Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I think its now fixed, please test again.
Played through some weeks, everything seems normal so far. Keep the good work up!
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:I think its now fixed, please test again.
Gorepete Wrote:Couldn't be in better hands
DaraeusUnbound Wrote:-Even with the sound turned off some sounds seem to come though (ex: Footsteps)
Gorepete Wrote:-I tried out using the 'v' to masturbate key, but couldn't get her to stop. (Cold shower maybe?)
Gorepete Wrote:-Some of the hitboxes on the chat things are very finicky, as in, there's a VERY specific spot you have to stand to get it to go. (In Gorp's version they had the crystal over them to click that brought you closer, but now we're just walking, so it can be a bit difficult)
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Ivan, you should use "on_depress" and "on_release" for controlling Krystal's walking. Using "on_press" gives inconsistent movement controls.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:PRIORITIES:
[ ] Make a backside pose (so we can see her butt).
[ ] put a bath in a given area of the forest
[ ] krystal crouching with 'raised butt' (engat) pose
[ ] Add more 'nature' background objects (trees, foliages, bushes) and improve background quality.
[ ] Select better and alternate music to be in some game areas (any idea?). If you have MIDI examples or CC music (instrumental), I can reuse it / remaster it / add or remove instruments to make it better.
usernamesarehard Wrote:Are we going to finally see Krystal give birth?
Digfree Wrote:I can take a shot at some of these, just need the Krystal model if you would.
Digfree Wrote:No promises I'll hit all of them though, but at the very least will help with BG stuff. Also love of god gota fix those kyrstal faces when you talk to people, they are so brief you got to be right on it exactly to see it.
Ayeka Wrote:It is hard to talk with villagers without mark dialogue option. Isually I must do few try to approach and puch down arrow. I think blue dots from previous verison worked better as now.
Digfree Wrote:Also the nurse one is horribly hard to hit for me as it is directly behind kyrstal. My suggestion is to make the character themself clickable from any range and maybe give them a slight glow when moused over them so you know you can interact with them.
Digfree Wrote:As for music, highly recommend using or at least looking into some new grounds music. Long as it's not commercial you can use them I believe and even so you can still ask for the artiest blessing.
Digfree Wrote:I spent about 5-10 mins just peeking around for some ideas, here some examples of what I mean. Most of them are pretty short but I am sure you could cut them even shorter if needed.
Ivan-Aedler Wrote:If its a white screen, please wait it load. If you know how to fix the white screen, please PM me.
OwnerOfSuccuby Wrote:It is cool that on the legend of Krystal forum it is a project about Krystal![]()
DataLoss Wrote:Hi. The white screen is caused by all the assets having "Export in frame 1" checked, which causes them to load on frame one. As the file cannot start playing until the first frame is fully loaded this means you get a white screen until everything is loaded. However, if you don't check the "Export in frame 1" box the asset must appear on the main timeline in order to load at all,
DataLoss Wrote:Specifically in a frame before an instance is created with a "var foo:MovieClip = new assetNameHere();" statement.
//DOESNT WORK (I am using AS2 here)! It wont be loaded in first frame.
_root.BGMsound = new Sound(_root.MUSICMC);
DataLoss Wrote:For the "fixed"version I posted in the other thread I put all assets onto hidden layers in frame 2 then skipped over it once the preloader said it was loaded, you can (hopefully) find a zip of the FLA + as sources for this below (I split the code off into separate files that are then included in the appropriate action as a first step in an effort to refactor the code into something easier to mess with that I ultimately never really got round to) - not sure how easy it will be to merge it into your changes.
DataLoss Wrote:If you choose to keep the "Export in frame 1" method I'd actually recommend removing all the preloader code as in this case it would be doing nothing useful and it only causes problems. If you have any questions you can PM me but I'll have to reply here until I get PM privileges on this forum.
Digfree Wrote:Here is part of her backside… you could say *puts on Sunglasses* I did the leg work for this one….
Digfree Wrote:I didn't do full backside Krystal, but hope this gives you a head start mate. I really suck at drawing human and human like stuff so Krystal gonna need some touch work (heh I can do this all day).
Digfree Wrote:I will at some point work on some of the level elements for you (BG, maybe tub/wash pool). I didn't catch if you already said this, but is peach still your main project with this on the side or going halfsies or taking a break from peach?
Digfree Wrote:P.S (That is your peach's butt painted blue, might need a little adjustment like a bit of hair or something, idk I am not a fox human thing)
el zilcho Wrote:I don't know if I can PM yet, I rarely post.
el zilcho Wrote:I would have too look at the file, but I don't want to just rudely tell you guys what to do, your learning. I'll give two things, if the preloader is being introduced with a white screen first, its simply to complicated of a frame, including the preloader. As the preloader is made of graphics it to must be loaded onto the screen. you can always have the preloader on frame 1, then the items export on a blank frame 2.
el zilcho Wrote:I use AS3 now so I just use OOP all my FLA's usually only have 3 blank main frames save the preloader on frame one, and a blank movie clip on frame three to link the file to the main AS3 file.
el zilcho Wrote:I wouldn't try to externally load sounds, I would make them there own asset in the library and call them up with a listener. I think you would use soundClip.start(); and soundClip.stop(); and just have the sounds in the library.
el zilcho Wrote:Sorry if this is old news. I'm around if you need advice. but google is you best bet as I have pretty much dropped AS2 for AS3 years ago.
FurrinGok Wrote:Using the mouse to move and then using the arrow keys results in Krystal "stumbling" like crazyuntil changing screens. I can no longer escape the stumbling. This is annoying, since clicking to move makes it difficult to find dialogue points.
Changing backgrounds can result in the ambience/background music playing once more even on mute.
FurrinGok Wrote:Using the mouse to move and then using the arrow keys results in Krystal "stumbling" like crazy
FurrinGok Wrote:Changing backgrounds can result in the ambience/background music playing once more even on mute.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:This "stumbling" is a result of command queueing, I believe. Once Ivan changes the control system to use "on_depress" and "on_release" it should work better.
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Typically I like systems that start movement on KEY_DOWN and stop movement on KEY_UP. If this isn't the system you're working with, then this advice isn't really relevant, but you'll definitely have to figure out why the movement isn't working properly at the moment.
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