Terrantor!!! Wrote:Anyways, I'm probably gonna focus more on importing some more babes, before i fix all the mechanics.
Remember the MIM PUT model I said above. If you want to use her, I can give you the FLA of her poses, like:
Each pose is , of course, a pose of bodyparts, with all the characters we have so far (Peach, Daisy, Fire Peach, Rosalina...) and her possible outfits.
So its only a matter to create more poses along the levels, like if she is mastubating frontside, peach_frontside_scene1, then peach_frontside_scene2, then peach_frontside_scene3....or we can even create 'combo scenes' using the same pose, like peach_frontside_laid_scenes, because the player can 'navigate' through the scene using LEFT/RIGHT or SPACE keys (a idea).
And, by using AS3, each pose can have an instance name, then we can just 'attach it' to the stage in a given area we want Peach to appear. We dont even need a 'Peach main model MC' because we arent going to play with her.
But you can also prioritize other babes and code if you wish. I dont have the model right with me yet, I am still far from my computer until day 26 or 27.
Terrantor!!! Wrote:Got it, expect double jump in next update.

You can also make a single collision just to avoid us to miss Mario in the demo

Or the button 'restart', just to make the demo more playable. Sometimes I play it, even having just the corridor. I like seeing the mechanics and your progress.
Terrantor!!! Wrote:Man, the guys at playshapes can really use a lesson in organization skillz. All the models are crazy complex. I dunno if I'll be able to make a single usable model. Oh well...

I understand. The problem is that AS1 was still 'famous', and you know, when we are in the beginning, we are so enthusiastic about the magical kingdom, the fairy lands, the possibilities with XXX that we tries to make the computer do what we are thinking directly, while not losing so much time. We then program without the required skills. But everything ends up tidy in the end. MIM code, for example, was entirelly remade from scratch, using functions (before, the code was scattered over the timelines and even in the 'actions' pane (Right click of the object!) a thing AS3 forbids). I am still 'modularizing' functions in MIM PUT because there is still room for more optimization. But each enemy has its own code because I dont use classes and its instances yet, although I use functions like stomp(), collide() and fire(), because, if not, I would be duplicating code. Classes? Well, actually, AS2 uses classes internally. collide() inside enemy_MC is already like enemy_MC->collide(). But making real classes, with public, private, packages, maybe in another project, or a conversion to AS3. A thing I wouldnt be making like 'a must' because it will help like 5% in the game. Its better to finish it, making more content (scenes and levels). The game is already working as proposed.
Like I said, its possible to be organized and to work faster, having great good games in AS2. What makes me still AS2 is the speed, the 'current flow of game making'. I can make levels and scenes like 'eating a cake', and the end result is nice. When I get used to AS3, the reusability will be of course better, and everything will be 'accustomed with' the same way anyway. Its all re-learning.