If you can't even search through the Area 52 archives properly, I have no faith in this project. I don't know if this link will work properly because it was part of the 'private' section of area52, but Gore was able to use our Krystal, and that's the only spot I remember this being posted so it should work, besides it's all listed under 'archived projects' so hopefully it's not still private.
viewtopic.php?f=26&t=1370&start=20#p32610 start with that. If the thing doesn't work I'll download and post the swf file for you. There's also gore's game to take a look at
viewtopic.php?f=34&t=3578I don't know how flash works and if you have to have the .fla files or not, but think people have made use with just the .swf files. Again look through Area52's threads, namely the ones with attachments in them. I can't help you anymore than this.