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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Lord Panzi » Wed May 25, 2011 12:35 pm

you could keep the shell as a pussy shield :P
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Oriandu » Wed May 25, 2011 6:25 pm

xxgottsteinxx Wrote:
Oriandu Wrote:
Zeus Kabob Wrote:Caves are for spike tops, and Morton's castle is for drybones. I really would like to see the both of them, but I think that drybones fit better in a castle setting.

I'd say Drybones are something that should be avoided. Yes, we've already got bestiality, but do we also need necrophilia too?

I think you're looking at a concept a little too deeply

I think you lack the ability to take a joke.
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Gale Toral » Wed May 25, 2011 9:15 pm

This looks like a good game based on what I've seen, can't wait to see where you go with it
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby xxgottsteinxx » Wed May 25, 2011 10:48 pm

Oriandu Wrote:
I think you lack the ability to take a joke.


couldn't tell if you were being serious or not; I've seen some pretty vanilla posts despite this being an adult animation forum
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Lord Panzi » Wed May 25, 2011 10:49 pm

play nice now, or ill grab my beating dildo! er.. i mean stick!

Last edited by Lord Panzi on Thu May 26, 2011 12:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
i could fuck her all night, not a regular night, one of those north pole six month nights
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby adalada » Wed May 25, 2011 11:28 pm

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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Gale Toral » Thu May 26, 2011 12:05 am

Threats. Cuz why not?
Gale Toral
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby MR L » Thu May 26, 2011 1:38 am

Well because everybody coming up with enemy ideas I though that shy guy would be a possible addition. Also boo seems like it could be a fun idea. Also credit to who ever came up with the boo idea.
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Digfree » Thu May 26, 2011 5:55 am

MR L Wrote:Well because everybody coming up with enemy ideas I though that shy guy would be a possible addition. Also boo seems like it could be a fun idea. Also credit to who ever came up with the boo idea.

thanks, and also I am glad too see there is now a Mr. L on the forums, cause I know lugi would total use that username to watch porn
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Gregdgreat » Thu May 26, 2011 6:14 am

Well for boo you could make it possess her, even tho its not really how boo rolls but it could be something.
Some call me crazy. Others, insane. But i believe that the world is insane and it's people are crazy. I guess that would make me... normal. How boring.
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby origamitoast » Thu May 26, 2011 3:45 pm

maybe boo could turn invisble and fly through her taking her dress or somethin or whatever clothes she has on
I love riddles? Do you like riddles? I've got one: What always runs but never walks, has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps. Can't get it? It's a river >:3 i've got plenty more just ask me.
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Digfree » Thu May 26, 2011 5:56 pm

Gregdgreat Wrote:Well for boo you could make it possess her, even tho its not really how boo rolls but it could be something.

boo is more of a "SUPRISE BUTT SEX" type of guy, you know just stalking your ass when your not looking, but I like your idea too
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Blargh » Thu May 26, 2011 11:11 pm

Jeebus that's a lot of posts. O_O Well, lemme just filter through them then. You're going to have to figure out what questions I'm answering for yourselves. >_>

Zeus Kabob: I agree with your sentiments.
origamitoast: Finish the spike-tops? I've not yet begun the spike-tops.
SuperDodoman12: I would like to add lesbian scenes to the game as well, rest assured. :D
Gregdgreat: Head, feet (well, they'd have to be done individually), shell, dick. I agree it'd be really easy to animate.
Oriandu: I've got a couple of ideas for different scenes. 1) Peach rides it like a cowgirl. 2) The spike-top bounces Peach up and down on its dick. Handjob, blowjob, boobjob would all be similar to the goombas.
Lord Panzi: Gallery mode? Er, probably not, sorry. It doesn't seem like a quick thing to add, and I don't know anything about saving yet.
Dakou: I think I'd probably more likely add those as random appearances when conditions are right.
DigFree: Thanks for the enemies. I have no drawing talents of my own, so I'll see what I can do to upgrade the look of Loki/Lakitu for now. The others may come later (I definitely want to add Boo at some point, though).
Chronosphere: It may happen if I go through with my plan to have it bring up the credits.
MR L: I do have some fun ideas for Boo. I definitely want to do a Haunted Mansion area eventually.
Gregdgreat and DigFree: DigFree's got it. Oh, the all-the-way-through scenes I will do...eventually.

Whew, that would have been a lot of quoting and giant post if I had done it the normal way.

I will state for the record that pretty much every new enemy will primarily depend on one of two things: 1) An appropriate place for the enemy that necessitates having to build one from scratch, or 2) The enemy has already been built. Until new areas are added, I'm just looking at ones that can fit in the Mushroom Kingdom area and Morton's Castle. Early contenders are: Loki for the Mushroom Kingdom and Dry Bones for Morton's Castle. Those may change as circumstances and my whims dictate. <_<
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby ohlookitsthatguy » Thu May 26, 2011 11:45 pm

Speaking of additional enemies, you ARE aware that the original Bowser's Castle Flash has a Koopa Troopa in it, Right?
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby 肉まんマン » Fri May 27, 2011 1:29 pm

Gregdgreat Wrote:Well for boo you could make it possess her, even tho its not really how boo rolls but it could be something.

Actually, have you played the first mario party on N64? There`s a mini game where the 4 players work as a team to get a lightbulb to the other side of the stage while fighting off a horde of boos who posses you if they manage to touch you. They then walk slowly like zombies surrounded by a purple aura toward the player holding the bulb and try to steal it and dispose of it.

Maybe the boos in the castle could possess peach in one of the animations and make her masturbate or something like that. Should be pretty easy to animate and I think it would be pretty hot.
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Residentlover2 » Fri May 27, 2011 10:57 pm

thanks blargh i knew than you wont failed me
English is not my main language :P
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby mjnelson91 » Sat May 28, 2011 3:00 am

Hey, Blargh, what's the bit of code you use to switch body parts for different characters? I can't get the .fla working so I thought I might as well ask.

(In another question, why won't the .fla work? I keep getting an "unexpected file format" error when I try to open it)
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Digfree » Sat May 28, 2011 6:52 am

hey people, what you think? it's not done yet... I was just in the mood to make some lugi mansion. kudos if you know what room it is.

Only way I finish things is with feed back, cause I am totally like my ego boosted. lol...
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby FuzzFace » Sat May 28, 2011 8:44 am

Ooh geeze…what room was it? I think it was the floor just up the stairs to the left, across the baby room. Or was that the grandma? Or…no, that was the lady with the curtains blowing out the window.

Hmm…without searching it on the Google engine, I’m stumped.

Down the hallway, near a bathroom…something..second floor?

Damn you! :lol:
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Re: A MiM hack (Game updated May 20, 2011)

Postby Firesong » Sat May 28, 2011 9:38 am

i can't tell if you're joking or not
it's the room in the picture he posted right above the .fla...

where you fight the ghost that makes books fly at you and you have to wait till he yawns before shining the torch on him
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