De had already had her Duel Academy exams and passed with flying colors it seems and made it to Obelisk Blue which isnt hard for a relative of Pegasis. She had made friends amongst some of the girls. As she sat and watched the other potential students battle it out to join she sees a veteran student in a white blazer with blue trim. His hair is blue as well and has a stern look on his face as he too watches the students from the upper balcony. With him is a blonde girl you saw during the exams. Her name is Alexis Rhodes from what De heard through the exams. Then on the opposite side of the bleachers from were De was sitting she saw a group of guys watching one in the center seemed to be the leader of them and he smirked and monologued his name being Chazz Princton one of riches in the school and one of the top duelists but also a first year with De.
As De kept watching she eventually saw a kid walk in late of all things. He introduced himself as Jayden Yuki. The Vice-Chancellor was furious and decided to test him himself. The Vice-Chancellor planned to make quick work of Jayden by getting out his strongest card, Ancient Gear Golem, out on the second turn. Jayden didnt seem phased at all, in fact he played a puffball called Winged Kuriboh, now De should know at least that Kuriboh was a well known card as is, having known the legendary king of games himself. The match soon ended with the Vice-Chancellor's defeat. Everyone looked in shock and awe at what just happened.