Forum slowing down?

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Forum slowing down?

Postby Digfree » Mon Jun 06, 2011 11:31 pm

man when i first came here, there was so much more activity, but recently it died down. I do not just mean products coming out, but mainly forums are soo slow atm. I mainly hang out on creative forum section though.

This post won't change anything, but I think we really need a good game like MiM to go out and get new people here, thats how I came here. idk why I am posting this, prob because my other topics are dead atm. but when the next big game comes out, regaurdless if it is cortas game or etc, we really need to make a clear link here.

Am I just crazy, or you guys see it get slower too?

Also, here are is a random pic.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Anonymous » Tue Jun 07, 2011 3:35 am

yea i've seen it too.
i think seeing all the failed games here has discouraged people

Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby trunks2585 » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:09 am

I'd love to see a progress update from Ren's project but of course any time i ask him about that on here he stays silent, maybe he thinks I'm being snarky about it, but I actually would like for him to say if anything is even happening anymore.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Thaedael » Wed Jun 08, 2011 1:52 am

As a moderating approving posts, the forums is as busy now as it was when I started moderating. This concern has been brought up throughout the ages of the forums lifespan. It just seems slow because there are more people that post things that are not necessarily contributions. That is my opinion but I may just be biased from approving many many posts a day (which doesn't include people outside of the moderating period)

Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby corta » Wed Jun 08, 2011 5:49 pm

Judging by view-counts, we've got about as many people browsing as when PlayShapes was around.
this place must have earned a reputation for releasing vaporware after A52 and the main project..

but, I still think that we can bring this place back on course.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Renara » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:54 pm

The site is currently estimated to top 800gb of bandwidth served this month, compare that to this time last year where we topped out around 180gb… and boy am I glad my host have done away with bandwidth limits completely now!

trunks2585 Wrote:I'd love to see a progress update from Ren's project but of course any time i ask him about that on here he stays silent, maybe he thinks I'm being snarky about it, but I actually would like for him to say if anything is even happening anymore.

I can't ignore what I don't read! I used to read everything that was posted but nowadays the forums are busy enough that I simply can't read everything!
As for progress; my policy remains unchanged, there'll be nothing shown till there's something good to show like a teaser or some game-play demos. What the bandwidth usage will be like when that does happen is anybody's guess!
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby trunks2585 » Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:37 am

Renara Wrote:The site is currently estimated to top 800gb of bandwidth served this month, compare that to this time last year where we topped out around 180gb… and boy am I glad my host have done away with bandwidth limits completely now!

trunks2585 Wrote:I'd love to see a progress update from Ren's project but of course any time i ask him about that on here he stays silent, maybe he thinks I'm being snarky about it, but I actually would like for him to say if anything is even happening anymore.

I can't ignore what I don't read! I used to read everything that was posted but nowadays the forums are busy enough that I simply can't read everything!
As for progress; my policy remains unchanged, there'll be nothing shown till there's something good to show like a teaser or some game-play demos. What the bandwidth usage will be like when that does happen is anybody's guess!

Thanks for admitting you don't read everything.

I'm not asking you to post something flash wise, I'm asking for a status update, do you have any models built, do you have any more code written, a working game engine, any scenes finished or started, etc. In general WHAT DO YOU HAVE DONE AT ALL?
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Renara » Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:04 am

trunks2585 Wrote:I'm asking for a status update

And I'm not giving one as all they do is cause premature anticipation of something that will very easily be delayed, so how's about you worry about your own project's status, and I'll worry about mine ;)
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby trunks2585 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:00 am

Right, so I'll just take that as 'I haven't got anything to show, so I'm going to try and dodge the issue'. Just don't be surprised when you realize no one is paying attention to you anymore.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Renara » Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:46 am

trunks2585 Wrote:Right, so I'll just take that as 'I haven't got anything to show, so I'm going to try and dodge the issue'.

Not much of a stretch since that's pretty much exactly what I said:
Renara Wrote:there'll be nothing shown till there's something good to show like a teaser or some game-play demos

Renara Wrote:Just don't be surprised when you realize no one is paying attention to you anymore.

I wouldn't be surprised if that's how many people are already; there's been more than enough talk and half-finished or abandoned artwork to date, so I'm gonna just wait till I've got something good to show, as I suspect that that's the only status update that people really want anyway. So I'll re-iterate; focus on your own project, mine's just fine as far as I'm concerned, and it'll be done when it's done, same as always.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Zelos » Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:57 pm

Foxy, Trunks, come on now guys. You are both motivational leaders amongst all the new members here. We know it gets busy from time to time.
But no one is really rushing you guys for results, whatever you all chose to display i am sure we'll all enjoy. Either way i hope you guys don't have a falling out in to which it causes both teams to stop working on their individual projects all together.

Edit: >.> had a big typo error.
Last edited by Zelos on Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby $orienta » Sat Jun 18, 2011 2:42 am

I've been lurking (as a non-member) for a long time, and I've seen the arguements between Trunks and Renara.

However, the forum is so slow, most likely due to many of the members not helping AT ALL.
Now I know I can't help. I fail at everything this game needs, therefore I can't really help much. All I can give are ideas, which they already have enough of.

From what I've seen, Ren refuses to show any work that he's done (which is a little understandable, as he's doing coding), but he should be at least sharing with the other LOK team members. Plus, there aren't a ton of people doing something constructive, and even less on the LOK team.

Also, what Zelos said is right.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby trunks2585 » Sat Jun 18, 2011 4:36 am

Lol, is foxy your nickname for Ren? And we already had a falling out, that's the reason for two teams, so you don't have to worry about that, it can't get any worse.
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Re: Forum slowing down?

Postby Zelos » Sat Jun 18, 2011 9:05 pm

trunks2585 Wrote:Lol, is foxy your nickname for Ren? And we already had a falling out, that's the reason for two teams, so you don't have to worry about that, it can't get any worse.

Ha, yea i was going to say Renara. But then i saw "Foxy Admin " Just kinda jumping out at me. So i just went with that, And i was going to call you : Trunk-ten, the fusion name chichi gave to gotenks the fist time they did fusion. But then decided, pfft that doesn't sound cool at all.

But yea, this is like the first time i have seen you guys go at it each other ( must be kinda old by now ) between posts.
But i guess if its resolved then there is nothing more to worry about. Best of luck to both teams.
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