by Cpt Fandango » Fri May 20, 2011 9:38 pm
As Shae was slowly shambling through the dark halls of the hallways, occasionally shouting out for "engineering woman," she saw someone run past one of the hallways ahead of her. After a moment, it registered in her mind who he was, and she recognized him as the other engineer on the ship. Immediately, she quickened her pace and began following him, in what seemed the general direction of the bridge. Then she recalled the warning she had heard Luis give over the intercom. After a moment's internal debate, she proceeded unabated.
After walking a while, she begins hearing a strange buzz. Initially, she ignores it, as it slowly increases in volume. Approached the bridge, she prepares to enter, when she hears muffled voices nearby. A moment later, she arrives at the access ladder to the cannon, and hears what is clearly two voices speaking. She looks down at the bandages covering her leg, slightly damp with blood that had managed to seep from the wound, and grasps a rung to the ladder. Carefully, she begins shifting her grip on the IV stand, throwing it up slightly repeatedly, so she held it closer to the base. When satisfied, she reaches up and taps it against the access hatch to the cannon. She continues, as she shouts "Hey. You the engineers up there? It's me, Shae. I need to show you something."
Just then, she notices just how loud the buzzing has gotten, and decides that it wasn't just a ringing in her ears. As such, she calls out again, "And what in the blazes is that noise?"