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Postby corta » Thu May 26, 2011 3:00 pm

A combat platformer with semen AND lasers!?

alright, theres no excuse for not putting the official statement up here .. so I apologise for not doing this a long time ago.
this game is no longer being developed.

it was a good run, but it's been long over. I worked on this thing for years, and I've got about 10 minutes of game to show for it.
the dream was to create a giant open-world ero-RPG, before I truly understood that it could take an entire lifetime to accomplish it all..
making new content was a never-ending slog, and flash could barely keep up at the best of times.
still, I cant express how much it means to me that anyone ever cared about this little game I tried to make.. but I'd like to move onto things I've got a chance to actually finish.
It was fun while it lasted. Thank you all so much <3

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~Corta'SPLATFORMER.swf [ 18.56 MiB | Viewed 186160 times ]

##Update: September 10.
--Added: new characters, new voices (hopefully) working. sounds added to zergling capture scenes.
--Changes: new voice system moved over and fixed gallery camera?

--Notes: game has been abandoned and theres no chief.

Release Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

##Update: July 29.
--Added: new characters, new layers and probably heaps more broken stuff
--Changes: finally fixed back button on player capture animations.

##Update: April 21st.
--Added: more/better anims for directional aiming and charge shots, new presets.
--Changes: rolling through zones shouldn't have a chance of locking controls anymore, endless gallery mode doesn't stick anymore, re-select menu button for gallery.

##Update: April 8th.
--Added: 5 new characters: Roman & Rikimaru courtesy of Mdgn, Slave & Jack by Illusive Man and Christie by me.
--Changes: new preset, endless gallery mode shouldn't break the game anymore & ridley hurt rape works again.

##Update: March 21st.
--Added: personality & weapon character settings, personality-based dialogue, endless mode in gallery.
--Changes: activate/taunt were moved to Q, tuned up movement controls (evade should stick less, now) can aim behind you during a power-shot (animation missing, it'll just flip for now)

##Update: March 12th.
--Added: Ling rape is finally in.
--Changes: gallery clean button works on new mess layers and some little bits meant for the next update are still laying around..

##Update: March 1st.
--Added: Two new costumes, Jane-169 and Chosen undead, courtesy of our bestest friend, DarkHedgehog
--Changes: new variables added to save file for new costume options, new loli preset character, gallery next button set to brute-force again (real fix coming up later.) and lag should be exactly the same.

##Update: Feb 27th.
--Added: sneak peak at tifa & new character presets.
--Changes: reported gallery bugs (hopefully) fixed, removed code locks on aerial dodge, camera zoom should spaz out less & area lag cleanup has started.

##Update: Feb 25th.
--Added: new yoko, new accessory 2 layer, boob sizes, more eyes, HUD choice wheel & working rag item (unlock it after rex scene or use the skip-buttons in the character screen)
--Changes: hopefully, fixed most of the bugs I said I would. skittish next button on pirate taunt B is still at large, ridley finisher still doesnt end right, and I forgot to give yoko a projectile.. I'll get those tomorrow.

##Update: Feb 21st.
--Added: new costumes, all new expression system, hair colours (only some of them, so far), lip colouring, accessory clothes, character presets, a gallery, an abusive compass item and loads more!
--Changes: platformer controls (hold jump to go higher, it's about dang time!) enemies dont die after grapples with new stamina system, new pause menu and massive code changes everywhere (if I did it right, you wont even notice)

##Update: October 3rd.
--Added: HellGuard added to character menu + a system for boss room camera stuff.
--Changes: fixed a million +3 arena bugs.

##Update: September 15th.
--Added: Arena Miniboss added, you should know where to find him. (only combat, right now. plus, he's not that tough .. might end up being just another enemy..)
--Changes: oh, various things..

##Update: August 31st.
--Added: new costumes are in, rag item now works.
--Changes: removed another layer of play frames, so things might lag less. plus, bugfixes and projectiles for new costumes.

##Update: August 23nd.
--Added: FLIPS and saves (you can work it out)
--Changes: massive code tweaks to movement, damage, stances and menus. also, some sounds here and there..

##Update: August 22nd.
--Added: Broken menus and junk. check out that stat-tracking and title system! also, goop shot effects added (acid, water, bloodbag and cream/kitty milk/whatever that's dumb? YOU HAVE A GO.)
--Changes: tweaks all around, framerates should be 30 lines of code per frame lighter, stat-tracking added and metroids probably work better than before.

##Update: August 10th.
--Added: Arena map extensions done (look inside the jail) nothing much coded, NPCs still to come.
--Changes: tweaked lizards, new jaws and costumes.

##Update: August 4th.
--Added: "fully operational" NPC added (after the rex scene, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: little stuff, the bay now has enough not-lag to play some animations properly.

##Update: August 1st.
--Added: Rex scene finally added, added some more area one-liners.
--Changes: fixes galore, new talk boxes, blah, blah, blah.

##Update: June 30th.
--Added: New peaceful map added, sharpclaw pit adjacent. Laser shot effects for certain characters, 3 new girls, new skin-tone.
--Changes: played with BGM tracks, designing 'mute' system.

##Update: June 25th.
--Added: combat prototype zergling added to the testing rooms -- you can guess which.. can't you?
--Changes: overhauled knockdown system for enemies.

##Update: June 17th.
--Added: bare-bones dialogue system and opening scene (outside the cave, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: bugfixes, changed advancer scripts.

##Update: June 5th.
--Added: WASD/Arrow controls. quit whining. NO FULL REMAP INTERFACE ..least 'till I learn how to do it..
--Changes: fixed camera bug in ridley's room.

##Update: June 4th.
--Added: the BGM framework (collecting sounds) + a super-duper credits section.
--Changes: attempted fixes.

##Update: May 30th.
--Added: smoothed out the pirate base a bit more, new entrance, no exit and scenes and a half.
--Changes: loads of stuff -- and nobody reads these.

##Update: April 23rd.
--Added: new map with lifts and freakin' switches, yo.
--Changes: player grapples shouldn't snag and some other junk.

##Update: April 12th.
--Added: heaps of stuff you won't see, new platforming map (treetops->mountain), + knockdown and door framework.
--Changes: major performance boosts in some areas, still crap in others. (I know, right?)

##Update: April 1st.
--Added: taunt system and 2 pirate animations to go with. (naturally, they're half-done imports!)
--Changes: HUD elements, impact zones, enemy damage reactions, sounds,missing elements from metroid reverse rapes and other little bits have all been changed, tweaked and told off, slightly.

##Update: March 25th.
--Added: s'more story maps to look at, no baddies, yet.
--Changes: fixes all over the place, performance should be a bit better and things should work..

##Update: March 16th.
--Added: 2 new girls, cortana and dovahkiin + New shooting system, charge shots -- I'm sure you can figure it out.
--Changes: Played around with Ridley's code, he might be better, now.. maybe (nothing new, as such..)

##Update: March 8th.
--Added: SOUNDS. Player voice & lip-sync + noise added to hydra, muta and ridley scenes. Ridley has received some more code, too.

##Update: March 3rd.
--Added: Ridley demo and several small-time animations that you won't notice.
--Fixed: re-worked camera and gravity (partially. it ain't over, yet.) framerate should be improved (active processes cut in half.)

##Update: July 1st.
--Added: Space Pirate orgies, (you can find a man-power surplus on the lower decks of the Metroid lounge)

##Update: June 30th.
--Added: muta scene, costume'd guns & small stuff.

##Update: June 22nd.
--Added: new costumes and levirant scene

##Update: June 18th.
--Fixes/Tweaks: Tweaked camera, AI pathing, level transitions and .. something else.. (I forget.)

##Update: June 17th.
--Added: new room, punch sounds for levirants, etc.

##Update: June 16th.
--Added: Cavern graphics, starter room, most player sound-systems, zerg eggs, etc.
--Fixes/Tweaks: loads of other junk

##Update: June 11th.
--Added: Digfree's Mutalisk (plays hydralisk rapes atm) & art credits in dressing room (hadn't occurred to me to put it in, untill now :? )
--Fixes/Tweaks: cam tweaks & heaps of other crap that isn't interesting to you guys..

##Update: June 9th.
--Added: a new location for you all to rummage around, the leviathan pit. and it's chock full of levirants! ( I know, right? )
--Fixes/Tweaks: worked in aggro-ing baddies as you explore, fixed perma-loops on met's grapple, and heaps of bugs that I've made and squashed today (/flex)

##Update: June 8th.
--Added: finished the behind hydra scene, re-integrated mess-layers for the heroine (not fully utilized, yet. cleans on pre-loader screen) moved the secret message club, again. (it's 'easier' now -.-)
--Fixes/Tweaks: XBOX HUEG script update (which you shouldn't even notice) and some other junk..

##Update: June 7th.
--Added: an UNFINISHED bit of a new hydra scene (the whole thing is in a slap-dash state) added cum to front hydra scene. + new map to find them on, (which lags like hell. tomorrow will be a performance update [hopefully])
--Fixes/Tweaks: added the death anim for hydras that I forgot last time..

##Update: June 6th.
--Added: hydra additions, (some new attacks and half a cap scene)
--Fixes/Tweaks: moved 'metroid land' to the lower shelf for the time being (I shuffle them around for testing, here's how I had 'em)

##Update: June 5th.
--Added: hydra up and semi-running. (missing extra attacks and the sexy bits..)

##Update: June 3rd.
--Added: new metroid scene and placed yesterday's costumes in the dressing room.
--Fixes/Tweaks: fixed idle deaths when sexing, dropped drawbacks from shooting + upped range (to bring it up to speed with tougher baddies)

##Update: June 1st.
--Added: Pirate projectiles improved, (graphic changed, slight tracking system)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Baddie AI re-done, (needs play testing - that's you guys!)

##Update: May 31st.
--Added: Front levi scene, (not totally sold with the tentacle mouth idea..)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Enemy hitboxes tweaked, (they should be able to rape at 0 range) sex system seems to be working fine again, pirates no-longer make melee attacks when dead, raised camera a bit & nerfed player energy regen.

##Update: May 30th.
Been out all day, but I had the morning to get a little bit done.. this is more of an obsidian-esque teaser update..
--Added: Metroid scene, ( needs re-timing and polish, but it's a decent indication of what it'll look like later. )
--Tweaks: upped baddie speed and damage, minor cam changes, built metroid into sex system, then borked said system..

##Update: May 29th.
--Added: 'engagement' system working - added two basic scenes from "space pirates ahoy" and a few smaller animations scattered around. (met, levi and double-teams not working -yet-)
--Fixed: another crack at fixing idle deaths. (sic 'em, playtesters!) Changes to enemy stats & code, health bars, shakey-cam etc.

##Update: May 28th. (afternoon)
--Fixed: Tweaked AI, Some stat Balancing, fixed static deaths (..probably..)
--Added: Health bars & Shakeycam'd the view-system.

##Update: May 28th.
--Fixed: menu glitches, Dressing Room buttons, Projectiles exploding prematurely, polished some enemy AI.
--Added: WASD support for all the 'big buttons' on the main menu and dressing room, New flamethrower effect, New lightning effect, (force lightning > lightning bolt, yes?) New Levirant baddie, (AI done, needs testing)

##Update: May 27th.
--Added: 1 (one) game demo.

The Scoop:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

what works, and what doesnt.

Story is still barely there,
Main quest currently ends after the Ridley fight inside the pirate base.
Arena quests also not in, yet. just a bossfight for you.

Two in-game, play one after another outside the cave,
one scene underway: "see the chief"

15 zones in game,
one area currently under construction, (zerg zone, under starter cave
changes planned for Pirate base, tavern and arena)

Items and powerups:
health items planned and ready to use, none added to game as of yet
weapons planned for later stages
Items in currently : Rag (cleans mess) and compass (will give you hints for quests, later. right now it just calls you a slut..(47 randomized quotes!))
Taunt and roll will become unlockable techniques, just as soon as I've added their quests

all enemies have 2 grapples, except for~
space pirates, who have 4 separate plus gang variations
mutalisk, who only has a front animation
zergling, back anim only
and animations still to come for and arena sharpclaw

Player rape:
to rape an enemy, excite them with a taunt (Q key) and approach from either side.
(currently space pirate only)

Last edited by corta on Sun Jan 06, 2019 4:46 pm, edited 112 times in total.
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Scapa » Thu May 26, 2011 3:21 pm

I like the the fluidness and the animations. Good work on those.
The overal collision detection seems to work fine and I like the lightning effect.

The only 'problems' I found were that the camera does not follow the character when falling from big heights.

But it would be nice if an Azerty control configuration would be possible, WASD is a bit hard to play on Azerty.
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Valithan » Thu May 26, 2011 4:12 pm

Has some pretty awesome control balance — I particularly dig how she slows down for a few steps instead of outright skidding. And the slow ducking animation is fun. Gonna work that into some sort of taunt/flaunt move? (get ranged enemies to come closer, or to try to isolate one from a group? not sure how hard that'd be to work in)

Something about her moveset that reminds me of an old card game I played years ago, think it was called 'lunch money' :lol:
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby ANooB » Thu May 26, 2011 7:28 pm

Very fluid, with a great framerate, throughout. You, my friend, are a genius. One prob I had was jumping. I dunno if it's possible to set up a dynamic zoom, like in Super Smash Bros. But I think that would help and add to the style of fast-pace fighter. Also, I know you have a base model posted somewhere. Would you mind posting a new one on this thread if it's been altered? I'm sure this one is optimized for alterations.

Oh yeah, put your name or the site on there, somewhere. I know it's gonna be on funny-games when you get the cock-in-vag parts done.
Spruce your games up using free vector content: viewtopic.php?f=45&t=7109

There're no such things as mistakes, just happy little accidents. ~Bob Ross
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby hippymiester » Thu May 26, 2011 8:00 pm

this game is smooth on her runing but it dosent seem like the enemys realy are on the same level and throws the combat off a bit then again demo version so yea otherwise this game looks like it has alot of promis
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Thu May 26, 2011 8:01 pm

Bastard :P luring me down there with 'prizes'.

That is phenomenal. Works smoothly. LOVING THE TAUNT.. extra delicious. Fantastic sprite. just Ooo LOvely
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby kuja » Thu May 26, 2011 10:11 pm

I like the game, n was quite impressed with the animations of the character falling n the pose down. That was quite unexpected, but great. Good work.
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Xanatos » Thu May 26, 2011 11:32 pm

Love how smooth the controls are not glitchy and bumpy like most here, as well as the crouch animation that was awsome xD
Image Xanatos, the stronger variant of Thanatos in Ragnarok.
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Zelos » Fri May 27, 2011 3:30 am

Simply amazing, i didn't even check out any of the rape animations ( if there are any ) but i simply love the movement animations. Also i jumped into the Abyss and its been like 5 minutes now :s starting to think its was called an Abyss for a reason.
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Anonymous » Fri May 27, 2011 6:26 am

is it likely that your putting other characters like per-say kat from halo reach

Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby corta » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 am


Scapa Wrote:the camera does not follow the character when falling from big heights.

I'm not gonna make you A-creed your way up and down skyscrapers.. or am I...
It catches up when you hit the floor, anyway.

Scapa Wrote:But it would be nice if an Azerty control configuration would be possible, WASD is a bit hard to play on Azerty.

at this point I'd like to keep the code simple(er), but for future reference. exactly which keys do you need replaced?

ANooB Wrote:set up a dynamic zoom, like in Super Smash Bros.

yep,there's already a zoom system in-play. (it's just not being used.)
but you want it to.. back up when you're in the air?

ANooB Wrote:Also, I know you have a base model posted somewhere. Would you mind posting a new one on this thread if it's been altered?

literally, the only changes made were giving cannons to Rayne and Jo.

ANooB Wrote:Oh yeah, put your name or the site on there, somewhere. I know it's gonna be on funny-games when you get the cock-in-vag parts done.

done & done.

hippymiester Wrote:this game is smooth on her runing but it dosent seem like the enemys realy are on the same level and throws the combat off a bit then again demo version so yea otherwise this game looks like it has alot of promis

When a player 'fools' an AI because of generous path coding, they think they've got one over the coder.. I wish to crush this behavior.

Zelos Wrote:i jumped into the Abyss and its been like 5 minutes now :s starting to think its was called an Abyss for a reason.

I can tell you that there's nothing down there - yet.

I might put some stuff there ... if only to piss off completionists..

paint-the-seconds Wrote:is it likely that your putting other characters like per-say kat from halo reach

do we have a finished, vectored kat?

Whew... words, words, words..
Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Postby MrBear » Fri May 27, 2011 2:48 pm

Great stuff corta. Surprised you were willing to make a game, but yet im happy you did :). Do sex scenes NAOW >:O!
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Re: Corta's Game [name pending]

Postby Scapa » Fri May 27, 2011 3:31 pm

corta Wrote:
Scapa Wrote:But it would be nice if an Azerty control configuration would be possible, WASD is a bit hard to play on Azerty.

at this point I'd like to keep the code simple(er), but for future reference. exactly which keys do you need replaced?

WASD stays WASD on Azerty, which is basically the whole problem.

I'll try to explain it this way: WASD on AZERTY would be like playing ZQSD on QWERTY. If there is an option which changes W into Z and A into Q the problem would be solved.

I have little to no experience in Flash (but I do in other languages) and I don't think it would be hard to add 2 variables which are changed on a button press. However, if I'm totally wrong about this assumption, feel free to tell me. I can learn more from my mistakes.

When I've got some spare time I'll try out the new version and tell you my experience from it.


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Postby morningstars » Fri May 27, 2011 4:31 pm

Looks very nice! :D cannot wait to see your progression on this game!
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Postby Valithan » Fri May 27, 2011 4:46 pm

I noticed that the energy attacks get more ranged when used on the far right side of the arm-platform than anywhere else. I guess on other surfaces it seems like the blasts are hitting something invisible by comparison.
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Postby corta » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

##Update: 28th. < NEWEST!

menu glitches,
Dressing Room buttons,
Projectiles exploding prematurely,
polished some enemy AI

WASD support for all the 'big buttons' on the main menu and dressing room,
New flamethrower effect,
New lightning effect, (force lightning > lightning bolt, yes?)
New Levirant baddie, (AI done, needs testing)
..and some other stuff I've forgotten about..
oh yeah, fixed clipping when pinned against a wall - now you can kick arse near the pillars!

now, what bad-guy to make next... Steel's Chozo Ghost, (Kal's?) Sharpclaw or Dig's Hydralisk..?

Valithan Wrote:I noticed that the energy attacks get more ranged when used on the far right side of the arm-platform than anywhere else. I guess on other surfaces it seems like the blasts are hitting something invisible by comparison.

yeah, I wrote that (bad) code a few minutes before uploading it, I probably should have tested that a bit...

good eye.

MrBear Wrote:Great stuff corta. Surprised you were willing to make a game, but yet im happy you did :). Do sex scenes NAOW >:O!

Active Thread: [ Flash Edits ][27th July/19]
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Postby Gale Toral » Fri May 27, 2011 10:34 pm

My vote goes to Sharpclaw
Gale Toral
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Postby Zeus Kabob » Fri May 27, 2011 11:41 pm

Corta, are you some sort of game-making GOD? Seriously, what aren't you telling us? Are you actually 5 people, are you above the mortal plane, have you found the secret to slowing and speeding up time? Tell us, your fans! But I digress...
The game is incredible, and I'm anxious to see what you do with rapes (if you do rapes).
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Postby Firesong » Fri May 27, 2011 11:59 pm

yeah you're amazing let's be honest.
i really don't have any suggestions or criticism; i'm positive you'll do a fantastic job no matter what so...
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Postby Liz » Sat May 28, 2011 12:48 am

i love it XD
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