DomJoe Wrote:@Bass: Fair enough, I was just pointing it out because it's a clear weakness our group has. Just hope that the final boss isn't a tentacle monster, that's all
Anyways, just for my own amusement, I'm going to list off the powers our magical girls have so far:
Ciera Skullheart (Mechra)- Technomancy
Kiha Mioko (Destiny K)- Magical Bolts, 6th sense.
Nathalie Stilo (Rider Camoflare)- Suit w/Camouflage, Invisibility, and Super Mode (Flight, Super Speed)
Valerie Keeper (Masked Red)- Hemomancy (Blood projectiles, Blood Rapier)
Erin Dremmen (Green Valkyrie)- Magical armor and axe
spriter1 Wrote:Or it could be Mister Torque... BECAUSE, REASONS!
venomouswings Wrote:It would be my honor to assist you in that goal.
Earthsage Wrote:Oh my god. Some magical girls we make.
DomJoe Wrote:@Bass: Fair enough, I was just pointing it out because it's a clear weakness our group has. Just hope that the final boss isn't a tentacle monster, that's all
VintageBass Wrote:Oh yeah, I forgot something:DomJoe Wrote:@Bass: Fair enough, I was just pointing it out because it's a clear weakness our group has. Just hope that the final boss isn't a tentacle monster, that's all
OK, I thought you were that man for a moment, but yeah it's good that I don't have that kink. At the very least my girl does come equip with a blade of some sort (if that's a thing for Riders), so there will be possible tentacle dildos for all the girls. On the other hand, I did say "might save you..." so, there is that to take into consideration.
VintageBass Wrote:OK, I thought you were that man for a moment, but yeah it's good that I don't have that kink. At the very least my girl does come equip with a blade of some sort (if that's a thing for Riders), so there will be possible tentacle dildos for all the girls. On the other hand, I did say "might save you..." so, there is that to take into consideration.
Earthsage Wrote:Oh, gross, Bass. Cutting off your enemies body parts to use as dildos? ... I hope you'd do something similar to lamination when it comes to that. And sterilization.
venomouswings Wrote:If you save me I promise to clean the dorms toilets for a whole month
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