Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:33 pm

"Oh don't mind me, dear lady! I am just enjoying the view of our gloriously incandescent father, the SUN!" He raises his arms out towards the distant ball of fire, as if attempting to give it a Hug. Alinara bumps into you as you stop, unsure of how close this man is to Hollowing. From the sounds of it, he's pretty insane..

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 4/20
Lust: 20/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4490
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 35/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(28/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:51 pm

"Um.... alright then... so you like the sun maybe you could explain to me why you like the sun so much." She says sounding intrigued by him a bit wondering if he would be of any help to her.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:54 pm

"Ahh, young lady, the sun is everywhere! It watches over its children even in the darkest of places, and guides them to the place of justice. One merely needs to praise it receive it's divine, glorious blessing!"

The man is still starting at the sun. He hasn't turned to face you during this whole time.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:10 pm

"Well maybe you can show me how brightly you shine in private..." She asks as she moves close to wrap her hands around his waist. "I'd like to feel your ever growing warmth and if you want it could be in the presence of the sun." She said not sure why she was finding him more attractive by the moment.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:14 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Strange Sun-Obsessed Knight Will Roll: 19!
Barrier: 15
Result: Knight ignores you!

The knight obliviously stares at the sun as Alirana gasps jealously, blushing at your sudden affection towards this strange and alluring knight.
"Oh, thank you for the offer, miss, but I am perfectly alright."
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:22 pm

"Fine but its a standing offer.... You would've had two woman to play with." As she walks back to Alinara giving her a deep kiss to show the knight what he'd be missing. "Too bad I was hoping for a man who had the time to pleasure me and my best friend here." She says as she walks away with Alinara waiting to see if he'd budge. "If you can help us out with some hollow that would be nice mister knight." As she waited to see if he'd come along or say if he'd help them out later. Looking to her friend as she said. "Sorry if your jealous I feel kinda dirty giving birth to well monsters so far. So something human would be better. I just hope my children so far will help me some day they were cute."
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:25 pm

The knight stares at the sun some more, and seems to.. Well, he's probably forgotten you're there, if you're honest. You wonder if you'll ever run into him again.
Alinara blushes even more deeply at the kiss, not expecting you to swap to her so suddenly after throwing yourself at the other person, but nods in understanding. You get the feeling something human to keep her company wouldn't be amiss either..

You could continue down the bridge, or maybe go exploring for something down on the path behind you. You're getting a strange feeling that the bridge may not be the safest place to be...

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 4/20
Lust: 20/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4490
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 35/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(28/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:36 pm

Examining the bridge from afar Aria could see some stairs at the middle believing that archers would try to shoot them down she motions Alinara to rush with her to that safe spot.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:43 pm

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Roll barrier: 14!
Aria's Movement roll: 14!
Alinara's Movement roll: 15!

As you dash across the bridge together, you hear a deep and oppressive roaring in the air above you.. As you keep dashing for safety, and as the hollow archers idioticly stand still and line up their shots.. You hear giant wingbeats and a gush of burning fire..

You barely make it to the safety of the stairway in time as a giant dragon comes rushing by, incinerating anything on the bridge! You feel a rush of power as the four tough looking hollows perish in the blaze..
It seems the archers have learned to use armor now, although it didn't help do much besides pressure cook them in the dragon's fiery breath.

You could go down, or wait for the ravenous flames to die down enough to make another break for.. Somewhere.

+100 souls!

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 4/20
Lust: 20/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4590
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 35/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(28/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:49 pm

Looking around she sees a rather narrow path way under the bridge heading straight for her destination. However looking downward she sees broken stairs and a ladder that has yet to be set up leading straight for the previous bonfire she and her friend had rested at. Kicking the ladder into place she motions Arilana to follow her as they would rest at the bonfire now.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:52 pm

Having discoevered a shortcut back to the bonfire, you both rest easy and snuggle together for a moment as you consider your options. You could go and explore to see what you could find, or try and get past that dragon.. Or explore that narrow path, underneath the bridge.

The choice is yours.

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 20/20
Lust: 20/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4590
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 35/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(28/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:55 pm

For now going through the path under the bridge would just have to satisfy her. Knowing full well that tackling a dragon would be too hard without the help of another friend. To aid them as she would guid her slowly.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:07 am

You and Alinara make your way back up the ladder and through the pathway underneath the bridge.. But before you get even half-way there, you're both grabbed by two armored hollows! At their crotches, you can see two extremely erect dicks, and though you can't help but feel disgusted at the sight... At least they didn't throw you off the bridge.

Aria and Alinara both gain :Restrained! (-2 to combat rolls, -3 to movement rolls!)

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 20/20
Lust: 20/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4590
Restrained! (-2 to combat rolls, -3 to movement rolls!)
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 35/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(30/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
Restrained! (-2 to combat rolls, -3 to movement rolls!)
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:09 am

With little else to do Aria complies sucking off the cock of one of the hollows before pushing it off the cliff. Then turning her attention to kill the other hollow attacking her friend.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:16 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aria's combat roll: 5-2(Restrained!)=3
AH1's defense roll: Natural 20!
Result: Aria is captured, and can only struggle to escape!
Aria gains: Captured! (Must struggle to escape!)
Aria Loses: Restrained!

Alinara's combat roll: Natural 1!
Result: Alinara is captured, and can only struggle to escape!
Alinara gains: Captured! (Must struggle to escape!)
Alinara loses: Restrained!

You aren't really in a position to suck anyone's cock, as you were grabbed from behind. Struggle as you might, the Hollow's prove masterful at the art of subduing you, and you're both trapped good and hard. Your only hope of victory is escaping from their grasp before you become too aroused to fight them!

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 20/20
Lust: 0/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4590
Captured! (Must struggle to escape!)
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 0/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(30/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
Captured! (Must struggle to escape!)
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:19 am

Doing her best struggle free from the hollows she tries her best to fee herself grabbing whatever she could to use against these fiends.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:27 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Aria's Escape roll: Natural 1!
Result: Can't escape without help!

Alinara's escape roll: 12!
AH2's capture roll: 18!

AH2's sexy attack roll: 17!
Alinaras will defense roll: 8!
Result: Alinara is heavily turned on! (40/100 Lust)

Alinara rolls: Natural 20!
Result: Alinara is freed!

AH2's capture roll: 12
Alinara's resist roll: 2!
Result: Alinara is captured again.

Ah2's sexy attack roll: 10!
Alinara's will resist roll: 5
Result: Alinara is turned on ever further! (75/100)

Alinara's escape roll: 3!
AH2's hold roll: Natural 20!
Result: Alinara can't escape without assistance!

Struggle as you both might, you can't escape these two persistent Hollows. Your panties are dragged down and you're fucked mercielessley, their huge cocks pushing deep inside you with each thrust as you both moan like whores. You both start to buck against them and manage to position yourselves to kiss each other again, somehow getting both of you getting more aroused by seeing the other so helpless.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:29 am

Aria clings to Alinara tightly as she moans more trying to struggle free still as she felt herself giving into the hollow that was taking her in front of her.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby Earthsage » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:35 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pregnancy barrier: 10
Aria's roll: 8!
Result: Aria is pregnant!
Alinara's roll: 18!
Result: Alinara isn't pregnant.

As you cling close, kissing and moaning into each other's faces, the two Hollows climax deep inside you both. You both feel hot Hollow spunk enter you.. But only your belly begins to swell. It seems Alinara didn't get pregnant this time around.
Your mindless, zombie lovers wander off somewhere, leaving you exhausted in a pile of your own juices. Soon you hear the dragon roar and smell the stench of burning flesh.. Yeah, you probably know what happened to them.
Alinara starts rubbing your swelling tummy as soon as you both awaken, seemingly fascinated by it.

Aria's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Health: 20/20
Lust: 0/100
Weapon Durability:598/600
Equipment: Wanderer's Set, Strange Blade, Leather Shield.
Estus: 5/5
Souls: 4590
Pregnant! (Labor in 10 turns.
Lactating! (chance of lust increase upon movement or combat rolls, 15 turns until effect ends.)
Covenant Status: Way of White: 1/1 Savior Left.

Alinara's Stats:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

HP: 15/15
Lust: 0/100
Weapon durability: 498/400
Estus: 5/5
Magic casts: Soul Arrow(30/30), Create Light (5/5)
Equipment: Sorcerer's set, dagger, sorcerer's catalyst.
An Axe, a shield, and a good fight are all y'need for a good time! That and some friends to share it with!
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Re: Dark Souls: A Wanderer's Journey. (KnightVanilla)

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:44 am

Attempting to get up she holds onto Alinara asking her to watch over her until she went into labor hoping that with a human child on the way they'd have to do something about her hoping to find someone that would take care of the baby.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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