XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:36 pm

Looks good Knight. I will add your introduction post to my last post.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby fragmasterson » Wed Apr 23, 2014 3:51 am

Would it be possible to add an other player? Looks fun.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Wed Apr 23, 2014 4:25 am

fragmasterson Wrote:Would it be possible to add an other player? Looks fun.

Go ahead and apply. I can only say that we'll see.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby fragmasterson » Wed Apr 23, 2014 11:54 pm

Totally open to any changes
If there is anything further I need to do to apply, let me know

Name: Kelly Black
Age: 28
Nationality: U.S./Native-American

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She is 6 ft, chestnut colored skin, brown eyes, long jet-black hair that goes a little past should length that she keeps tied back in a pony-tail. cup-size is in the DD range, and she has a nice, round full ass, despite being rather tone around the rest of her body. She also has a tattoo of a snake on her back-the tail starts half-way up her right butt-cheek and zig-zags up her back, with the head resting at the top of her left shoulder.

Class: Support
Stats (20 points to spend, -4 is poor/lowest, 0 is average, 4 is best/max)
Aim 0
Will: 2
Toughness 2
Strength 0

Perks: Professional Tracker (she's very perceptive, especially when it comes to spotting or finding an enemy), Stealth (she can move very quietly and is good at sneaking up on enemies unawares), Martial Artist

Bio: Kelly was born to a family that took its Native-American culture and history seriously, despite living very much in the modern age. Her father taught her to hunt and fish when she was young, and her mother taught her of the ways of old, telling her stories pasted on from generation to generation, as well as the "medicine" of her tribe. She joined the U.S. military to follow in the footsteps of her father, who also served. Her first year in the service, she was stationed at an outpost on a planet from from Earth. When it was attacked by aliens, instead of holding her position to fight, she fled and hid the forest surrounding the base. After aliens left, she returned and found everyone was either captured or killed, including her lesbian lover, who had joined the service with her (body was never found). She vowed on that day that she would never show such cowardice again. She took a small, one-handed axe from the ruins of the base that seemed to have been dropped by an alien (it is very sharp, made from an alien alloy, and the head of the axe has an diamond insect head on it). She uses it spitefully, to kill the aliens with the same weapon they used against her friends. There after, she became a model solider, was recruited into a special forces unit, and from there was recruited into XCOM. She keeps a collection of alien scalps.

-She's a stoic warrior, strong silent type, takes herself and her purpose very seriously.
-A bit superstitious, due to her spiritual upbringing
-Is cold and calculating, wise beyond her years
-Overly brave, compensating for her former cowardice.

Equipment: Standard-issue XCOM assault rifle and pistol, aforementioned axe, standard number of frag grenades and flash bangs (equal number of both)
Last edited by fragmasterson on Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:06 am

fragmasterson Wrote:
Perks: Professional Tracker (she's very perceptive, especially when it comes to spotting or finding an enemy) and Stealth (she can move very quietly and is good at sneaking up on enemies unawares)

You can pick one more perk. Other than that, it looks good.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby fragmasterson » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:17 am

Added. : )
Darn. Looks like my other post disappeared. Hope that's temporary.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby MiscChaos » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:39 am

It is. While you're under 10 posts, if you edit a post it'll disappear until a mod OKs it. On the same token, double posting is frowned upon, so if your post doesn't show up immediately, just chill instead of posting it again. That'll stop being a problem entirely soon since you're about to hit 10 posts, but just lettin' ya know
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby fragmasterson » Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:25 am

MiscChaos Wrote:It is. While you're under 10 posts, if you edit a post it'll disappear until a mod OKs it. On the same token, double posting is frowned upon, so if your post doesn't show up immediately, just chill instead of posting it again. That'll stop being a problem entirely soon since you're about to hit 10 posts, but just lettin' ya know

Thanks. I knew about the 10 posts thing from reading others posts, but was taken by surprise by the edit thing. Good to know.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby exalted » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:19 pm

In the same vein as Fragmasterson, I have being ready your RP and have really enjoyed it. So if you are still taking applications I humbly submit for you approval:

Name: Corp. Jessica Smalls
Age: 23
Nationality: Australian
Class: Support
Aim: 1 (Marksmanship, Hand-Eye Coordination)
Will: 2 (Strength of psychic attacks, psychic defense, panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Toughness: 1 (Durability, pain threshold, running ability)
Strength: 0 (physical strength)

Perks: Demolitions, latent Pysker, stealth.

Bio: Smalls lost her family to the Aliens. Her biological family were long buried when the invasion started, they died an unremarkable death, just another victim of the road. Smalls dragged herself from that wreck with nothing left to call her own. Enlisting in the military, she took advantage of the government's change of stance of women in combat (a change caused by high profile sexual assaults and sexism) to apply for the SAS selection course. That was where she met her family.

They weren't perfect, no family is, but they were hers. Sure the Sarge was a vindictive, sexist pig, and the lads could massive dicks at times, but they were a team, a family that needed each other. It was meant to be a simple mission, 3 day patrol, surveillance of a suspected terror cell, but it wasn't. Smalls doesn't remember exactly what happened out there in the bush, but she has dreams. Dreams of incinerating green fire, blackened silhouettes of her team falling into ash. She woke up in a strange place filled with Valkryies.

Smalls joined XCOM to get revenge. A new recruit, as part of her physical the doctors put her in some machine that left her with a migraine.

Character personality:
Smart Ass: Smalls is a smart ass, while at times excused as just being Australian, smalls doesn't know when to keep her mouth shut.
Cruel: Smalls has a chip on her shoulder, especially when it comes to the Aliens. She takes pleasure in avenging her former team.
Haunted: What happened in the bush still haunts Smalls, and the migraines haven't helped much. As times she just drifts off in thought or dream, staring vacantly in the distance.

Equipment: suppressed rifle with underslung grenade launcher, pistol, breaching hatchet, 2x claymores, frags, smoke and demo kit.
Last edited by exalted on Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:43 pm

exalted Wrote:
Perks: Demolitions, latent Pysker.

You picked an interesting perk. Here's what we'll do.
You can select another perk, since I said three, and one of them technically isn't in effect yet, but when it does come in, we'll give you the option of developing and focusing on your psychic abilities to a great extent (such as more specific abilities like Mind Fray, Psi Panic, Psi Inspiration; PM me if you want more examples), but losing your other two perks over time, or should you choose to not want to develop it, it will remain latent and you can keep Demolitions and whatever you choose for your second perk. Remaining a latent psychic will have different effects from certain aliens, sometimes for better, sometimes for worse.

As to bringing you and Frag in, things are at a bit of a standstill in the first group's section right now because I'm really waiting on a few people to post, so hopefully that doesn't last more than a day or two. I plan to do so after that.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby exalted » Thu Apr 24, 2014 1:59 pm

Thanks for the consideration.

Added in the extra perk (only put 2 in initially as it was a bit half-n-half). At the moment the design is to keep the pysker aspect latent (GM discretion visions, voices or whatever you want to do to screw with her...(perhaps a bad choice of words in this, but it's one of favorite aspects of RP games when you're going along in a set direction and then a curve ball gets thrown for better or worse)), willing to develop it depending on how the story progresses.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby fragmasterson » Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:58 pm

I'm not sure if it matters that much, considering the current pace of the thread, but as a heads-up: Will check this tomorrow and Monday, but the two days in-between I very likely will not have computer access.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Phoenixcz » Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:17 pm

Ok, sorry for not responding in the last few days, got kinda...hm...distracted during the easter holiday. Propably won't be able to write response tonight, but should post tomorrow. Lucie can't do much beside struggling with the floater and hoping for the rescue anyway.

Just wondering, who's around? I'm kinda lost with all those players in this RP, don't know who's where :)
Last edited by Phoenixcz on Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
If it takes me two weeks or more to respond to a RP without prior notice, send me a PM. It's more likely I've missed the last post, forgot or got distracted and need a little reminder rather than deciding to drop the game without warning.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:18 pm

Phoenixcz Wrote:Ok, sorry for not responding in the last few days, got kinda...hm...distracted during the easter holiday. Propably won't be able to write response tonight, but should post tomorrow.

Okay, my last post to Kitty will kind of tell you what happened overall, though we would need to do only a post or two to catch you up.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:26 am

ignore my last post x3 sorry! I cant get rid of it! XD Im still tring to get back in ^^
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:48 am

Kittykitty501 Wrote:ignore my last post x3 sorry! I cant get rid of it! XD Im still tring to get back in ^^

No worries! Consider it ignored.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby MelissaB » Sat Apr 26, 2014 1:47 am

oops thanks for the catch Alaena didn't notice Kuri speaking to me
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Apr 26, 2014 2:04 am

MelissaB Wrote:oops thanks for the catch Alaena didn't notice Kuri speaking to me

Will get to group 2's posts soon, waiting on Sanaki to continue group 1.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Sanaki » Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:11 am

Alaena Wrote:Will get to group 2's posts soon, waiting on Sanaki to continue group 1.

Sorry didn't know people were waiting for me i'll post right away
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sat Apr 26, 2014 4:59 am

Sanaki Wrote:
Alaena Wrote:Will get to group 2's posts soon, waiting on Sanaki to continue group 1.

Sorry didn't know people were waiting for me i'll post right away

Just trying to keep group 1's actions together for right now until the mission ends.
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