Demon Dreams ( Source Code release! 2015-9-27 )

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Demon Dreams ( Source Code release! 2015-9-27 )

Postby Bad Idea » Tue Jun 24, 2014 4:27 am

Succubi and Incubi. They enter your dreams while you're asleep and have sex with you. They're basically a supernatural explanation for nocturnal emissions, sleep paralysis, and Stupid Sexy Flanders.

We know what sexually repressed people in the Dark Ages thought that implied. But what would it imply today? Given all we've learned sleeping, dreams, and healthy human sexual function, Succubi and Incubi start to look less like a parasite, and more like symbiotes. Less like sexual predators, and more like sexual therapists.

Demon Dreams is a WIP flash game protraying Succubi and Incubi as the heroes of our wet dreams they always should have been. Design your Demon. Enter the dreams of sleeping mortals. And seduce them. But be careful. If you turn their dream into a nightmare, they'll awaken.

And if you do a good job, they'll awaken in a different sense. >:)

Currently working on:
Core gameplay Implementation.

Latest news:
2015-9-27 Released the current state of the AS2 source, minus the MP3 files. The missing files are called DST-AirChord.mp3 and DST-DatBeat.mp3, available from You may also need the font Gravity, available from .

2015-8-18 Back from the dead. Passwords recovered. Annoyed with myself about time lost. Public release showcasing the dialogue choice system is now live.
2014-11-12 Fleshed out ideas for how sex works during the wet dreams. All Meyers-Briggs stuff is now completely under-the-hood, and need not be exposed to the player. Arousal, Plateau, and Climax are all planned out, as well as dreamers using their newly discovered sexuality to turn the tables on the demon after climax. For full details and TMI, see this post.
2014-01-09:(Reduced sound quality further to get it down to 15mb, and added a much-needed preloader! Dec 13th build coming to the general public soon.)
2014-12-13:Uploaded a new public build here on LoK. This incorporates content from the November integration test. Music quality might be slightly reduced in order to get it under the 32mb limit. It's definitely compressed differently, but I can't hear a difference.
2014-11-03:Uploaded a fresh demo to the Patreon page. Gameplay isn't in there yet, but it's a snapshot of the current state of the project. Animations, map, save/load and more are all working and linked up to each other.
2014-11-02:Established core gameplay mechanics to reenforce the game's theme. See this post for more information and to discuss. This is subject to further revision as time goes on, especially if it just doesn't turn out to be fun.
2014-10-30: Major overhaul of animation and color systems. Added preview portraits to the main map. Clarified game's theme and emotive purpose.
2014-06-24: Tweaked anatomy and animation slightly in response to feedback.
2014-06-26: Properly embedded attached SWF in spoilter tags to reduce load on server.
2014-06-29: Uploaded character editor and character editor source. Squished a strange and worrisome bug. (thanks, Anonymouse.) Added more skin options. (Thanks, VintageBass!)
2014-07-02: Animation test uploaded! Actual gameplay coming soon, I promise!
2014-07-03: Animation test tweaked and re-uploaded. Patreon button added.

Latest Public Flash Files: Dialogue Choice Demo
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

DD_2015-8-17.swf [ 28.78 MiB | Viewed 8702 times ]

Integration Test 3:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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(Javascript Required)

DemonDreamsIntegrationTest3.swf [ 14.58 MiB | Viewed 18978 times ]

Animation Test 3:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

DemonDreamsAnimationTest2.swf [ 52.9 KiB | Viewed 47637 times ]

Character editor SWF:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(1.8 MiB) Downloaded 1754 times

Character editor FLA:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Click to Play
(Javascript Required)

DemonDreamsAvatarHairKludge.swf [ 63.15 KiB | Viewed 49217 times ]

Older teaser:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

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DD_test_04.swf [ 47.97 KiB | Viewed 50329 times ]

Latest Source Code Release: Dialogue Choice Demo
Source code release 1
(1.33 MiB) Downloaded 909 times
Last edited by Bad Idea on Mon Sep 28, 2015 12:49 am, edited 39 times in total.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams [ idle animation test ]

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:35 pm

for zooming in, a general hot key combination is [control + plus] for zoom in and [Control + Minus] for zoom out. I believe flash will support this in a visual way without saving it as a setting.
Control + Mouse wheel is also nearly as popular and will likely be support if the other two are.

I like the art style but your animations need a little work. The bottom of her legs for instances, aren't animated. clothing on her left hip looks really weird ....Sane with right.
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Gangs n' Whores Developer
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Re: Demon Dreams [ idle animation test ]

Postby Bad Idea » Tue Jun 24, 2014 1:58 pm

Thanks for the feedback. You're right about the hips.

What I meant is, a way to publish a 1920x1080 fla as a... say, 768 x 432 swf file? Flash has some export options but they just change the scale settings in the html file, not the swf.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams [ idle animation test ]

Postby Bad Idea » Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:56 pm

I tweaked the hips, and also bit the bullet and shrunk everything in the fla by hand. Any better?
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Bad Idea » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:20 pm

*bump* because if a source release isn't "activity," I don't know what is.
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby VintageBass » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:43 pm

OK, so no option to go black and no short hair options? But I like girls with short hair... :(

Don't take it the wrong way, I do know that there will be more options in the future and I am just suggesting what you could do. I would also maybe like an eye shape option if that's possible, also maybe more clothing options. It is looking good, I would like to see what else would come outta this, so I'll be keeping a close eye on it.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Bad Idea » Sun Jun 29, 2014 3:55 pm

VintageBass Wrote:OK, so no option to go black and no short hair options? But I like girls with short hair... :(

That's the point. There is a bug with the hair right now. Frame 3 of the moviclip _root.mockup.mane is short hair. However, only the black outline of the hair (the movieclip _root.mockup.mane.hairO ) actually changes when its parent changes frames. The hairL and hairM children of _root.mockup.mane don't change for some reason. I'm hoping somebody can help me figure out why.

Leave the hair at its default pale blue and you can see what I mean. Short hair is a planned feature. Technically it's an implemented feature. It's just not working.

Black skin is a planned feature too, actually. I just haven't found a good reference to sample the colors from yet. ( I mean, come on, why would I go to the trouble of building a modular character with color change skin and not put black in? :mrgreen: )
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby VintageBass » Sun Jun 29, 2014 4:41 pm

OK, so there's something going on in the code. There's nothing I can do about that since I have no clue on code, so hopefully you can figure it out or have someone to help out with that. And if you want my help, I can do some writing if needed, especially if you're going to be working on a RPG-ish thing and that does require writing. Or at the least have some dialogue of sorts.
"Just because you can put your dick in it, it doesn't mean you can fuck it"
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Bad Idea » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:40 pm

Well after desperately experimenting with every possible variable, even if it made no sense, I think I finally figured it out. But it's weird.

Basically, the fix is to put "gaps" like this in between keyframes in the mane movieclip:

Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 1.30.46 PM.png
Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 1.30.46 PM.png (10.64 KiB) Viewed 49243 times

There is nothing in my code that should be causing it to do this. In fact, naievely stepping through the frames of the mane movieclip like I've been doing results in the second and fourth "Hair Shape" clicks to make the back of the hair disappear, just like you'd expect.

I can only assume that this is some kind of bug in Flash. Possibly a floating point error caused by the fact that gotoAndStop() accepts Number in AS2 (since there is no such thing as an int.) I will try flooring whatever Number I send into a gotoAndStop() statement, and if that doesn't work, I'll just need to work around it somehow. :(
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Bad Idea » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:53 pm

Yeah, flooring it had no effect. Which makes sense because flooring a Number in this case just gives you another Number.

Kludge it is, then!
Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 1.49.49 PM.png
Screen shot 2014-06-29 at 1.49.49 PM.png (14.87 KiB) Viewed 49234 times
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Anonymouse » Sun Jun 29, 2014 7:59 pm

Yeah, AS2 is crap. It's also massively hard to debug and fix errors since it won't throw an error if you mistype something.

Edit: If you were to name each frame "1", "2", etc then use gotoAndStop(meh.toString()); would that work?

where meh is the frame you want to go to as a Number.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Bad Idea » Sun Jun 29, 2014 8:17 pm

Ooooohhhhh... I didn't even think of that.

It's a little extra work to add the frame labels, but way less fiddly than my first solution. Thanks, man. Spoke too soon. Turns out that both of these result in the original behavior:

Code: Select All Code
(passedMC).mane.gotoAndStop( String(maneStyle) );
(passedMC).mane.gotoAndStop( maneStyle.toString );

Nice try though. :P Guess I'll have to settle for the original lame hack.

And yeah, AS2 sucks... but the alternative is AS3. Which I would totally use for a sprite-based game? But not for something like this with nested, tinted movieclips and an emphasis on animation.
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby Entropy960 » Mon Jun 30, 2014 6:14 am

Character editor is decent, its a bit odd how the dick disappears when you put clothes on. In the future I would seek to add a bit of a bulge.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby Zeus Kabob » Mon Jun 30, 2014 8:07 am

Entropy960 Wrote:Character editor is decent, its a bit odd how the dick disappears when you put clothes on. In the future I would seek to add a bit of a bulge.

Seconded. I would like to see some bulge there; especially in a leotard the bulge is nice.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound ) (Help needed)

Postby Anonymouse » Mon Jun 30, 2014 10:20 am

Bad Idea Wrote:And yeah, AS2 sucks... but the alternative is AS3. Which I would totally use for a sprite-based game? But not for something like this with nested, tinted movieclips and an emphasis on animation.

Why? AS3 handles those things in practically the same way as AS2 doesn't it?
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby Bad Idea » Mon Jun 30, 2014 12:44 pm

Anonymouse Wrote:
Bad Idea Wrote:And yeah, AS2 sucks... but the alternative is AS3. Which I would totally use for a sprite-based game? But not for something like this with nested, tinted movieclips and an emphasis on animation.

Why? AS3 handles those things in practically the same way as AS2 doesn't it?

In the Adobe Flash IDE, the controls presented to artist and animators look the same, but the switch from AS2 to AS3 means a lot of things are implemented differently under-the-hood. This includes the Movieclip class.

A major design goal when developing AS3 was to make it more appealing to corporate enterprise programmers. This means things that were previously implemented in a way that "just works," were re-implemented to follow an overarching design philosophy. They are structured in such a way that it is possible for Adobe to make sweeping statements about how the AS3 language works, which in turn makes it easier for a corporation to train new programmers.

The most noticeable difference from AS2 is probably how Garbage Collection works. In AS2, when you delete something, it's gone. In AS3, when you delete something, you also need to delete all the references to it, and then your Movie needs to have the right kind of delay in it during which Garbage Collection can run. There are a lot of best practices for AS3 garbage collection which, if you don't follow them precisely, your movie plays back slowly on computers slower than yours. (Actually this can happen under AS2, too, but avoiding it is much more of a minefield in AS3.)

For many game developers, these best practices often simplify down into "Fuck it, just don't use movieclips. Use BitmapData.CopyPixels instead." Also: "Don't put any code in the timeline. Give your fla a document class and do all the coding in *.as files." Which in turn means a lot of extra typing to declare variables far away from where those variables are used, write constructors for each class, pass references to Objects that exist outside of the class, and if you really wanna be anal about it, writing getters and setters. That's a lot of extra overhead for "play a sound and an animation when the user clicks here."

Buttons in non-standard shapes that react when you mouse over them are arguably almost as bad.

Now I can't remember my source for this next point, and AS2 info is a little harder to find on the web these days, so apologies if I'm remmebering this wrong. But the gist of it was that when you tint a movieclip in AS2, the color change propagates automagically across the timeline as long as the symbol name is the same, and this propagation is super-fast on the player's computer because everything is represented in memory as a nested series of references. In AS3, the MovieClip class is structured entirely differently in memory. In AS3, a MovieClip Object is made up of simpler AS3 Objects, and each reference to an Object carries with it a tiny bit of overhead that simply didn't exist in the simpler, cruder, kludgier AS2 implementation of the MovieClip class. When I tried it, it was slow, or it was broken and the fix was slow, or the fix didn't scale nicely as you add complexity to the Movieclip, etc. So I googled it and discovered that people were telling each other in Flash formus "naw it doesn't work that way in AS3, you can't overuse tinting." I ended up needing to tint the bodyparts every EnterFrame or something obnoxious like that, which limited how complex my character could be. It was a long time ago, though, so take this paragraph with a grain of salt.

Bottom line: If you want to make an oldschool Flash game, you're better off using the oldschool Flash API. AS3 excels at DRM, tracking cookies, streaming video, and maaaaybe doing 2D sprite-based games if you manage to avoid the Elastic Racetrack problem and we pretend for a moment that Unity doesn't exist. But it kinda sucks for just making an animated movie where you can click on it to make it do things.
Demon Dreams - WIP thread - Because those fantasies had to come from somewhere.
Bad Idea
Joined: Sat Jun 07, 2014 5:06 pm

Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby Anonymouse » Tue Jul 01, 2014 10:03 pm

I'm not really sure what you mean by the tinting issue. It sounds like you are saying that if you want to tint x, and then you change what x is - not change what frame x is on or any property of x, but completely redefine what x refers to - it should keep the tint that the previous x had. That sounds awful, and there's also a really simple workaround - put x into a container, then modify the container. For example say you have three body shapes and you put each one on a frame, and want to tint each one, all you have to do is put those three frames inside a new symbol and tint the new symbol.

Also the issue with "best practices" seems a little redundant, as using AS2 is by no means considered a best practice either. Don't want to use best practices? Then don't. Stick your code on the timeline - it's not like the code police are going to arrest you, and this isn't a good reason to stop using AS3.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby BlueLight » Wed Jul 02, 2014 12:20 am

if java is any indication.... which is not.... you should be able to create a class in the middle of a method. We do it for action listeners.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby Terrantor!!! » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:10 am

Amazing Work! I see great potential for this model. Was wondering if you could chop a model up for me and make it animation friendly.
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Re: Demon Dreams w/source ( M/F/Herm, Sound )

Postby VintageBass » Wed Jul 02, 2014 4:17 am

OK so I really can't say much in terms of the coding, there was one thing I wanted to say but I never did in my first post... the male has some hanging balls. Not that I'm complaining, having that is a good thing. Plus I don't really mind all that much that the male is using the same figure as the female/herm, considering that there are guys like that and hey why can't incubi look as good as their sister succubi?

Still I am excited about this. I would like to see more options, be it eye shapes, more bangs, breasts and cock sizes, whatever, and if you need help with that I'll be glad to provide. And maybe in writing as well, too... it does depend on what is going on after the character creation.
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