this game is no longer being developed.
it was a good run, but it's been long over. I worked on this thing for years, and I've got about 10 minutes of game to show for it.
the dream was to create a giant open-world ero-RPG, before I truly understood that it could take an entire lifetime to accomplish it all..
making new content was a never-ending slog, and flash could barely keep up at the best of times.
still, I cant express how much it means to me that anyone ever cared about this little game I tried to make.. but I'd like to move onto things I've got a chance to actually finish.
It was fun while it lasted. Thank you all so much <3
Click to Play
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~Corta'SPLATFORMER.swf [ 18.56 MiB | Viewed 186160 times ]
##Update: September 10.
--Added: new characters, new voices (hopefully) working. sounds added to zergling capture scenes.
--Changes: new voice system moved over and fixed gallery camera?
--Notes: game has been abandoned and theres no chief.
Release Notes:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
##Update: July 29.
--Added: new characters, new layers and probably heaps more broken stuff
--Changes: finally fixed back button on player capture animations.
##Update: April 21st.
--Added: more/better anims for directional aiming and charge shots, new presets.
--Changes: rolling through zones shouldn't have a chance of locking controls anymore, endless gallery mode doesn't stick anymore, re-select menu button for gallery.
##Update: April 8th.
--Added: 5 new characters: Roman & Rikimaru courtesy of Mdgn, Slave & Jack by Illusive Man and Christie by me.
--Changes: new preset, endless gallery mode shouldn't break the game anymore & ridley hurt rape works again.
##Update: March 21st.
--Added: personality & weapon character settings, personality-based dialogue, endless mode in gallery.
--Changes: activate/taunt were moved to Q, tuned up movement controls (evade should stick less, now) can aim behind you during a power-shot (animation missing, it'll just flip for now)
##Update: March 12th.
--Added: Ling rape is finally in.
--Changes: gallery clean button works on new mess layers and some little bits meant for the next update are still laying around..
##Update: March 1st.
--Added: Two new costumes, Jane-169 and Chosen undead, courtesy of our bestest friend, DarkHedgehog
--Changes: new variables added to save file for new costume options, new loli preset character, gallery next button set to brute-force again (real fix coming up later.) and lag should be exactly the same.
##Update: Feb 27th.
--Added: sneak peak at tifa & new character presets.
--Changes: reported gallery bugs (hopefully) fixed, removed code locks on aerial dodge, camera zoom should spaz out less & area lag cleanup has started.
##Update: Feb 25th.
--Added: new yoko, new accessory 2 layer, boob sizes, more eyes, HUD choice wheel & working rag item (unlock it after rex scene or use the skip-buttons in the character screen)
--Changes: hopefully, fixed most of the bugs I said I would. skittish next button on pirate taunt B is still at large, ridley finisher still doesnt end right, and I forgot to give yoko a projectile.. I'll get those tomorrow.
##Update: Feb 21st.
--Added: new costumes, all new expression system, hair colours (only some of them, so far), lip colouring, accessory clothes, character presets, a gallery, an abusive compass item and loads more!
--Changes: platformer controls (hold jump to go higher, it's about dang time!) enemies dont die after grapples with new stamina system, new pause menu and massive code changes everywhere (if I did it right, you wont even notice)
##Update: October 3rd.
--Added: HellGuard added to character menu + a system for boss room camera stuff.
--Changes: fixed a million +3 arena bugs.
##Update: September 15th.
--Added: Arena Miniboss added, you should know where to find him. (only combat, right now. plus, he's not that tough .. might end up being just another enemy..)
--Changes: oh, various things..
##Update: August 31st.
--Added: new costumes are in, rag item now works.
--Changes: removed another layer of play frames, so things might lag less. plus, bugfixes and projectiles for new costumes.
##Update: August 23nd.
--Added: FLIPS and saves (you can work it out)
--Changes: massive code tweaks to movement, damage, stances and menus. also, some sounds here and there..
##Update: August 22nd.
--Added: Broken menus and junk. check out that stat-tracking and title system! also, goop shot effects added (acid, water, bloodbag and cream/kitty milk/whatever that's dumb? YOU HAVE A GO.)
--Changes: tweaks all around, framerates should be 30 lines of code per frame lighter, stat-tracking added and metroids probably work better than before.
##Update: August 10th.
--Added: Arena map extensions done (look inside the jail) nothing much coded, NPCs still to come.
--Changes: tweaked lizards, new jaws and costumes.
##Update: August 4th.
--Added: "fully operational" NPC added (after the rex scene, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: little stuff, the bay now has enough not-lag to play some animations properly.
##Update: August 1st.
--Added: Rex scene finally added, added some more area one-liners.
--Changes: fixes galore, new talk boxes, blah, blah, blah.
##Update: June 30th.
--Added: New peaceful map added, sharpclaw pit adjacent. Laser shot effects for certain characters, 3 new girls, new skin-tone.
--Changes: played with BGM tracks, designing 'mute' system.
##Update: June 25th.
--Added: combat prototype zergling added to the testing rooms -- you can guess which.. can't you?
--Changes: overhauled knockdown system for enemies.
##Update: June 17th.
--Added: bare-bones dialogue system and opening scene (outside the cave, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: bugfixes, changed advancer scripts.
##Update: June 5th.
--Added: WASD/Arrow controls. quit whining. NO FULL REMAP INTERFACE ..least 'till I learn how to do it..
--Changes: fixed camera bug in ridley's room.
##Update: June 4th.
--Added: the BGM framework (collecting sounds) + a super-duper credits section.
--Changes: attempted fixes.
##Update: May 30th.
--Added: smoothed out the pirate base a bit more, new entrance, no exit and scenes and a half.
--Changes: loads of stuff -- and nobody reads these.
##Update: April 23rd.
--Added: new map with lifts and freakin' switches, yo.
--Changes: player grapples shouldn't snag and some other junk.
##Update: April 12th.
--Added: heaps of stuff you won't see, new platforming map (treetops->mountain), + knockdown and door framework.
--Changes: major performance boosts in some areas, still crap in others. (I know, right?)
##Update: April 1st.
--Added: taunt system and 2 pirate animations to go with. (naturally, they're half-done imports!)
--Changes: HUD elements, impact zones, enemy damage reactions, sounds,missing elements from metroid reverse rapes and other little bits have all been changed, tweaked and told off, slightly.
##Update: March 25th.
--Added: s'more story maps to look at, no baddies, yet.
--Changes: fixes all over the place, performance should be a bit better and things should work..
##Update: March 16th.
--Added: 2 new girls, cortana and dovahkiin + New shooting system, charge shots -- I'm sure you can figure it out.
--Changes: Played around with Ridley's code, he might be better, now.. maybe (nothing new, as such..)
##Update: March 8th.
--Added: SOUNDS. Player voice & lip-sync + noise added to hydra, muta and ridley scenes. Ridley has received some more code, too.
##Update: March 3rd.
--Added: Ridley demo and several small-time animations that you won't notice.
--Fixed: re-worked camera and gravity (partially. it ain't over, yet.) framerate should be improved (active processes cut in half.)
##Update: July 1st.
--Added: Space Pirate orgies, (you can find a man-power surplus on the lower decks of the Metroid lounge)
##Update: June 30th.
--Added: muta scene, costume'd guns & small stuff.
##Update: June 22nd.
--Added: new costumes and levirant scene
##Update: June 18th.
--Fixes/Tweaks: Tweaked camera, AI pathing, level transitions and .. something else.. (I forget.)
##Update: June 17th.
--Added: new room, punch sounds for levirants, etc.
##Update: June 16th.
--Added: Cavern graphics, starter room, most player sound-systems, zerg eggs, etc.
--Fixes/Tweaks: loads of other junk
##Update: June 11th.
--Added: Digfree's Mutalisk (plays hydralisk rapes atm) & art credits in dressing room (hadn't occurred to me to put it in, untill now
--Fixes/Tweaks: cam tweaks & heaps of other crap that isn't interesting to you guys..
##Update: June 9th.
--Added: a new location for you all to rummage around, the leviathan pit. and it's chock full of levirants! ( I know, right? )
--Fixes/Tweaks: worked in aggro-ing baddies as you explore, fixed perma-loops on met's grapple, and heaps of bugs that I've made and squashed today (/flex)
##Update: June 8th.
--Added: finished the behind hydra scene, re-integrated mess-layers for the heroine (not fully utilized, yet. cleans on pre-loader screen) moved the secret message club, again. (it's 'easier' now -.-)
--Fixes/Tweaks: XBOX HUEG script update (which you shouldn't even notice) and some other junk..
##Update: June 7th.
--Added: an UNFINISHED bit of a new hydra scene (the whole thing is in a slap-dash state) added cum to front hydra scene. + new map to find them on, (which lags like hell. tomorrow will be a performance update [hopefully])
--Fixes/Tweaks: added the death anim for hydras that I forgot last time..
##Update: June 6th.
--Added: hydra additions, (some new attacks and half a cap scene)
--Fixes/Tweaks: moved 'metroid land' to the lower shelf for the time being (I shuffle them around for testing, here's how I had 'em)
##Update: June 5th.
--Added: hydra up and semi-running. (missing extra attacks and the sexy bits..)
##Update: June 3rd.
--Added: new metroid scene and placed yesterday's costumes in the dressing room.
--Fixes/Tweaks: fixed idle deaths when sexing, dropped drawbacks from shooting + upped range (to bring it up to speed with tougher baddies)
##Update: June 1st.
--Added: Pirate projectiles improved, (graphic changed, slight tracking system)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Baddie AI re-done, (needs play testing - that's you guys!)
##Update: May 31st.
--Added: Front levi scene, (not totally sold with the tentacle mouth idea..)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Enemy hitboxes tweaked, (they should be able to rape at 0 range) sex system seems to be working fine again, pirates no-longer make melee attacks when dead, raised camera a bit & nerfed player energy regen.
##Update: May 30th.
Been out all day, but I had the morning to get a little bit done.. this is more of an obsidian-esque teaser update..
--Added: Metroid scene, ( needs re-timing and polish, but it's a decent indication of what it'll look like later. )
--Tweaks: upped baddie speed and damage, minor cam changes, built metroid into sex system, then borked said system..
##Update: May 29th.
--Added: 'engagement' system working - added two basic scenes from "space pirates ahoy" and a few smaller animations scattered around. (met, levi and double-teams not working -yet-)
--Fixed: another crack at fixing idle deaths. (sic 'em, playtesters!) Changes to enemy stats & code, health bars, shakey-cam etc.
##Update: May 28th. (afternoon)
--Fixed: Tweaked AI, Some stat Balancing, fixed static deaths (..probably..)
--Added: Health bars & Shakeycam'd the view-system.
##Update: May 28th.
--Fixed: menu glitches, Dressing Room buttons, Projectiles exploding prematurely, polished some enemy AI.
--Added: WASD support for all the 'big buttons' on the main menu and dressing room, New flamethrower effect, New lightning effect, (force lightning > lightning bolt, yes?) New Levirant baddie, (AI done, needs testing)
##Update: May 27th.
--Added: 1 (one) game demo.
##Update: July 29.
--Added: new characters, new layers and probably heaps more broken stuff
--Changes: finally fixed back button on player capture animations.
##Update: April 21st.
--Added: more/better anims for directional aiming and charge shots, new presets.
--Changes: rolling through zones shouldn't have a chance of locking controls anymore, endless gallery mode doesn't stick anymore, re-select menu button for gallery.
##Update: April 8th.
--Added: 5 new characters: Roman & Rikimaru courtesy of Mdgn, Slave & Jack by Illusive Man and Christie by me.
--Changes: new preset, endless gallery mode shouldn't break the game anymore & ridley hurt rape works again.
##Update: March 21st.
--Added: personality & weapon character settings, personality-based dialogue, endless mode in gallery.
--Changes: activate/taunt were moved to Q, tuned up movement controls (evade should stick less, now) can aim behind you during a power-shot (animation missing, it'll just flip for now)
##Update: March 12th.
--Added: Ling rape is finally in.
--Changes: gallery clean button works on new mess layers and some little bits meant for the next update are still laying around..
##Update: March 1st.
--Added: Two new costumes, Jane-169 and Chosen undead, courtesy of our bestest friend, DarkHedgehog
--Changes: new variables added to save file for new costume options, new loli preset character, gallery next button set to brute-force again (real fix coming up later.) and lag should be exactly the same.
##Update: Feb 27th.
--Added: sneak peak at tifa & new character presets.
--Changes: reported gallery bugs (hopefully) fixed, removed code locks on aerial dodge, camera zoom should spaz out less & area lag cleanup has started.
##Update: Feb 25th.
--Added: new yoko, new accessory 2 layer, boob sizes, more eyes, HUD choice wheel & working rag item (unlock it after rex scene or use the skip-buttons in the character screen)
--Changes: hopefully, fixed most of the bugs I said I would. skittish next button on pirate taunt B is still at large, ridley finisher still doesnt end right, and I forgot to give yoko a projectile.. I'll get those tomorrow.
##Update: Feb 21st.
--Added: new costumes, all new expression system, hair colours (only some of them, so far), lip colouring, accessory clothes, character presets, a gallery, an abusive compass item and loads more!
--Changes: platformer controls (hold jump to go higher, it's about dang time!) enemies dont die after grapples with new stamina system, new pause menu and massive code changes everywhere (if I did it right, you wont even notice)
##Update: October 3rd.
--Added: HellGuard added to character menu + a system for boss room camera stuff.
--Changes: fixed a million +3 arena bugs.
##Update: September 15th.
--Added: Arena Miniboss added, you should know where to find him. (only combat, right now. plus, he's not that tough .. might end up being just another enemy..)
--Changes: oh, various things..
##Update: August 31st.
--Added: new costumes are in, rag item now works.
--Changes: removed another layer of play frames, so things might lag less. plus, bugfixes and projectiles for new costumes.
##Update: August 23nd.
--Added: FLIPS and saves (you can work it out)
--Changes: massive code tweaks to movement, damage, stances and menus. also, some sounds here and there..
##Update: August 22nd.
--Added: Broken menus and junk. check out that stat-tracking and title system! also, goop shot effects added (acid, water, bloodbag and cream/kitty milk/whatever that's dumb? YOU HAVE A GO.)
--Changes: tweaks all around, framerates should be 30 lines of code per frame lighter, stat-tracking added and metroids probably work better than before.
##Update: August 10th.
--Added: Arena map extensions done (look inside the jail) nothing much coded, NPCs still to come.
--Changes: tweaked lizards, new jaws and costumes.
##Update: August 4th.
--Added: "fully operational" NPC added (after the rex scene, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: little stuff, the bay now has enough not-lag to play some animations properly.
##Update: August 1st.
--Added: Rex scene finally added, added some more area one-liners.
--Changes: fixes galore, new talk boxes, blah, blah, blah.
##Update: June 30th.
--Added: New peaceful map added, sharpclaw pit adjacent. Laser shot effects for certain characters, 3 new girls, new skin-tone.
--Changes: played with BGM tracks, designing 'mute' system.
##Update: June 25th.
--Added: combat prototype zergling added to the testing rooms -- you can guess which.. can't you?
--Changes: overhauled knockdown system for enemies.
##Update: June 17th.
--Added: bare-bones dialogue system and opening scene (outside the cave, you can't miss it.)
--Changes: bugfixes, changed advancer scripts.
##Update: June 5th.
--Added: WASD/Arrow controls. quit whining. NO FULL REMAP INTERFACE ..least 'till I learn how to do it..
--Changes: fixed camera bug in ridley's room.
##Update: June 4th.
--Added: the BGM framework (collecting sounds) + a super-duper credits section.
--Changes: attempted fixes.
##Update: May 30th.
--Added: smoothed out the pirate base a bit more, new entrance, no exit and scenes and a half.
--Changes: loads of stuff -- and nobody reads these.
##Update: April 23rd.
--Added: new map with lifts and freakin' switches, yo.
--Changes: player grapples shouldn't snag and some other junk.
##Update: April 12th.
--Added: heaps of stuff you won't see, new platforming map (treetops->mountain), + knockdown and door framework.
--Changes: major performance boosts in some areas, still crap in others. (I know, right?)
##Update: April 1st.
--Added: taunt system and 2 pirate animations to go with. (naturally, they're half-done imports!)
--Changes: HUD elements, impact zones, enemy damage reactions, sounds,missing elements from metroid reverse rapes and other little bits have all been changed, tweaked and told off, slightly.
##Update: March 25th.
--Added: s'more story maps to look at, no baddies, yet.
--Changes: fixes all over the place, performance should be a bit better and things should work..
##Update: March 16th.
--Added: 2 new girls, cortana and dovahkiin + New shooting system, charge shots -- I'm sure you can figure it out.
--Changes: Played around with Ridley's code, he might be better, now.. maybe (nothing new, as such..)
##Update: March 8th.
--Added: SOUNDS. Player voice & lip-sync + noise added to hydra, muta and ridley scenes. Ridley has received some more code, too.
##Update: March 3rd.
--Added: Ridley demo and several small-time animations that you won't notice.
--Fixed: re-worked camera and gravity (partially. it ain't over, yet.) framerate should be improved (active processes cut in half.)
##Update: July 1st.
--Added: Space Pirate orgies, (you can find a man-power surplus on the lower decks of the Metroid lounge)
##Update: June 30th.
--Added: muta scene, costume'd guns & small stuff.
##Update: June 22nd.
--Added: new costumes and levirant scene
##Update: June 18th.
--Fixes/Tweaks: Tweaked camera, AI pathing, level transitions and .. something else.. (I forget.)
##Update: June 17th.
--Added: new room, punch sounds for levirants, etc.
##Update: June 16th.
--Added: Cavern graphics, starter room, most player sound-systems, zerg eggs, etc.
--Fixes/Tweaks: loads of other junk
##Update: June 11th.
--Added: Digfree's Mutalisk (plays hydralisk rapes atm) & art credits in dressing room (hadn't occurred to me to put it in, untill now
![Confused :?](./images/smilies/icon_e_confused.gif)
--Fixes/Tweaks: cam tweaks & heaps of other crap that isn't interesting to you guys..
##Update: June 9th.
--Added: a new location for you all to rummage around, the leviathan pit. and it's chock full of levirants! ( I know, right? )
--Fixes/Tweaks: worked in aggro-ing baddies as you explore, fixed perma-loops on met's grapple, and heaps of bugs that I've made and squashed today (/flex)
##Update: June 8th.
--Added: finished the behind hydra scene, re-integrated mess-layers for the heroine (not fully utilized, yet. cleans on pre-loader screen) moved the secret message club, again. (it's 'easier' now -.-)
--Fixes/Tweaks: XBOX HUEG script update (which you shouldn't even notice) and some other junk..
##Update: June 7th.
--Added: an UNFINISHED bit of a new hydra scene (the whole thing is in a slap-dash state) added cum to front hydra scene. + new map to find them on, (which lags like hell. tomorrow will be a performance update [hopefully])
--Fixes/Tweaks: added the death anim for hydras that I forgot last time..
##Update: June 6th.
--Added: hydra additions, (some new attacks and half a cap scene)
--Fixes/Tweaks: moved 'metroid land' to the lower shelf for the time being (I shuffle them around for testing, here's how I had 'em)
##Update: June 5th.
--Added: hydra up and semi-running. (missing extra attacks and the sexy bits..)
##Update: June 3rd.
--Added: new metroid scene and placed yesterday's costumes in the dressing room.
--Fixes/Tweaks: fixed idle deaths when sexing, dropped drawbacks from shooting + upped range (to bring it up to speed with tougher baddies)
##Update: June 1st.
--Added: Pirate projectiles improved, (graphic changed, slight tracking system)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Baddie AI re-done, (needs play testing - that's you guys!)
##Update: May 31st.
--Added: Front levi scene, (not totally sold with the tentacle mouth idea..)
--Fixes/Tweaks: Enemy hitboxes tweaked, (they should be able to rape at 0 range) sex system seems to be working fine again, pirates no-longer make melee attacks when dead, raised camera a bit & nerfed player energy regen.
##Update: May 30th.
Been out all day, but I had the morning to get a little bit done.. this is more of an obsidian-esque teaser update..
--Added: Metroid scene, ( needs re-timing and polish, but it's a decent indication of what it'll look like later. )
--Tweaks: upped baddie speed and damage, minor cam changes, built metroid into sex system, then borked said system..
##Update: May 29th.
--Added: 'engagement' system working - added two basic scenes from "space pirates ahoy" and a few smaller animations scattered around. (met, levi and double-teams not working -yet-)
--Fixed: another crack at fixing idle deaths. (sic 'em, playtesters!) Changes to enemy stats & code, health bars, shakey-cam etc.
##Update: May 28th. (afternoon)
--Fixed: Tweaked AI, Some stat Balancing, fixed static deaths (..probably..)
--Added: Health bars & Shakeycam'd the view-system.
##Update: May 28th.
--Fixed: menu glitches, Dressing Room buttons, Projectiles exploding prematurely, polished some enemy AI.
--Added: WASD support for all the 'big buttons' on the main menu and dressing room, New flamethrower effect, New lightning effect, (force lightning > lightning bolt, yes?) New Levirant baddie, (AI done, needs testing)
##Update: May 27th.
--Added: 1 (one) game demo.
The Scoop:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
what works, and what doesnt.
Items and powerups:
Player rape:
what works, and what doesnt.
Story is still barely there,
Main quest currently ends after the Ridley fight inside the pirate base.
Arena quests also not in, yet. just a bossfight for you.
Two in-game, play one after another outside the cave,
one scene underway: "see the chief"
15 zones in game,
one area currently under construction, (zerg zone, under starter cave
changes planned for Pirate base, tavern and arena)
Items and powerups:
health items planned and ready to use, none added to game as of yet
weapons planned for later stages
Items in currently : Rag (cleans mess) and compass (will give you hints for quests, later. right now it just calls you a slut..(47 randomized quotes!))
Taunt and roll will become unlockable techniques, just as soon as I've added their quests
all enemies have 2 grapples, except for~
space pirates, who have 4 separate plus gang variations
mutalisk, who only has a front animation
zergling, back anim only
and animations still to come for and arena sharpclaw
Player rape:
to rape an enemy, excite them with a taunt (Q key) and approach from either side.
(currently space pirate only)