues to point out a few other shops, like a tailors, black smith and other wares. Next is the bakery/cafe that she was speaking out.

“there they serve some of the best Carrot cake around and a nymph who sells cupcakes and offers.. pleasure to those who sign up to her business, she certainly knows how to handle her customers thats for sure”

for about half an hour the Laquine shows fuel around the many areas of Tel’adre the last spot on her list of places to show is the gym. She smiles and waves to a Pig-morph who is about to enter, she waves back and gives you both a little smile

“the gym is where you’ll always find me, I’ll show you a good workout if you ever visit the place”

She gives fuel a little wink before walking them both back to the bakery.

“well that is the city suger, Im going to get some carrot cake.. would love for you to join me”

Soru – Rosa – Corruption: 0

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The femme cat boy purred and go up to his feet, walking around the new explorer of these lands. His girly ass swayed behind him as he began to circle Rosa, his bushy grey tail lifted up almost instinctively.

“so you are quite lost I’m guessing? The forest behind you doesn’t look familiar does it now?”

The boy smirked and licked his lips. When he turned to face rosa, she would notice a rather huge looking bulge in the boys pants. He maybe femme but he seems hung like a horse, maybe he wants to have his way with you?

“I could help you leave this part of the forest and return home safely.. but at a price cause which way to go? No-body knows of the way to go”

Just then it got suddenly darker, all that could be seen was the boys eyes and his smile that seemed to widen quite unnaturally. Just think, the chesire cat. Now you are kinda left in a bit of a predicament, you are lost and in complete darkness.. oh what could the cat boy possible want? His cock was hard when you last saw it but what will you do?

Bluelight – suki - Corruption: 80

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The tigershark squirms under your, his mouth opened up in a silent gasp. His toes and fingers curl into the sheets and his cock is pulsating within your hand, you even feel his balls churning almost ready to fill you up or drench you.

“y.. yes! Jus.. just let me cum please!”

He cries out, he couldn’t handle it anymore and a thick torrent builds up and his cock is about to explode with a great orgasm. Only to be held back by your finger over his cum hole, this makes him whine and whimper, becoming the bitch you want him to be.

“ple..please alpha release me! I beg of you, I’ll do anything for you.. I’ll be your omega.. even my beta will be yours please!”

Voff – Jack – 20 Corruption

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Lisa leaped from tree to tree, her blade sometimes slicing a tree in half bringing it down. Even rocks stood no chance from her blade. She made it a little harder for you too follow with all the debris she leaving behind but this also served as markers to follow her. She went on for a good few minutes, wait how did she see her if it was that far away? Anyway she finally comes to a stop and you hear her scream a fierce battle cry. You even here a male voice shout “oh fuck!” no doubt Lisa has started carving up the creatures known as imps.

As you get to the battle you can see another Kitsune on the ground, still being fucked by about 5 Imps, Lisa is fighting of a few of them trying to get to her daughter. Her daughter from where you are looks taller than her other, black and white furred. Mixture of two kitsunes no doubt. She getting fucked in the mouth, pussy (double imp cock there XD) and ass and.. her cock? Is being rid by a goblin. Lisa is struggling against the small little army of the little bastards and could do with a hand. There is about 20 imps altogether, 1 goblin and a mixture of 5 more lay wounded from Lisa’s attack. There is one being you see sat on a rock watching over the battle, laughing away.

A woman with reddish skin and jet black hair that flowed freely down to her lower back, she had smooth black horns sticking out of her forehead that curl back towards her a head a little. Her eyes are pure white with no pupils and in her hand is a whip that she cracks from time to time, whipping a imp that tries to run from battle. Wearing hardly anything par a few black straps and fish net leggings, her wet gaping lips can even be seen, clearly on view

She may be a problem but she’s not getting involved in the battle at all. Maybe she is just merely watching.

“the imp who wins! Gets to fuck sweet little ol me”

Says the unknown demon like woman on the stone.

well this is probably more than you expected when you followed the kitsune into battle.

White – White – Corruption: 55

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“ohhh I like it when they put up a fight, makes breaking my prey so much fun”

Says a domineering voice that seems to echo around you again. Thats when you realise that theres is multipul spider webs around, small pools of white fluid and other fluids in the murky water. You even see a passed out satyr, covered in webbing and with a face of post orgasmic bliss. Thats when you hear another splash.

“oohh a magic user huh? This shall be fun sweetie.. you might as well give up now”

as you turn to the where the splash was heard, you are met by a huge looking Drider, towering over you. Shes got a female top half with nice EE breasts, four ruby red eyes that stare hungrily at you. Her other half is made up of a spider abdomen, with a stinger like piece and ovipositor. Her exoskeleton is black with green and yellow stripes. She blows you a kiss and slowly begins to stride towards you on all 8 of her spider like legs.

TheAlchemist – Ismira – Corruption: 0

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Its a it of heave, carrying the heavy Minotaur out of the city but you do so with Luck. Getting further out of the city he helps you a little by putting up with the pain and walking a bit by him self. Once arriving at your camp in the mountains the minotaur cant help but fall down on the most comfiest spot he can find. Coughing a wheezing a little

“ you. If theres anyway I can repay for helping me. I’ll be much obliged.. and for reasons of the guards hunting me.. all I do was steal an apple.. and put up a bit of a fight”

He laughed and snorted a little, peeling his top of and looking at rather heavy bruise and cut on his side. Hes built like a tank, and his chest is something to drool over when he removes his top. You see him eye you up a little as your eyes gaze over his chest and he smirks as if knowing something

“Addict I’m guessing?"

Fragmasterson – Raena – Corruption: 20

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Frag Rolls 20 (critical 3x damage))

(succubus Rolls 7)

(Frag wins)

(Succubus Damaged 60 points: 18 health)

Your second strike hits true and really hurts the succubus who falls to her knees. She’s not fully damaged but she’s given up to defeat, not wanting to Perish at your blade. She snarls up at you and grips her chest where the biggest blow was made. Coughing a little she wipes her lip clean of a bit of blood that formed from the fight

“fine fine! What do you want you bastard! You defeated me and slain my army.. now what be it that you want?"

Dman – Duo – Corruption: 0

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The four Harpies have there merry way with you, sucking your cock like hungry beasts whilst the mother continues to ride your face. soon though the mother pushes the 3 girls away and quickly mounts you and begins to fuck your slick with saliva cock roughly. The others take it in turns to kiss you again, filling your mind with lust with their golden lipstick. Leaving you completely filled with lust.

The mother harpy rides you hard to the point where your cock cannot hold in the hot seed and you get closer to the point. The mother senses this and removes her self from you, letting the 3 girls dive for your cock. Licking, sucking and deep throating you rapidly. All eager to taste your seed, you cum hard from the pleasure filled experience, Cumming more than you usually would. The girls swallow down greedily, each getting their fair share of your cum before chirping happily. With a wide grin the mother licks her laced with drugs lips and mounts you again.

You are fucked helplessly for 3 hours by each harpy girl, taking you seed that seems never to stop spilling. Roughly throwing you between them like a dildo for their pleasure and nothing more. You are finally left, limp and soar at the bottom of the mountain by the mother who kisses your forehead and flies to the top of the mountain.

At least you are free from the mountain, along with your stuff. You are next to the ruins of the old factory.

Kuragari - Queen Aliana Black – Corruption: 0

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Even being the true ruler of Albion and Aurora, nothing would prepare you for the troubles ahead of you in the new world. Not even the endless swarms of darkness that threatened to wipe out the entire population of your lands would prepare you for what you were about to face.

Saying farewell to your trusted friend Jasper and giving your dog a few gentle pats You go through the portal full of zeal, intent on fighting what ever maybe causing the demon attacks and brutal Raping of your people back at home. The defilers of you land must be stopped and so be it you are now in the lands of Mareth. Though maybe it wasn’t as you expected it to be, beautiful landscapes that seems to go on for miles. You are located near a mountain peak, not that high up but if you jumped it could be deadly. You hear the sounds of weird creatures squawking and other sounds echo from the valley below and the mountain above.

The path down the mountain side however is quite close and you could easily make your way down from hear. Yet a rather bizarre looking creature seems to be standing around at the bottom, a greenish creature that is quite small with hair that is bright pink. She seems to be idling around as if waiting for someone. Maybe its one of the demons? Or maybe a resident of these parts. What will you do? You could go up the mountain or go down and see who the creature is.

That Man – M – Corruption: 0

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After leaving your mistress you head out in hopes of escaping, your mistress lived in a small village located near the plains. You find your self walking through the grassy lands when you hear a bit of commotion ahead. Upon investigation you spot a salamander girl who seems to have just beaten down a Gnoll. She stands triumphant and sticks out her chest with pride before giving the gnoll and good kick in the side

“that’s for ruining my perfect Bakini, bitch dick!”

you notice the salamander girl is quite hot, her tail covered in red scales along with other parts of her body. She stretches and cracks her neck, fixing her bakini bra with a pinkish bandanna that was wrapped around her head. The tip of tail has a small flame that burns brightly as she kicks the gnoll onto her back and forcefully grips its pseudo cock and gives it a few yanks.

“next time I see you here, I’ll make sure you call me boss “

Well you could approach the Fiery hot salamander, or try to bypass her?

(I hope these replies are okay friends, im dopped up on my medication XD)
100% Herm Addict
100% Corruption

"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
CoC Fanfic 75% complete

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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby BlueLight » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:32 pm

The fox moved her body off his so she could get a good as his throbbing member. The shark had been so lusty that she had to put little to no effort into taming his sand paper hide. But now more important things needed to be taken care of. "My my, i think your rods is going to explode" she taunted as the shark sweated from the withheld explosion. She moved her lips over his salty as she slowly dragged her tongue up to his tip while still holding his cum hole with her finger.
"Ka-boom" she said releasing her finger and giving the dick a perfect shot of her face. She wondered if it would be some small time cumshot or a one man bukkake. Did it matter? Either way should have to be washing her slutty face off.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby spriter1 » Wed Jul 30, 2014 7:59 pm

Kala cringes at the effects take place, trying to reach under the Naga's coils to get at her legs. She looks completely confused yet intrigued about how exactly she now has snake coils instead of legs... and moreso how she will move around.
Kala looks a bit surprised though as the naga suddenly wrap her tail around her own, and begins rubbing their sexes together. She begins to speak, trying to make sure she doesn't moan or gasp from the slowly building pleasure, pausing or stuttering as she does so. "W-wait! I thought the deal was I d-drink... That and you show me were town is! We should'nt... be d-doing this anyway!"
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby VintageBass » Wed Jul 30, 2014 8:23 pm

Fuel tags along behind this bunny girl and takes a good look at the main street. While there's anything that is standing out before him, there was something she mentioned. The idea of corruption and the Bazaar. The guard mentioned something about him not being corrupted, yet his own mental state could say otherwise. Then again the Bazaar doesn't sound like a place he would want to go to. At all. Here in the city it feels a little safe knowing that the guards can protect them from madness. It does make him worry about learning about his dark secret.

And then there's the bar. Again he's not that interested, mostly in that he doesn't drink, but this woman he is accompanying is pretty cute so he wouldn't mind. Also the thought of drinking beer from some girl's nipples doesn't sound that appetizing to the monkey man, so that'll give him another reason to drink. And then there were the other shops, which he could be interested in seeing once he got the money to buy things. The bakery did manage to get him hungry, smelling something sweet coming from there. He's not sure about what kind of pleasure the woman is talking about, but if it smells good he might try out some samples.

Finally came the gym, where Fuel watches Loppe wave to a pig girl walking into the place and smiling at them. A boner starts to grow on him, a little smitten by how adorable she looks, before realizing that he is broke and can't get into the place, judging that there's an admission fee. Thinking that he could ask this bunny girl for some money, he sticks close to her before making their way back to the bakery. "Um, sure, I would probably go for some banana bread if they have any," he asked, his mind thinking about the pig girl.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Soru » Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:39 pm

Rosa began to tense as the cat boy begins to circle her and eye her. She places a hand on her sword and narrows her eyes at the cat boy. When she saw the bulge in his pants when he faced her his intentions were starting to become known to her. She kept herself calm when the forest suddenly darkened till she was barely able to see. "I'm pretty sure what your price is. But how about I offer my own." She draws her sword and takes a fighting stance. "You lead me out of here and I let you live. Sound fair?" She keeps her guard up and her senses alert.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby that man » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:24 am

"I don't think I should make her angry," M thought, as he thought of how the villagers would treat him when they found out. "Best to try avoiding her."

Even with that being said, M ran into trouble, when he accidentally stepped on a bone which made a loud snapping noise as he did so. Stopping in his tracks, M stared at the Salamander girl, praying to whatever higher power he decided wasn't in power in this area that, if she did see him, that she wouldn't go and do something strange.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Voff » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:33 am

"Fucking hell", Jack cursed as he accidentally stubbed his shin against a tree laying sliced in half in front of him. How this chick needed his help was beyond him. The way she slashed her way through the very being of the forest was scary enough. If I turned around now, after saying I would help, would probably piss her off. This is not someone it would be smart too piss off. Jack stumbled on cursing for every miss step and tumble. Where is the good old ditch and my half empty bottle? This is just completely ludicrous. Before he managed to convince himself he would be better off running in the opposite direction, he got stupefied by the sight in front of him. The fox creature being taken every which way by creatures that could only have come form nightmares. So that's what she meant by imps...

Just about when Jack got his senses back he figured he would still help so not to piss of the ferocious fox mother, slicing and dicing the imps. He stopped in his steps though as he saw that the 'daughter' was not just a daughter, but had a bit more packing. More than he would have reckoned with any how. And what the hell was that creature egging them on? It was too late now any ways. Jack regained his momentum and charged the imp fucking the daughter's pussy going for a kick that would hopefully send the helllspawn flying and after which he would try to get the other imps abusing 'her' using the weapon he got(?) from the shrine.

The way the mother did away with the forest, he could not see how these little creatures would put up too much of a fight so he figured she would do better without him interfering. He could only hope that the hellish creature on the stone would leave them alone long enough to deal with the riff raff. If they could focus on the little ones first, maybe this could work...
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby thealchemist » Thu Jul 31, 2014 3:53 am

Ismira sighed in relief as she examined Nicholas' wounds, they weren't as bad as she thought. Using what little medical knowledge she had, Ismira bandaged the minotaurs wounds. "An addict..?" She giggled as she glanced over her shoulder at her small rack of bottles of minotaur cum. Some were there for stress relief and others are from Ismira's more 'favorable' conquests. She looked back at Nicholas with a small smile, "I used to be... A little cum addict who went around the mountain sides, sucking and fucking minotaurs dry just to keep that little high going." Finished with the minotaurs treatment Ismira tossed his shirt to him. "But that was long time ago. Now you are welcome here to stay under a few conditions of course. Firstly, you try to force yourself on me and I WILL make you regret it. Second, you cannot tell anyone, especially other minotaurs and my sons the location of my home. The last thing I need is a bunch of minotaurs coming in here to beg me to such them dry." Ismira let out an exasperated sigh at her last comment and sat down next to Nicholas, placing her hand on his thigh. "Finally, no masturbating." Cupping Nicholas' package, Ismira leans towards his ear and whispers. "Because I plan on sucking you dry after you healed." Shifting back to her original position, Ismira smiles. "So what will it be?"
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Valtiel » Thu Jul 31, 2014 6:22 am

Kaede enjoyed talking to the kitsune. She felt comfortable talking with Kitty, taking in all the information. Despite herself she occasionally looked down at the tent in Kitty's pants, thinking about her cock. "...though I have one concern.. and forgive me for saying this but.. you look lusty and that is something you need to try an avoid being. Even if you have to masturbate your self furiously or give into some of the nicer beings around here. Demons will use your lustful state against you,” Kitty warned. Kaede looked at Kitty, a bit dismayed. She had always been taught to be pure, never give into the pleasures of the flesh. "I-I-I don't know, earthly pleasures were always forbidden in my village. I-I wouldn't know how to... masturbate furiously!" She was lying of course, she had before masturbated like a crazy in her village, even after some of her meditation classes when she couldn't control herself anymore. It was clearly showing to the kitsune that she was lying.

As she starts talking about her horse cock, she once again reveals it, making Kaede look straight at it with a curious look. “Of course its normal, horse cocks are the new thing it appears. I just love having one because its massive and oh so good to be fucked by one!” Kaede swallowed as she heard that. She would never take one like that up inside her... or... she didn't know.

As Kitty finishes some tea, she gets over to Kaede and sits down handing it to Kaede. Kaede happily takes it and starts drinking from it. “I have been here over three years now, a champion my self until I lost track of it and moved to Tel’adre. I used to be a warrior like you, till I took a fox herm to my ass.” At the last remark Kaede almost choked on the tea, as she coughs at the sudden mention of getting fucked. "You what?! You gave up, because of that?" she asks in wonder. "Tel'adre, is that a city around here?" Kaede asked, trying to sit more comfortable in the pillows with the herm right next to her. Kitty smelled good... and the tent in her pants looked much bigger this closer on... what was she thinking?!

Her thoughts kept going back to Kitty's cock. It was so weird, she had never thought so intensively one a male body part before. Looking down at the bulge in the pants, she asked: "S-so, you make it sound like you didn't always had it.. that... cock... of a horse..." she continues as she takes another deep sip, feeling sweat run down her forehead, " grew it?" As she said this, her legs squirmed and rubbed against each other. Was it the smell of Kitty that made her like this? "Oh, you smell really good," Kaede says out loud, only to throw her hands in front of her mouth. She had by mistake said such a silly thing out loud!
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby dndman997 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:39 pm

Duo yawned and looked up now figuring out what to do. Seeing a factory he decided that would be a bad idea to go there and tried to climb down and go somewhere else.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby Kuragari » Thu Jul 31, 2014 10:57 pm

Even being the true ruler of Albion and Aurora, nothing would prepare you for the troubles ahead of you in the new world. Not even the endless swarms of darkness that threatened to wipe out the entire population of your lands would prepare you for what you were about to face.

Saying farewell to your trusted friend Jasper and giving your dog a few gentle pats You go through the portal full of zeal, intent on fighting what ever maybe causing the demon attacks and brutal Raping of your people back at home. The defilers of you land must be stopped and so be it you are now in the lands of Mareth. Though maybe it wasn’t as you expected it to be, beautiful landscapes that seems to go on for miles. You are located near a mountain peak, not that high up but if you jumped it could be deadly. You hear the sounds of weird creatures squawking and other sounds echo from the valley below and the mountain above.

The path down the mountain side however is quite close and you could easily make your way down from hear. Yet a rather bizarre looking creature seems to be standing around at the bottom, a greenish creature that is quite small with hair that is bright pink. She seems to be idling around as if waiting for someone. Maybe its one of the demons? Or maybe a resident of these parts. What will you do? You could go up the mountain or go down and see who the creature is.

Aliana looked around this strange world, rather surprised that it wasn't some twisted hell-plane of some sort, considering the creatures that had been invading her kingdom and having their way with her subjects. She wouldn't have expected a world that had such monsters to be so beautiful and serene. Gazing at the mountainside, she almost feels like she is back home...almost. The sounds of the creatures here are different enough, and the air has something to it that tells her this is not Albion.

Glancing down and spotting the creature though, she frowned, trying to recall the reports, and her own brief encounter with one of the demons before she had shot it where it stood. It didn't look like any of the ones she'd heard about, but at the same time, she couldn't be too careful. Pulling out her trusty pistol, she made sure it was primed and loaded before walking down the path towards it.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby White » Fri Aug 01, 2014 5:25 am

"Awww, scared? If I give up now you'd just fuck me in my ass." White says with venom in her voice.
"But if I do things my way, I get a new ice sculpture!"
She tosses three balls of condensed frost into the air, the ice flying through the air like grenades.
Hit her or not, the balls should explode and freeze the water around her. Easy peasy...

White doesn't stand still while the magic soars through the air. She starts moving towards the satyr, the liquid in the area causing her clothing to cling tightly to her form. She shudders at the chill, her nipples starting to harden beneath her white shirt.
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Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Postby CrimsonNutcase37 » Fri Aug 01, 2014 10:09 am

He raised an eyebrow at the kitsune impaled on his cocks " I think I'll keep you this way till we reach your sisters. Now, whatever do you mean about your sister?" he asked calmly as he started walking, his tails bouncing her on his twin cocks as he walked, reaching around her and grabbed a handful of each tit, groping and playing with them
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