by Tsai » Mon May 26, 2014 5:36 am
You make your way around the trap with the dragur cum slowly leaking out of you, sending shivers down your spine. On the other side of the trap you see the dark elf's horribly disfigured body, no thanks to the trap, but you do notice next to him a golden claw and a small leather bound book, his journal most likely. A quick flip through the book does reveal that it is his journal, it also says the claw is a key, but a key to what you ponder. Nevertheless you take hold of the claw and continue forward. After some trekking through the old dusty halls and killing a few dragurs, fairly easily as they are slow to get up from their beds, you make it to a long hall way. This hall way is peculiar in that the walls are fairly ornate and filled with carvings depicting the gods or various battles. At the end there is a large door with more carvings of animals as well as a place to insert three keys? You aren't sure what to make of the door, but it does feel strangely familiar.