At this point you have to understand something. This forum isn't a unit. It isn't a group of workers under the command of our admin or moderators. This is just a group of people who make games in the CC, roleplay in RP, and post random (yes random) threads in General Discussion.
MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Does this website have an official catalog of EVERYTHING that's been made?
No. The Creative Corner Depositorium was a project to catalog all of the games in the forum, and whether they were currently under development. The owner of the thread stopped updating it, so it fell out of sync. It's surprising how many projects start up in this forum (and I'm very happy for it!), but this means that it's a lot of work to provide a comprehensive, up to date list of all the games in the forum. As for "everything in the forum", I don't think there's anyone here that'd be willing to dig up all the half-finished animations, character models, backgrounds, scenes, ideas, and prototypes in the archives. The amount of stuff that's been made here is much much more than anyone here is willing to deal with. If you're looking to create such a catalog, I wish you luck, but don't expect it to be easy; I'd imagine that without a good workflow you'd have to spend at least 6 hours a week checking project activity and updating when new projects are started.
MajorMajorMajorMajor Wrote:Maybe if this website had something that wasn't exactly a "general" forum, that was more like a COMPLETELY random, not even LOK-relevant thread, this website would be a little more active? Just wondering.
I'm kinda curious what you mean "General Discussion" to mean. Looking up the generally accepted definition of general gives
Cambridge Dictionary Wrote:General: adjective Including a lot of things or subjects rather than being limited to only one or a few
This forum is for talking about lots of stuff. Creative Discussion is meant for talking about projects in the CC, LoK Project page is meant for discussion about the LoK project, and Roleplaying Discussion is meant for talking about Roleplaying.
On a final note, discussions typically become more active when you join them rather than creating threads complaining about a lack of activity.