Bartangelus Wrote:Hey Ivan ! This new project looks pretty cool and all but... Take care of your health budy !
I will, thank you for being worried about my health

DaraeusUnbound Wrote:What about just adding on option on what is currently the last day for "I want to stay" that would let you get rid of the time limit if you want to do that, or have the endings if you don't.
Hmmmmmmmmmmm.... could you explain me more? You know that sometimes we ends up with 1, 2,3 or 4 'remaining days' when we try to fill everything, then if we choose 'REST' having one remaining day, only this day will be used..... That 'last day' can be filled with 'TOWN' (wander around the town) already.... But if we select 'WORK -> WAITRESS', it will be only filled with '1', of course. Then, AFTER ALL DAYS are filled in the end, are we going to get a 'I want to stay' extra day? Thats it? Like having 'the 31th' day for all months? Are this really necessary? How could we get rid of the time limit using the free day? Thats because, if I understand well (AFAIK), the current gameplay have a timelimit regarding JOBS. If you select 'TOWN' (wander around the town), the time doesnt 'run', EXCEPT if you have a given event (e.g. 25 of Morality). If so, the lizard girl will say to you 'wander along the city' . This wont be avoided if we use the last day for a 'freely walk'. What I can do is to deny what the lizard girl says (like 'no, I am not interested'), then this event may occur only in a random event in the future , or another one can occur when you drop the morality and get charisma at 25 instead. OR I can just make her say 'NO, I just want to wander along the city first', with no events happening, THEN when she returns back to her home, the lizard girl will ask again: 'are you now interested?'
DaraeusUnbound Wrote:Really enjoyed Gorpete's version of this game, happy to see it's going to get some extra love.
Lets see, lets see