Space Escape

The place to post non-Flash projects such as RPG maker games.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby FurrinGok » Sun Apr 20, 2014 1:18 am

daxtinator396 Wrote:Can somebody put a download link at the top of the page? I can't seem to get the one on the site to work for the life of me. It just won't unpack >_<

Did you try the mirror downloads? There's one for 4share, one for DepositFiles, and one for Mega Upload. If those are the ones you have tried, but you haven't tried the one from Urielmax's site directly, then that may be the problem.

Have you tried redownloading it? It's possible your download got corrupted, downloading again should fix it.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby 3DMaster » Sun May 04, 2014 4:32 pm

Okay, a few points and questoins:

1. Does the constitution increase the damage dealt by enemies instead of decrease? Two attempts and play through and after I got the 40 chips of the mud boss and increased my constitution all of sudden the enemies do a lot more damage and kill me ridiculuously fast.

2. I regularly get "animation in the gallery in the title screen", but I don't see the gallery anywhere in the title screen.

3. How do you go to the tile screen/load/save options from the game. I seem to have to exist and restart.

Other than that, the game is pretty damn impressive.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby ElPresidente » Mon May 05, 2014 8:34 pm

Uriel, ever tought of joining Parteon yourself?

Breding Season is doing great, I bet Space Escape cna do jsut as good, if not better. Get paid for workign on the game. Win-win.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby urielmanx7 » Tue May 06, 2014 8:47 pm

3DMaster Wrote:Okay, a few points and questoins:

1. Does the constitution increase the damage dealt by enemies instead of decrease? Two attempts and play through and after I got the 40 chips of the mud boss and increased my constitution all of sudden the enemies do a lot more damage and kill me ridiculuously fast.

2. I regularly get "animation in the gallery in the title screen", but I don't see the gallery anywhere in the title screen.

3. How do you go to the tile screen/load/save options from the game. I seem to have to exist and restart.

Other than that, the game is pretty damn impressive.

1. Pretty much, though I'm not sure, I haven't look up on that from a long time, so I don't remember anymore, all I know is that that is broken >.<
2. Well, is says "Gallery Animation" unlocked, not the gallery itself (I know,, I know, next release it will be clearer); anyway, to unlock the gallery, you have to beat the game with 100% completion on all modes.
3. Press ESC or ENTER to bring the menu->OPTIONS->RETURN TO TITLE SCREEN->YES
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Re: Space Escape

Postby urielmanx7 » Tue May 06, 2014 8:48 pm

ElPresidente Wrote:Uriel, ever tought of joining Parteon yourself?

Breding Season is doing great, I bet Space Escape cna do jsut as good, if not better. Get paid for workign on the game. Win-win.

I...Don't even know what you are talking about >.< I don't hang around here too often, so I'm not aware of the current projects going on here.
isnt more fun that way?
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Re: Space Escape

Postby kingcupworld » Wed May 07, 2014 12:52 am
I think this is what he is talking about. Lets content creators get sponsors. Creator sets "waypoints", sponsors commit to paying [insert some amount of money here] whenever those milestones are reached.
Thanks in advance...
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Re: Space Escape

Postby cookie jar » Sat May 10, 2014 5:22 pm

Hmm, regarding that reoccuring constitution increases damage problem:
Could it be that the moment the damage from an enemy would fall below zero it starts increasing damage instead of reducing it (or keeping it at the minimum of 1)?

Because putting only a few points in constitution does reduce the damage the golem does for example, but increases the damage from the wolves right away.

Edit: Experimented a bit more. Since increasing Will also increases damage taken, I guess you can scratch my previous idea.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby ElPresidente » Mon May 12, 2014 5:59 pm

urielmanx7 Wrote:
ElPresidente Wrote:Uriel, ever tought of joining Parteon yourself?

Breding Season is doing great, I bet Space Escape cna do jsut as good, if not better. Get paid for workign on the game. Win-win.

I...Don't even know what you are talking about >.< I don't hang around here too often, so I'm not aware of the current projects going on here.

As kingcupworld explained, I'm talking about you getting paid for working on Space Escape.

Breeding season just passed 10.000$.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby urielmanx7 » Mon May 12, 2014 9:17 pm

Oh, I see, well, it's kinda like a donation system but more controlled for what I see, but as I said many times in the past, don't want to go that way, because I don't want to spoil the experience of making this with money, right now, I do it for myself first, then for the fans, if I were to actively earn money from them, I will immediately go to the backrow, and then I'll do the game for the fans first so their contributions don't go to waste, and second for myself, which ultimately will make the making of the game feel like a chore, because then I'll HAVE to do it, instead of WANTING to do it, hope you can understand my point of view.
isnt more fun that way?
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Re: Space Escape

Postby Ivan-Aedler » Sat May 24, 2014 10:03 pm

urielmanx7 Wrote:Oh, I see, well, it's kinda like a donation system but more controlled for what I see, but as I said many times in the past, don't want to go that way, because I don't want to spoil the experience of making this with money, right now, I do it for myself first, then for the fans, if I were to actively earn money from them, I will immediately go to the backrow, and then I'll do the game for the fans first so their contributions don't go to waste, and second for myself, which ultimately will make the making of the game feel like a chore, because then I'll HAVE to do it, instead of WANTING to do it, hope you can understand my point of view.

I agree. That's what I do with some of my projects. The 'inner flow' comes from creativity, friendship and the wish to contribute. We are helping each other indirectly, in this vast world of hentai. Of course earning something is great, it helps anyway, it makes you make more, but the 'I'll HAVE to do it' thing may make the development a rush in certain times and it can break the enchantement of freedom and our intentions (you know, depending on the help, you will end up making a game for them, not with you had in mind). Certain features I've made for MIM PUT, for example, came from my inner desires.

But I dont know, its all about the future projects, and like you said, the need to make better games with the 'HAVE' to do it. Again, being helped or not, a thing is sure, the game will be alive forever. It will please people over the years, even ourselves, because later we can be the players who are replaying them, having memories of good times and sometimes discovering emotions we hadnt before.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby FuzzFace » Fri May 30, 2014 7:00 am

Then the best thing we can do is spread the word!
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Re: Space Escape

Postby rebelseal » Sun Jun 22, 2014 7:33 am

Seems good so far cant wait to see it later
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Re: Space Escape

Postby ms92 » Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:06 pm

Loving the game so far, just downloaded it though I can't find where i'm supposed to go once you've slain the mud-golem, the guide says to go to the horse room but I can't do anything while in there.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby CloudRipper » Wed Jul 09, 2014 6:45 pm

ms92 Wrote:Loving the game so far, just downloaded it though I can't find where i'm supposed to go once you've slain the mud-golem, the guide says to go to the horse room but I can't do anything while in there.

The horse room its most likely talking about is actually way to the left bottom in the first area. However to get in there you need the red key card from way up and to the right side in the second area
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Re: Space Escape

Postby FuzzFace » Thu Jul 10, 2014 5:26 am

Didnt I post here? i...hmm.

Once the mud-golem is eradicated, the pink door outside the horse room will open.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby musical74 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 1:22 am

I THINK I've got everything that the demo has, but not sure.

Discovering how to get out of the cell at the beginning was *uh, what do I do??*. I had to see someone say *this is what you do to get started* *SIGH*. Barring that, it's been fun! Got all 3 cards, all the weapons, and I THINK all the suits. There's 5 skill spots but I've only found 4, am I missing one? Also, if I get to the hanger and get to the escape craft, monsters stop appearing unless I go to the basement again. Am I supposed to do something to start the craft, or is that as far as it goes? I do like that there's a few different positions for each monster, and it's very fun messing around :)
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Re: Space Escape

Postby FuzzFace » Mon Jul 14, 2014 5:56 am

You are able to enter the craft via the door, but then it cuts to the credits. I'm going to throw a ball out there and guess, you have 16 of the collectible 17 items? You need all 17 before you can continue onto the credits reel, and unlock the other modes.

Oh yes, other modes.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby dudelikeporn » Mon Jul 14, 2014 8:50 am

Wish I knew that raising constitution actually INCREASES enemy damage, as opposed to decrease it. Now I'm getting one-shotted all too often.
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Re: Space Escape

Postby musical74 » Mon Jul 14, 2014 3:08 pm

Yeah I have 16 of the 17. Have NO IDEA where the 17th item is. I have all three weapons, 4 skills, all three guns, normal suit, casual suit, casual underwear, swimsuit, and all 3 cards. The skills are dash, double jump, masturbate, and explosion. So I'm missing something...but what?
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Re: Space Escape

Postby Darthan » Mon Jul 14, 2014 7:06 pm

musical74 Wrote:Yeah I have 16 of the 17. Have NO IDEA where the 17th item is. I have all three weapons, 4 skills, all three guns, normal suit, casual suit, casual underwear, swimsuit, and all 3 cards. The skills are dash, double jump, masturbate, and explosion. So I'm missing something...but what?

Go back to your cell and instead of going right to escape, try going left.
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