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Postby Ysanne » Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:45 pm

This is going to sound rather pathetic, but I can't download it from the forum. My connection speed is very low, so it doesn’t like me. It gets to 144kb and then conks out and forces me to restart. Could someone please upload it onto something else I can download it from?
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Postby AlexAxe » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:37 am

The sex scenes with Metroid is endless.
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Postby doc700000 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:20 am

metroid from behind never ends for me (i did not attack ever, had interacted fine with a pirate and a levirant, and was walking away from the metroid as the animation started)
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Postby corta » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:33 pm

Game update

##Update: June 9th.
Added: a new location for you all to rummage around, the leviathan pit. and it's chock full of levirants! ( I know, right? )
Fixes/Tweaks: worked in aggro-ing baddies as you explore, fixed perma-loops on met's grapple, and heaps of bugs that I've made and squashed today (/flex)

the levi pit is pretty much where the game is aimed, a combat-oriented platformer. (unless I find out that people [i]REALLY enjoy jumping on stuff..)[/i]

Ysanne Wrote:I can't download it from the forum

if your progress bar completes and you only get a white screen, refresh. and try again.
and no external uploads, I don't want copies of this mixed around.

bmn Wrote:What do you mean with 'Hydra'? (I only know hydras as dragons with multiple heads). Are they the big Zergs?

Hydralisk and yes.

chimi Wrote:Will there be an option for additional mess?

if you've seen my character template, I've got layers built to satisfy a human-sponge.
It'd take me literally 3 mins to have all the grapples leave mess like the hydralisk one - I just keep forgetting. (tomorrow, probably)

toodles, internets.
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Postby Xanatos » Thu Jun 09, 2011 6:51 pm

Oh damn it! i fell for the dead end!! >.< XD
Image Xanatos, the stronger variant of Thanatos in Ragnarok.
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Postby bmn » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:36 pm

I think I have fonund a bug. In the 9th version the Hydras have no progressbar. Hopefully you are not gonna remove it for all.

How about making her struggle if the user presses keys? That would be cool ^^
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Postby Valithan » Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:38 pm

not sure how much you care for a level doodle, but in the levirat pit, when you walk up the slope that paths down to the dead end, thens a stump area that screws the camera into not following up as much as it should (clipping off the character head and then some) but if you jump (if though there isn't room to go anyway) it spikes up and corrects itself.
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Postby Unholy Sonic » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:29 am

Well I kinda played alot with the game and it's quite hard to get the endless loop but I got the hang of it and at anytime I can loop my fav scenes endlessly whenever I want. ;)
You just have to right-click and play at the right time during a sex scene, thats all.
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Postby FuzzFace » Fri Jun 10, 2011 5:35 am

Great mother of the ringed planet! it's very smooth, and the combat system is cool. you made the sex nice and fluid too...But I don't need to tell you that, you already know ^^
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Postby Goryokaku » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:18 pm

Get's better everytime you pull a new uppdate out ^^
The sex offenders register... I don't even think they should be at school...
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Postby Name_Taken » Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:12 pm

Man, you are amazing at this sort of thing, you know that? The controls and animations are great, really fluid. Would love to see even more monsters, etc. but right now it looks amazing as is.
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Postby Renara » Fri Jun 10, 2011 1:57 pm

Just realised I've not actually posted in this thread to say how much I like this game!

You mentioned the more detailed backgrounds being laggier I think, just thought you might like to try the cacheAsBitmap trick.
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Postby rooiehaan » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:11 pm

might i suggest adding a little something something so samus can grab her helmet, and put it back on? its a bit wierd to see the monsters taking it off, and then suddenly she's wearing it again.

also, when the uh... *scroll scroll* -hydras are getting her from behind, they grapple her with their... uhm... tusks? well anyways, their heads are right above her butt, so how about some tongue?
also, in that same scene, she's swung against the penis of the hydra, but it feels a bit playfull. could you perhaps add the right claw (behind her) to pull her against him?
and lastly, i would strongly recommend a deeper penetration with that hydra, missionary position. her face looks painful, but the penetration doesnt.

oh, and are you going to make a story and all that?
becouse the way you've done now, just making a world and adding creatures already is a lot of fun!
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Postby corta » Fri Jun 10, 2011 3:26 pm

alright, it's been a bit of a day over here and it looks like I haven't got enough content for today's update.
sadtime, rite?

I caught a few SC2 streams and that put me in the mood for 'a bit o' that'

Been playing around with dig's zergling model, trying to get that going..
but, it just looks awkward moving around.. especially when zoomed out.

Tried out a little drawing, but I'm secretly a crap artist.

now, this isn't a dig (heh) his art quality, I've seen the pic his design was based on and it's pretty spot on.
But, Digfree (hopefully that was noticeable enough..), if you're out there and still drawing.. can I get a trace of this model of zergling? pretty please? :D

oh, and banshee pilot added to the art list. (sexy, hardly any hits on image search.. yup.)

Renara Wrote:Just realised I've not actually posted in this thread to say how much I like this game!

You mentioned the more detailed backgrounds being laggier I think, just thought you might like to try the cacheAsBitmap trick.

thanks and thanks.
that and the optimize function should come in handy. wouldn't happen to have anything on drop-shadows, as well, would you?

bmn Wrote:In the 9th version the Hydras have no progressbar

huh? are there some health bars missing?

Valithan Wrote:a stump area that screws the camera.

alright, gotcha. hopefully I can get rid of that..
I say hopefully because it bounces constantly when it's set to track precisely.. and does that when it's too insensitive.

rooiehaan Wrote: grab her helmet and put it back on..

having it snap back saves me making two versions of a scene and saves me heaps of coding.. for a small detail like that I think it's something we'll just have to deal with..

rooiehaan Wrote:when the uh... *scroll scroll* -hydras are getting her from behind, they grapple her with their... uhm... tusks? well anyways, their heads are right above her butt, so how about some tongue?
also, in that same scene, she's swung against the penis of the hydra, but it feels a bit playfull. could you perhaps add the right claw (behind her) to pull her against him?
and lastly, i would strongly recommend a deeper penetration with that hydra, missionary position. her face looks painful, but the penetration doesnt.

tongue, yeah. I could work something like that in..
the claw behind was something I planned on having since I started the scene, but with all the possible clothes it looked awful most of the time. (and that's how stuff gets cut!)
and deeper? ooh-la-la. I think that will be quite possible. ;)

rooiehaan Wrote:oh, and are you going to make a story and all that?

I'm making up the story as I draw the maps.
so, don't expect a saga. I'm aiming for the amount of story that a metroid game used to have. Setting, goal, obstacle.

whew, I think this post is long enough..
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Postby Digfree » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:04 pm

lol..... *crys a little on the inside* I'll make a new zergling for you mate.

BTW corta, how good are you at drawing tenticals? cause I could make a overlord, if you get the tentacles. just saying.
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Postby corta » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:40 pm

Zergling: :D

overlords, though, would be pretty hard to 'write for' in a game..
(unless we've got footage of blimps gettin' them some)

I think we could get the desired effect with a mutalisk, though.
by the looks of this side-view, anyway

tentacles at both ends? boy-parts at the (hip?)?

what do you reckon?
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Postby Scapa » Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:18 pm

I wouldn't agree with giving the muta tentacles nor another penis.. just use the tail it has.

Mutalisk usually fly like this:


I can already see the awesome things that could be made with that tail. Some flight-sex action.. ect..
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Postby origamitoast » Fri Jun 10, 2011 6:19 pm

are there any tit-fuck enemys yet? maybe the flying thing can do that?
I love riddles? Do you like riddles? I've got one: What always runs but never walks, has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps. Can't get it? It's a river >:3 i've got plenty more just ask me.
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Postby cjsawyer46 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:46 pm

Love the game overall so far! My only issue is that I can't find the Hydra scene :| But that's probably because I'm an idiot! LO
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Postby LuftMallow » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:51 pm

When you create a character that uses Rayne's lower arms or select Rayne, the back arm outside the creator turns into the black Samus arm cannon.
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