Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

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Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Sun Jul 06, 2014 7:17 pm

Well, I have been having a little extra time on my hands, and a bolt of inspiration, that just would not leave me alone. The idea for this RP has been bugging me for several days, and I finally decided to give in and see what happens. First of all, I would like to note, that I am seeking a co-GM to help me with this, in case work delays my posts, and considering I also want a character to play with. Now to explain what has been bugging me.

Planet Hell, well that's the short hand version. No one really wants to say "Lupus Four" anymore. One century years ago, it was decided by all races, to send their prisoners to a single, garden world, and let them live away from the good and decent citizens of the galaxy. So, they all chose Lupus Four, as it is on the ass end of the galaxy. First this place was the sight of one giant prison. Then things got even bigger, as more planets wanted to send more criminals there. Soon the pace became the size of a town, yet still it grew. The planets then decided to make another prison for females, but found that they did not have the resources to support both prisons. So, they made a very controversial decision to put both genders in the same prison, in the hopes, that fear of what could happen in the prison now, would persuade many females not to commit crimes.
One hundred years later, the place is the size of a city. The cell blocks are the size of skyscrapers, and the cells now big enough to classify as apartments.The guards are now a small military force, the could rival the military of some of the lesser developed planets. The security group growing in fame and infamy for their efficiency and brutality soon earning their own name and reputation. Considering that the humans were the first ones to start this project, it was from their mythology that these guards got their name. They are the called the Cerberus organization. For they are the guardians of hell, ensuring no one enters or leaves. They have cameras everywhere, recording almost everything, and they have been known to sell some of those recordings for the right price. Several people have had their worst moments in prison recorded, only to be displayed by their enemies.
While the guards used to have to keep the prisoners in line, they now spend their time enforcing simple laws, as the prisoners now have more important things to worry about. To help line their pockets, the guards devised a simple plan to keep prisoners in line. Whenever a prisoner causes too much trouble, they get thrown in the arena, where they fight, most of the time, for their life. However, since both genders are stuck in the prison, many fights between genders end in both rape and humiliation. Cerberus records everything that happens, and sells the videos out on the galactic info net, letting the entire galaxy see what happens, if they so choose to pay.
The guards run the main prisons, but several gangs have popped up, all around the city, as they each fight for what they value. whether that be money, power, protection, or the right to live. They have sectioned every cell block by race for the most part. However, occasionally different races end up in a mixed block. And every block has several gangs fighting for control of the block, in the hopes of one day pushing the guards out of the block. Powerful gangs have done it before, and were allowed to rule their own lives for a time. However, Cerberus always struck back, hard, usually leaving piles of bodies.

The rumors of this place strike fear into many would be criminals, and ever since the videos of what happens began to circulate throughout the galaxy crime has slowly plummeted to an all time low, as the fear of Planet Hell, as it has become called, ever since one prisoner had his blood painted on the wall for the video to record. And now, you are on your way. You can only shudder to yourself and try to block out the video that gave the planet its namesake. Try as hard as you might, you still can't shake the image from your mind, all you can see, is the large wolf anthro, burying his claws into the orc males blood, and paint on the cold steel wall....
Welcome to Planet Hell

This game will have a simple battle system. Your clothing is your life, once your clothing has been removed, the next hit will end in your defeat. Your starting clothing will only take one hit to destroy per piece. You will be able to gain stronger clothing later. This game will also have a reputation and alignment system. Your reputation will be whether you are considered strong or a bitch. Strong prisoners will get more respect from others and may be helped more often. However, the stronger you are, the more likely you are to attract stronger enemies. A bitch won't be as respected and may be required to perform sexual favors for prisoners to avoid being raped. However, they will rarely attract a strong enemy. Each racial faction will also have some feelings toward you, based on whether you help them or not. For example, helping a bunch of orcs capture several elven woman to rape them would have the orcs like you, but the elves would begin to hate you. You also have your prisoner/guard alignment, as to which faction likes you more, helping the guards make a drug bust, would certainly have the guards on your side, and more likely to protect you, but the prisoners wouldn't trust you nearly as much and may be more hostile toward you. However, you should only really need to worry about the politics in your cell block first, before you worry about anything else.

Your character will not have levels or skills. Everything will be decided by a roll of 20d. However, your background can affect your rolls, by giving you a perk. The classes of criminals are as follows.
Violent: Stronger and more athletic, Bonus +2 to fighting rolls
Roguish: Cunning and agile: Bonus +2 to rolls for anything involving skill, such as hot wiring car, or picking someones pocket.
Political: Former leader of political party, nation, government. Bonus +2 to charisma, seduction, or intimidation rolls.
Innocent: You were framed! No bonus to rolls, but your family or friends will send you something every week, you might be able to trade for credits, or to save your ass.

Character Sheet: Here is the basic format for character sheets. I will have my own character sheet up, once i find a co-gm.
Name: (Obvious)
Age: (At least 18)
Gender: (Male or Female, to start)
Race: (Human, Elf, Dark Elf, Anthro, Orc, Goblin, Quarian, Turian, or any other fantasy/sci fir race. No guarantees I will know enough about them to do your character justice.)
Class: (See above)
Background: (The more you give me, the more I can work with.)
Appearance: (Paragraphs are good, pictures are better.)

Everyone will start out in a waiting are, waiting to be booked their new cell block. You can then choose what kind of cell block you will be in.

Current characters: Sierra, Jane, Vala, Korian Vraxis, Rusi, Sixes, Cinayet, Malice, and Sasha.
Last edited by Sortaix on Sat Jul 19, 2014 1:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby venomouswings » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:21 pm

Love the idea, would love to reserve a spot if that is ok?
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby exalted » Sun Jul 06, 2014 11:47 pm

If I can run a PC as well I wouldn't mind co-GMing (I roll you, you roll me)

Name: Jane Doe
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Class: Violent

Jane Doe's file says she has a life sentence without parole, the rest of the file is corrupted, because that is all the guards need to know.

Jane Doe is not her real name, just the name given to a lost soul no one will look for. The tattoos on her back and arms would suggest a military background, rangers, special forces.

If you asked, Jane would say she was innocent, she got screwed by a lawyer. She wouldn't tell you of a botched operation in a place her team shouldn't have been. She wouldn't tell you of being scapegoated for a misogynistic, incompetent officer.

Jane wouldn't tell you any of this, because that is not her. That was someone else, a person with another name, a person with parents, sisters, nephews and nieces... people who could be hurt if she wasn't just Jane Doe.


5'8", Athletic build.
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Minus the armour.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:20 am

Name: Korian Elsar
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Race: Draconian (has a regeneration abilities but does take time.)
Class: Innocent
Background: Growing up as part of a gang which slowly diverted its attention to more.... subtle works of control and territory they soon became more of an official company. Although her family had began their business now as officials of the law she never truly could follow the same path as her parents. Choosing to walk a path separately from the police force. As she chose to become a private detective and mercenary however with the crime rate going down she decided to take on the smaller jobs that were offered to her. With her skill of deduction to find and work out most secrets from the most skilled of liars. With her family's time in law enforcement she's always had weapons training in pretty much whatever they could get her hands on. Then one day while on the job she encountered a corpse in her office and within moments law enforcement was upon her and apprehended her. Even with her family's influence there was no way to lighten her sentence as she was sent to planet hell. With only one word of advice from her Father before she left for her new home to be. "Take control... and remember have a plan to kill everyone you'll meet."
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Due to a certain mutation she is less draconian in her appearance her mother being human cause her body to be a little mixed. Image http://media.animegalleries.net/albums/ ... l.jpg?=123
Last edited by KnightVanilla on Mon Jul 07, 2014 4:25 am, edited 2 times in total.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby venomouswings » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:08 am

Name: Sixes
Age: 23 (Physically) 5 (by years)
Gender: Female
Race: Artificial Human (Genetically modified before birth to have slightly demonic feature, side effect of modifications is above human strength)
Class: Violent

Background: Artificial Humans in this day and age aren't an uncommon sight, anyone can have them as long as they got the coin. Sixes owner was no exception to this rule. He was the son of a wealthy and what ever he wanted was what ever he got. This young man would spend millions one creating servants for himself to take care of his mansion and his own personal desires, which was a good life until Sixes. She was created to be a demon girl for some weird phase he was going through at the time. She was modded to have horns, red eyes, pale skins and a black arrow point tale. She was given the name Sixes because her serial number was mostly sixes and that her owner sucked at naming things. The young man loved his new toy however Sixes didn't feel the same way and hated taking orders. Things carried on as normal until the young man's desires great and he gave his final order which she refused. In anger he tried to force himself on her which is when her unknown side effect was finally revealed as the sound of cracking bone as she fought back filled the air.

Five years late the law had finally caught up to her arresting her in the slums of some off world planet. Sentence with life at planet hell she has gone down in history as the first artificial human with free will and the first to have a criminal record.


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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Kittykitty501 » Mon Jul 07, 2014 1:24 am

Name: Kitty
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Catboy (species from the o'cleck System. Flexible and fast)
Class: Roguish

Kitty (being his only Alias) was pyschopathic murderer. killing anyone who got in his way, no mercy just the scent for blood and flesh.. mostly Humans. charged with 200+ accounts of Murder. Though he was (in his words), following his mistress's orders. His misstess was a known Crime war lord who denied anything to do with the cat when he was took to court, even though it was her who trained him to be the ruthless killer. Before these murders though, another charge was added which included treason and conspiracy to disrupt Galatic order. Again, the cat blamed his actions on another owner, twas true but who would believe him? his race had always been subdued by others and no-one really cared about his species, most were kidnapped for slavery. This is how kitty happened to land in the hands of two crime lords in the first place.

After his final kill, he was caught by Authorities and the court sentenced him to life imprisonment on Hells planet though the jury was met by a mad laughter from the cat boy who proceeded to warn each of them that if he ever got free.. they'd all be dead.


Kitty was was smallish creature, standing about 5'2" in height. his race was always considered slim and feminine, even the male's. kitty had sandy blonde hair that spiked a little at the top before flowing freely down to his shoulders. His eyes were pink, again this was natural of his species and his pupils were like a cats. His skin colour was like a caucaisan Human yet his ears were covered in black fur and were feline. upon his firm feminine ass was a bushy grey tail that was about a meter long, covered in peircings and random black leather straps. His muscle wasn't very visable but where he lacked in strength, he made up for in quickness. His chest, arms and legs were covered in various tattoos, from all over the galaxy. his favourite though was a tattoo of his last misstress, a Herm grey fox morph, with a nice firm erect equine cock riding a top of spaceship like an old pin up girl from Earth. various scars covered his body also, from gun shot wounds, stab wounds, burns.. mostly it was claw marks but this was normal for the cat folk.
100% Herm Addict
100% Corruption

"and then.. how about a nice injection of Fox cream, lover" - Urta
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jul 07, 2014 2:50 am

Sure, Exalted, you can roll for me. However, would you mind posting occasionally for people?
Also for everyone, right now your clothing is in four parts: Shirt, Pants, Bra/Undershirt, and Panties/Boxers. So, on hit number five, you loose.

Oh and Kitty, I am not homosexual, and have no homosexual tendencies. Therefore, I may not be able to do any gay sex scenes justice with my limited writing capacity. Just giving you a warning and an apology, if my writing skills aren't up to par, for your character.

Name: Sierra Sall'a
Age: 23
Gender: female
Race: Human
Background: Sierra was born into a rich family. Her mother and father both owned a very large corporation. Thus, she was pampered during most of her life. However, she did not let herself become weak. She spent much of her spare time working on her physical appearance, taking much pride in her natural beauty. She worked out much to ensure she had a jaw dropping figure, as well as a few enhancements to her assets. She became quite popular in her school, as well as the college she went to. However, once she finished and went to work for her parents, her popularity dropped. She got in a heated argument with one of her co-workers and ended up getting her parents to fire her.
However, things did not end there. One week later, Sierra was accused of stealing several million dollars from the company and transferring into a ghost bank account. Her parents didn't believe that she would do such a thing and fought the accusations the best they could. However, the woman who framed her did a very good job. Sierra soon got sent to a local jail, awaiting transport to Lupus 4. She spent one month awaiting transport.
It was there, that she got a taste of what life would be like for her. She got thrown in a cell with a large wolf anthro. The anthro took one look at her and decided to make her his bitch. She tried to fight him off, but very soon, she was bent over and her screams echoed throughout the small cell block. She spent the month being raped over and over by this fiend. Once she was finally sent to Lupus 4, she sat on the transport, her mind going over everything that had happened to her. It was then and there, that she made a promise to herself not to end up someones bitch again, and that she was ready to fight to the death to protect herself. However, she was then haunted by the things she felt, during the sex, and more importantly, how hard she climaxed from the rape. Her will faltered a bit, as she thought of this. But she couldn't think about that. Instead, she focused on anger and hatred, using that to hopefully increase her strength and power, as she now sat on a transport, ready to go to planet Hell.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby exalted » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:18 am

Sortaix Wrote:Sure, Exalted, you can roll for me. However, would you mind posting occasionally for people?

No problem (more meant I wont do my own rolls to prevent any claims of bias etc). Pretty much tell me where you want to go and I'll try to get there roughly.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby DomJoe » Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:50 am

Name: Rusi Ku
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Race: Squirrelgirl
Class: Political

Background: Rusi nearly had it all: power, money, love, all through the merits of her silver tongue and keen wit. She wasn’t born into any of these things, but she bartered, blackmailed, and seduced her way to the top, and she was poised to be married to the ruler of her homeworld, who she would have murdered shortly afterwards in order to secure the position for herself. The murder went off without a hitch, but her associated that committed the crime turned on her, revealing her as the mastermind in order to oust her and claim all the power for themselves. With all of her former allies ditching her, she was sentenced to Planet Hell and sent off without any chance of appeal, not that it would have helped in the slightest. Rusi resents the people who revealed her grand scheme to the world, but she figures that despite the videos that have been shown throughout the galaxy, she can make Planet Hell her new throne…

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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Valtiel » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:26 am

Hey, I would like to join but I don't have time to write a CS atm. Can I write one later?
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:30 am

Well, everything seems to be in order. I will do my best to post at least once a day. Just give me a moment and I'll try to get everything set up.
Exalted, I'll do the first few posts for my character to set everything up. Most people with have a fight within the first post or two, so you'll be rolling against me then.

Sure, Val. I am just getting ready to post up the IC. I can write you in at your convenience.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Valtiel » Mon Jul 07, 2014 6:45 am

Thanks, go ahead, I'll first be able to write a CS later today. In some 8 hours time or so. :)
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Kuragari » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:11 am

I will either end up signing up at some point, or merely read along.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:40 am

No problem, Kuragari. Everyone now has a choice to decide what the primary enemies of their cell block will be. If you don't want to choose your cell bock, i can roll the dice.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby venomouswings » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:50 am

This is what I excepted to see when we got off the transport XD http://ickariss-mg.tumblr.com/post/7900 ... bitch-icky
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:54 am

LOL, no I an going very Dantes Inferno, with the scary theme for this place. Such as once the characters look around the prison, they will find that all the road blocks to and from the landing pads all have the words "Good Intentions" stamped on them.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:55 am

Name: Vraxis
Age: 38
Gender: Male
Race: Draconian
Class: Violent

Background: Vraxis was born in one of the many unfortunate planets in the darkstorm nebula. The unique composition of the nebula left the planets devoid of most electronics, any left out in the open and fried within seconds. Because of this the overall tech level of the planet was stuck in an a late medieval era. Vraxis was raised in one of the gladiatorial pits most orphans found themselves in. Vraxis became one of the more popular champions and when an off world drafting party wished to recruit him for the local systems defense force. Unfortunately for the recruiter a slip of the local tongue offended Vraxis and the Draconian struck him, unfortunately for Vraxis was arrested and sentenced to life in prison. In his first correctional facility he had attracted the eye of much larger inmates. Often they tried to recruit him into various gangs but Vraxis still clung to his honor and refused to participate in their games. Unfortunately one gang did not like no for an answer. The leader of the gang was a large orc that cut his face ruining his right eye. After the incident Vraxis killed every member of the gang one by one in single combat. The guards apprehended him transferred him to Lupus Four.

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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby eaenidu » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:35 am

Name: Vala T'lok
Age: 121 in her Maiden Stage
Gender: ....Um? Asari?Female?Futa? IDK......
Race: Asari
Class: Innocent

Background: Vala is very young by her races standards only barely in her Maiden Stage, and like any Asari in their Maiden Stage she wanted to explore, in more ways than one. So after 30 years of traveling and Exploring and having fun she ended up in a seedy little cess-pool of crime and villainy, she didn't bother to get the name. But as she was there she came across another Asari who caught her eye called Mordred. Now Mordred was different, new, dark and very wild. Mordred Showed Vala how to truly cut loose and have fun not the kiddy stuff she was doing before. Now around three months after they first met they were finally going to meld and Vala was so happy, once the meld began she knew something was wrong it felt cold and dark and just wrong. Next Vala felt what seemed to be something ripping her apart and trying to devour her so doing the first thing to come to mind she fought back, she pulled and fought the feeling fought with all her might. Then that's when new knowledge started pouring in knowledge of how to seduce of how to flirt, and of how to kill with a meld, Mordred was an Ardat-Yakshi and was trying to kill her. So with her new knowledge and stolen powers Vala flipped the tables and killed Mordred stealing who she was and her powers in the process. After coming out of the disaster of a first meld the door was forced open and Asari commandos burst in arresting her for being an Ardat-Yakshi and taking her to Planet Hell
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Also I want you to roll the dice to see what kinda cell block I end up in.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby Sortaix » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:49 am

the intro post is open for everyone and all. Go ahead and post your response when you can.
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Re: Abandon all Hope, Ye Who Enter Here.

Postby eaenidu » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:50 am

um....? am I accepted? also even if I have to fix something please roll the dice for me....
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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