fragmasterson Wrote:Reaperbones Wrote:Hi there. So I had been contemplating for the other rp, playing a villain type character. Would that be okay in this one?
It would be okay, but spots are currently filled yet. Also, the character sheet abilities would be a little different than with human characters. I haven't figured that part out yet.
Reaperbones Wrote:Ah well if there is an opening I would like to try to fill it (Bow chicka bow wow) May i have the altered character sheet so that i can write him out. The design behind him is he is male form of a brood mother except much more intelligent. His goal is to get a girl infected/pregnant and then alter the creature inside the womb to be a stronger creature. He'd essentially be making new types monsters whenever he succeeded in his goal.
Tsai Wrote:you could just have weapons that do a base damag, say pistols do 5 damage if an extremity is and 10 if center of mass is hit, so and and so forth, you would roll for place to hit and if its a 20 then its a head shot/instakill, you can also have players call if they want to make a head shot and then you'd give a bonus to the aimed shot say plus 5 to weapon skill, but then you'd take more damage/be in a more vulnerable spot if it fails and its not 20 or above you just hit them normally that way players can make aimed shots but suffer for failing despite the bonus for example
Normal shot: roll for hit 11=hit. roll for location 15 (1-10 is arm/leg/shoulder 11-17- center of mass 18-20 is head shot) damage dealt=10
Aimed shot roll for hit 9+5= 14 hit. location 17+5= 22 headshot.
Failed normal roll: roll for hit 9= damage taken, other stuff GM discretion.
Failed aimed shot: 3+5=8, damage taken+ or knocked to ground, distracted, fumbles weapon, etc. GM discretion.
Tsai Wrote:An inseminater? Thing just fucks everything in sight hoping to impregnate it.
Tsai Wrote:Dont over load yourself
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