Rise of the Horny Dead 2

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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Carlos1225 » Wed May 28, 2014 5:32 am

The general who advances without coveting fame and retreats without fearing disgrace, whose only thought is to protect his country and do good service for his sovereign, is the jewel of the kingdom.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Reaperbones » Wed May 28, 2014 11:52 pm

fragmasterson Wrote:
Reaperbones Wrote:Hi there. So I had been contemplating for the other rp, playing a villain type character. Would that be okay in this one?

It would be okay, but spots are currently filled yet. Also, the character sheet abilities would be a little different than with human characters. I haven't figured that part out yet.

Ah well if there is an opening I would like to try to fill it (Bow chicka bow wow) May i have the altered character sheet so that i can write him out. The design behind him is he is male form of a brood mother except much more intelligent. His goal is to get a girl infected/pregnant and then alter the creature inside the womb to be a stronger creature. He'd essentially be making new types monsters whenever he succeeded in his goal.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Thu May 29, 2014 2:11 am

Okay, in an effort to make the battle system make more sense, I've decided to use an HP system, each fighter has 50 HP, and your roll determines damage. This may change, I'm just trying it out to see how it works.

There will be less description of the actual damage done to the creature....so, if you inflicted bullet wounds and are defeated, I may or may not just pretend that they don't exist.

Also, I'm starting to realize that the current battle system heavily favors the players, since the PC always has better than a 50 percent chance of being successful. I've tried to offset that a couple of ways, but I thinking about changing that mechanic....I'm not sure how yet. Open to ideas on this.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Thu May 29, 2014 2:44 am

Reaperbones Wrote:Ah well if there is an opening I would like to try to fill it (Bow chicka bow wow) May i have the altered character sheet so that i can write him out. The design behind him is he is male form of a brood mother except much more intelligent. His goal is to get a girl infected/pregnant and then alter the creature inside the womb to be a stronger creature. He'd essentially be making new types monsters whenever he succeeded in his goal.

Hmmmm. I guess the cs doesn't have to change that much. Instead of intelligence, you can have like a "lure" stat for seducing opponents. Then your battle system would work just like a reg PC just with that option. You could also have straight seduction scenes, where I'd roll to see if the NPC reacts hostilely or just tries to resist your zombie charms.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Tsai » Thu May 29, 2014 2:49 am

you could just have weapons that do a base damag, say pistols do 5 damage if an extremity is and 10 if center of mass is hit, so and and so forth, you would roll for place to hit and if its a 20 then its a head shot/instakill, you can also have players call if they want to make a head shot and then you'd give a bonus to the aimed shot say plus 5 to weapon skill, but then you'd take more damage/be in a more vulnerable spot if it fails and its not 20 or above you just hit them normally that way players can make aimed shots but suffer for failing despite the bonus for example

Normal shot: roll for hit 11=hit. roll for location 15 (1-10 is arm/leg/shoulder 11-17- center of mass 18-20 is head shot) damage dealt=10
Aimed shot roll for hit 9+5= 14 hit. location 17+5= 22 headshot.

Failed normal roll: roll for hit 9= damage taken, other stuff GM discretion.
Failed aimed shot: 3+5=8, damage taken+ or knocked to ground, distracted, fumbles weapon, etc. GM discretion.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Thu May 29, 2014 3:04 am

Tsai Wrote:you could just have weapons that do a base damag, say pistols do 5 damage if an extremity is and 10 if center of mass is hit, so and and so forth, you would roll for place to hit and if its a 20 then its a head shot/instakill, you can also have players call if they want to make a head shot and then you'd give a bonus to the aimed shot say plus 5 to weapon skill, but then you'd take more damage/be in a more vulnerable spot if it fails and its not 20 or above you just hit them normally that way players can make aimed shots but suffer for failing despite the bonus for example

Normal shot: roll for hit 11=hit. roll for location 15 (1-10 is arm/leg/shoulder 11-17- center of mass 18-20 is head shot) damage dealt=10
Aimed shot roll for hit 9+5= 14 hit. location 17+5= 22 headshot.

Failed normal roll: roll for hit 9= damage taken, other stuff GM discretion.
Failed aimed shot: 3+5=8, damage taken+ or knocked to ground, distracted, fumbles weapon, etc. GM discretion.

I like that idea. Not sure how I would take user stats into account. But I kind of wouldn't mind NOT doing so at this point....
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Tsai » Thu May 29, 2014 3:15 am

uhhhh i mean different weapons will have different stats, like i would say someone using a melee weapon would get bonuses off strength, and a gun is a bit more agility based or intelligence based maybe.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby [Brand_Name] » Thu May 29, 2014 6:46 am

That's kind of what I had in the last of us rp. Feel free to check out.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Fri May 30, 2014 12:19 am

What's the male counterpart of a broodmother? We might have such NPCs
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Tsai » Fri May 30, 2014 12:21 am

An inseminater? Thing just fucks everything in sight hoping to impregnate it.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Fri May 30, 2014 12:25 am

Tsai Wrote:An inseminater? Thing just fucks everything in sight hoping to impregnate it.

Right. Which is basically all the zombies, but these would have residual intelligence like the broodmothers.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Fri May 30, 2014 3:39 am

Okay....so...I've realized that I've hardly used the Toughness stat, and haven't used the intelligence stat AT ALL so far...and I'm having trouble thinking of ways to use either of them. Originally, I thought I'd use the Toughness stat as a defense stat, but I forgot to use it tbh, and now I feel like it would make battles too easy. Intelligence would seem to have no effect battles, as there really isn't much reason to outsmart a zombie. It seems like Strength, Speed, and Aim are the only stats that have had use so far.

Therefore, I'm abolishing Intelligence and Toughness, at least temporarily, and reducing the amount of points to spend to 9 points.

If you already have an approved character sheet, you don't have to change anything if you don't want to. If you do want to, don't delete your point set up, just put it in brackets or something, and put your new stat allotment right outside of it, editing the character sheet post you had originally
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Sanaki » Fri May 30, 2014 4:54 am

Sorry for the lack of posting as of late, i'll try to stay better up to date from now on
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Sat May 31, 2014 3:23 pm

GM story strategy update:

So, like I said, there are going to be different human factions in the city, most of which focus on controlling the zombie threat, but others that have different goals. There is going to be a "science" group that's going to be dedicated to studying the zombies, and that conducts experiments with them. There's going to be a pacifist group that wants to unite the different groups in peace and harmony and at least two large, hostile groups that want to control the post apocalyptic world.

You can join one of the factions, and (I think) would make less choice in gameplay, as then the leaders of each gang will probably give you missions, like attacking and killing zombies, or other enemy gangs, or foraging for supplies for the gang. However, it would come with the benefit of less likelihood of turning, if you would rather character not turn, though it wouldn't mean no zombie sex, of course.

I've already thrown some potential opportunities to join such groups at a couple of the characters, but it's been completely random and I've made clear that there are "risks" to joining. One possibility are "initiation-procedures" that put the PC in a sexual with gang members, or with a zombie. Or something different. I haven't decided yet.

Lastly, there is a zombie faction....besides being a normal zombie, a human or zombie PC can join a group of broodmothers that is trying to organize the mindless zombies to a common end-turning everyone else into a zombie.

If you're interested in your PC joining one of these factions ASAP, let me know and I can make it happen within a couple of turns, if not, I will just continue to throw opportunities completely at random like I've been doing.

As of right now, not joining such a faction will probably lead to little plot development, as your character is just trying to survive on it's own, but you'll continue to encounter random NPCs and zombies of course. I'll continue to throw story opportunities at the PC, and it will be completely up to them to pursue them.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby MiscChaos » Sat May 31, 2014 3:51 pm

Personally, I feel like that's a great way to do stories in RPs overall. Being railroaded isn't fun for most people unless the story is really riveting, so allowing for PCs to do their own thing and follow storylines at their own pace and convenience is an awesome way to go. At least to me.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby [Brand_Name] » Sat May 31, 2014 6:11 pm

I'd like to see my character join one of the groups sometime soon. Doesn't have to be immediate. And I'd especially like to see her captured by a rival gang...
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Sat May 31, 2014 10:32 pm

I'm increasing player limit again. Wooooot.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby Tsai » Sat May 31, 2014 10:40 pm

Dont over load yourself
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Sat May 31, 2014 11:13 pm

Tsai Wrote:Dont over load yourself

True. I don't think I am. Most people haven't been posting everyday anyway.

Sent messages to those next on the waiting list, assuming they respond back that they're still interested, player limit is reached again, at 10 players.
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Re: Rise of the Horny Dead 2

Postby fragmasterson » Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:02 am

Right now, I have the default battle HP as 50 for the NPC and player, which I think is enough to make battle neither too short nor too long. Sometimes I've made each roll for NPC and PC as one turn, and other times I've rolled repeatedly in one turn for the battle to finish. If you want to speed through a battle, just request in your post and I can make it a one turn battle. Otherwise, the battle may take a few turns.
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