by Taria » Thu May 08, 2014 12:18 pm
The founding fields, a land of wreckage, danger, history. The soil here is blackened and bare, covered in gravel and soot. Large craggy spikes block vision in all directions, making this place a dangerous area to walk alone. A large mountain looms in the distance, it top broken ope and smokey. This place is the battlefield of one of most infamous battles in history, but it was also the beginning of change. Known as the bloody end to the dark ages, the center of this area marks the first time in history when the five kingdoms met together to discuss peace, and now the time has come again. Moderate sized armies from each of the five nations march forwards through the badlands, around the dangerous spikes and edges, their political leaders and other important nationals in tow.
Relatively, the weather looks good. This campaign will likely take several weeks. Some see this event as a worthless formality, but as uncomfortable as it is, it definitely ensures everyone wants to come to an agreement. The volcanic mountain and horrible terrain ensure that no one wishes to claim this territory as their own, even as strategically placed as it is.
The tents are set up are your country's flags are being raised high into the sky, as you see the others waving over in the distance. It is night an everyone is beginning to settle in. The proceedings will convene in the morning.
Part of the moderator team. Lover of roleplay, playing games, and story writing