Some New Futanari Content

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Some New Futanari Content

Postby FancyFuta » Tue May 24, 2011 5:35 pm

Greetings all,

I've been lurking on these hallowed forums for quite a while now, and just recently decided to teach myself flash and give it a go myself.

I am, however, a massive futanari fan and so decided to make my first swf a simple masturbation one with Krystal. However, as usual with my projects I got a little carried away and made what is posted below.

Give it a play and see what you think, I'm looking for some handy feedback from you guys before starting part 2 (Peach masturbating) then part 3 (Peach and Krystal).

Some quick notes: 1) I realise the walk at the end's a bit shit, this is mainly due to me stupidly animating the cum as one layer and doing it frame-by-frame with about 100 different objects, so I kept it simple.
2) It's a little jerky and this is because although I originally had it running at 30fps, the cum scene (which took the longest) was MUCH too fast and so to save myself the pain of redoing it I simply lowered the fps.
3) Some of the beginning loops could be better, and this is due to me using Motion Tweens with no main Keynotes, so when I changed something not saved in the Intermediate Keynote Flash makes, it would back change it and screwed all the loops. I then went back and tried to right them, but they could be better.
4) The head movements (and licking loop especially) are horrible, mainly due to me stupidly having about 6 different layers for the head alone. Don't worry lesson learned there.
5) I have ZERO artistic talent. So everything's been ripped from the main 2.0 project, so understandably some of the motions (again the licking) could look considerably better but I simply don't have the talents to do anything about it.

On any other topic though I'm happy to hear some feedback, just don't go all out as remember this is my first flash!

FancyFuta (Also yes I realise it's a crap name, but it suits my future goals (creating some deliciously fancy-arse futa))
Click to Play
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Futa-Krystal_Fap.swf [ 646.48 KiB | Viewed 70093 times ]

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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby SFFan » Wed May 25, 2011 1:32 am

FancyFuta Wrote:5) I have ZERO artistic talent. So everything's been ripped from the main 2.0 project, so understandably some of the motions (again the licking) could look considerably better but I simply don't have the talents to do anything about it.

you did extremely well all things considered then my friend. i'll just say that much and leave the rest of the comments and feedback to the people who really work on stuff like this. well done, ;)
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Zelos » Wed May 25, 2011 2:13 am

Yay = ^ _ ^=

Edit: Did you say peach was in this ? Does anything else happen after she leaves the rooms or was that all of it o.o ?
Last edited by Zelos on Wed May 25, 2011 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Oriandu » Wed May 25, 2011 2:13 am

What in the fuck is with its face?
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby bed_intruder » Wed May 25, 2011 2:38 am

Looks pretty good for a first time animation. Not really into futanari much but more power to you I guess. Like Oriandu pointed out the face looks pretty damn creepy so just make your own with parts from the .fla and the right thigh is pretty glitchy but I'm sure you already noticed that. By Peach masturbating in the second one, you mean she's not going to have a dick, right?
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Untamed » Wed May 25, 2011 4:38 am

Brilliant first time. I cant wait for more
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby haloman » Wed May 25, 2011 5:07 am

Very good first time indeed! Hehe. Keep it up bud :D
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby FancyFuta » Wed May 25, 2011 8:46 am

Cheers for all the posts everyone!

Funnily enough I hadn't noticed the face was creepy, but yea it has parts ripped from different poses then thrown together so it does look a bit different to the face you're used to. I also wanted to redo the jaw and cheek bone but my attempt looked like an idiot had found Paint then doodled around in it, so I gave up. Sorry to all if it freaks you out, I'll be using the conventional side-on view for the other scenes I have planned, so hopefully it won't look as weird.

Zelos: this part ends with Krystal walking out of the room (which I should probably have noted is the bathroom so she overhears Peach, which is a fairly large plot device for the later animations). The next part (which I am slowly in the process of making) is going to be Peach masturbating, and sorry to all who oppose but Peach is going to have a dick. I know, I'm a sexual deviant hehe.

And yea bed_intruder I did notice the thigh, but it's an unfortunate circumstance of the pose I used. Playshapes only used it for a few sex scenes (maybe only one) and all had little movement on Krystal's part. Furthermore my attempt at perspective was a bit shoddy so it looks a tad wrong in a few poses, but like I said it was my first effort. I would fix it up but the scene is 306 frames long with 32 layers, with about a third of the total frames being set in place personally, so to be honest I simply can't be bothered haha.

I'm also surprised no one mentioned the tail as I forgot to say anything about it in the first post haha. Pretty much I didn't include it as the poses I ended up going with would have made it look pretty awkward.

At any rate, cheers for the helpful comments and hopefully by using the conventional poses my next scene will look a little better.

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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Gale Toral » Wed May 25, 2011 8:11 pm

Looking forward to seeing more stuff from you, though I agree her face was a bit off.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby BipolarWTF » Wed May 25, 2011 10:43 pm

I'm not a fan of dick girls unless another girl is involved though I must say you managed to make me watch, hope to see krystal attack a poor inoccent normal girl lol.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Residentlover2 » Thu May 26, 2011 12:23 am

i really hate this i prefeer to see a normal girl raped by a man or a woman :)
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Lord Panzi » Thu May 26, 2011 12:34 pm

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:i really hate this i prefeer to see a normal girl raped by a man or a woman :)

then dont say anything and dont ever look at the thread ever again
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby BipolarWTF » Thu May 26, 2011 5:36 pm

SuperDodoman12 Wrote:i really hate this i prefeer to see a normal girl raped by a man or a woman :)

Well it did say Futanari-aka Dickgirls, only looked because I was curious about how he had done things and had hoped to see the part of the fetish I like, A futa and a regular girl. Anyway, don't like, don't comment, and leave! Easy ain't it.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby KaTsuO_O » Thu May 26, 2011 6:49 pm

This is actualy pretty good, not that good animaton but it is simple and enjoyable so thats why i like it. Just a few things that will help you creating good animations.

1. Smooth movment, made a tutorial on it here: But how i used smooth movment on that one is not the way it should be used but it is a good example how it looks compared to none.
This is a test i did on the new arm, its a much better example on how it looks when smooth movment is used well:
Click to Play
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Test arm animation.swf [ 4.25 KiB | Viewed 66583 times ]

Play around with it and your animations will look even better.

2. Feet, knee, hand or elbow in the same position all the time. This is a common misstake animator does.
Fap scene 1: The knees should be in the same position on the ground all the time.
Scene 2: The back foot is good enough, but the front knee should stay in the same spot.
Scene 3: Nothing bad with it.
Just have to say, that cumshot is nicely done, there isnt that many who can make cumshots so that is something special.

3. Dont repeat sounds, most of the time it can be very annoying so i think you should either go for a pattern or random. For a pattern you can have a couple of different combinations like:
1, 2, 1, 3 - 1, 3, 2, 3 - 1, 2, 3, 2 and so on. Each combination should contain 3 sounds and one of them should be played two times like in the example. the sound that is played two times should have one sound between them, like: (1) 3 (1) 2. All the sounds should be pretty similar or it will sound awkward. This method makes it so if your not aware of the pattern it will sound just like it is random at first, but the thing with this method that is not as good with random is that the sounds tend to repeat like 3 times sometimes.

Random, the random function is pretty good to know, not only for sounds but alot other things as well. Too make the sounds play randomly is pretty easy, you need:
A action on one the frame you want the sound that sais:
A soundbox (movieclip) on the same frame which contains a few lines of code and the sounds. First frame inside the movieclip type "stop();", second frame type:
Code: Select All Code
function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number
      var randomNum:Number = Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min)) + min;
      return randomNum;
var say;
   say = randRange(3, 5);

Then you create 3 more frames which contains "stop();" and a sound. "say = randRange(3, 5);" means like that it will go to a frame in the movieclip 3, 4 or 5. if you want more sounds then increase the "5" in the code and add the same amount frames to the timeline whit sound and code as well.

I hope this helps, any questions just ask or when you have posted 10 posts (i belive) you can send a pm (private message) to me. I look forward to see more work for you and if get better im sure you can work for us (Area 52) if you want, actualy we would need someone who can make frame-by-frame cumshots so if you are interested then we would be very happy.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby FancyFuta » Fri May 27, 2011 9:11 am

Thanks for the extremely helpful post KaTsuO_O I just recently got to the first loop in my next project and decided against putting in a repeating sound due to how damn irritating they can get when your post comes along and saves the day!

I also duly noted the smooth movement comment along with your tutorial and will definitely be trying it out for the new animation. Thankfully you posted early on so I can change what's already been done fairly easily. I won't be changing the animation you see in post one mainly because I used Motion Tweens and not the Classic Tweens that you've used, while in the Peach scene, which I'm doing now I've used a mixture of both depending on the range of motion. I find Motion Tweens very handy when animating pieces relative to a rotating body, i.e. an arm moving relative to the rotating body component, giving a curvilinear motion trajectory, which is easy to achieve by simply dragging the motion line given when using Motion Teens. This being said, your tutorial was still very helpful and I'll definitely be using it along with the sounds on the next scene.

Cheers mate, and thanks for posting relevant code in ActionScript 3.0, instead of 2.0 like everything else seems to be written for!

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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Outonbail » Fri May 27, 2011 2:11 pm

I dislike the face you chose for this. Looks like it was run over by airliner jet. Otherwise good animation.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby KaTsuO_O » Fri May 27, 2011 5:08 pm

Your welcome. Im always happy to help people and their projects, especially furry ones. Great to hear you got an other project in work as well.

Ah, you used motion tweens instead of classic, so thats why it looked so weird when i opened your flashfile. I was going to edit it but when I saw how mesy the classic tweens looked (yes it was classic ones) I just closed the window. I dont know if you thought the code was as3 or if i should post a as3 verision, this is as2 and sadly i cant use as3 but i hope this gave you a idea how you can make it using as3.
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby FancyFuta » Sat May 28, 2011 9:34 am

Yea, I thought it was ActionScript 3.0 mainly because Flash returned no errors when I compiled, and sorry to hear it looked messy when you opened it. I'm assuming it's because I use the new Flash (CS 5.5), ActionScript 3.0 and Motion Tweens. I think the only reason I do is because I started learning with CS 5.5 and that was what was in the tutorials that came with the package.

At any rate, if I could figure out how to script buttons by myself I'm sure I can figure the sounds out as well.

On another topic: yes everyone, I realize the majority of you don't much care for the front-on view of Krystal, with the awkward looking face. Please refrain from posting about it again. I get it, and I'm using side-on views from now on.

Thanks again,
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby Biles » Mon May 30, 2011 9:08 pm

Good work on that animation. Though the only thing that irked me was the design of the head itself. I loved the body, but the head like everyone else said, creeped me out. Infact, I was disturbed at how much it reminded me of those Saw movies. O_O
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Re: Some New Futanari Content

Postby alek » Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:09 am

is very cool great work for the flash ^^ more escenes plis
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