Final Days [KnightVanilla]

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Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:57 am

Final Days

Humanity has remained largely ignorant of the true nature of the world. As a whole we have put most of our trust in science, logic, and reason as opposed to superstitions and faith, however lately even science seems to be failing. More and more strange occurrences are marking our cities, more people are disappearing, and crime rates have never been higher. These changes aren't limited to any nation or culture, it seems the whole world is getting a lot scarier after dark... While you've managed to stay out of the worst of it you get the feeling it wont last forever. Crime rates and dramatic news feeds might seem far away but the reality of the situation slowly sinks in as neighbors turn up dead on their doorstep or strange new religions seem to gather in back alleys. You might move away, maybe a nice small town somewhere would be nice? Or it might be easier to indulge to the point of excess to deal with the growing problems. The bravest or maybe the most foolish will confront the darkness that seems to be gathering and find out the truth behind what's happening in the shadows...

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Final days is meant to be a sandboxish story about the last month or so before the apocalypse and if you survive the initial event, living with the aftermath. The setting will have quite a bit of supernatural elements from various mythos, legends, and stories. While there is a somewhat loose storyline set in place you are free to do whatever you wish with your character. The game ends when you've either lost interest and retire or your character is totally destroyed. (Death is not necessarily an end.) If you wish to prevent the apocalypse it is possible but you must activity seek out the source of whats causing the problem before its to late. If your character is badly injured you may loose days which will mean less time before the end.

Setting information
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The story takes place in a large city called Ashcroft, it is geographically on the coast of the great lakes in Michigan, USA. Ashcroft was once settled along a pronate trade route between mainland USA and Canada but as railroads and highways were established the town stagnated for a time. While it was no-longer an important trade hub it never died out completely as some towns did. Ashcroft has slowly regained its presence in the information era as more tourists decide to settle down in what was a 'nice quite town'. It was a nice out of the way place with plenty of opportunity for growth, over the years it slowly grew into a large city with just over a million permanent residences.

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Character creation is free form with only a few limitations. You may include whatever you wish on your character sheet, the only requirement is a Name and Bio. Characters sheets are to be submitted to me via PM, if I receive a large number of character sheets I may create multiple threads for this. You are an average citizen, whatever you consider average should be a good enough guideline, no millionaires or professional hitman, or other eccentric backgrounds without approval. There will be adult content unless otherwise requested and you should include any preferences on your character sheet. There will be no hard rules about conflict resolution unless requested, this is intended to be fairly freeform. Once a character sheet is submitted you may make any additional requests you'd like. Once posting begins you are free to contribute minor details such as new locations, or characters but if it is veto'ed I probably have a reason for it, a large part of the setting remains hidden to most mortals. For any further questions please send a PM.
Last edited by Hazard1325 on Mon Apr 14, 2014 5:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Final Days [Open]

Postby KnightVanilla » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:18 am

Name:Noah Sanford

Gender: Female (However lies about her gender and is used to thinking of herself as a he.)

Bio: Posing as a man since she has begun to live her life away from her parents she often refers to herself as a he. Often times keeping her hair just short enough to cover part of her feminine features of her face. Outside of her family most people have a hard time telling if she's a guy or a girl. Having lived out in the bay area for most of his life Noah after his education was determined to find his life in one of the great cities within the country. The bay area was slowly becoming over come by activity of the color gangs. Intending to make it big in some way or another. He was interested in many things such as survival skills. Being somewhat paranoid about how society seemed to be heading down hill he took his time and money to purchase a fire arm as well as time to practice with it. His mother remarrying to a lawman who was more than happy to assist him in any kind of practice and training. While in the city he performed many jobs while he was attending his university still not having decided who he would become. Living with a couple of friends in a shared apartment. As the days seem to fly by so quickly only now noticing how close the growing danger in the world was getting to him. Currently working as an article writer for a gaming website he gets paid through mailed or delievered checks.

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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 1:49 am

October 1st, 9:27 PM, Downtown

Noah was having the nightmare again, the one where she's being buried alive. Skeletal hands reach up from the earth dragging her back down no matter how hard she struggles. She chokes on the dirt being poured into the grave and struggles to breathe. Eventually her sight is cut off and she feels the weight of the earth smothering her to death.

She wakes up with a jump and hits her head on the bus seat in front of her. As the world around her comes back into focus she realizes she had been dozing off again on the ride back from university. Glancing out the window she watches the city fly by as the bus traveled through downtown, about halfway home at this point. Without much warning the bus slams on the breaks causing her to hit her head yet again on the seat in front of her. The tires screech as the bus comes to a stop and she hears a loud thump from up front. She glances down the aisle and sees its only her, the bus driver, and two young ladies sitting together near the front. The driver begins cursing and walks down to the bus door and walks outside. You can hear the driver cursing at something outside.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:21 am

Unsure of what could be happening Noah walks over to the front to investigate. Keeping her concealed weapon within her coat as to not arouse any suspicion. With these nightmares becoming more and more frequent she wasn't sure if it were some bad omen or just her paranoia getting to her. Lately these nightmares have been depriving her of much needed rest. Walking up to one of the woman deepening her voice to mask her female gender. "So what happened?"
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:36 am

"I'm not sure, I think we hit somthing..." The girl said staying in her seat. Through the front windshield Noah could see the bus driver rubbing his forehead pacing around what looked like bloodstain in the road. He's muttering to himself and looking around for whatever he hit. Noah sees a flicker of movement in the shadows outside of the bus's headlights moving toward an alleyway. She also spots the bloodtrail leading away from the bus but the driver seems to be caught up in his panic to pick up on it.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:54 am

Noah pushes her head outside the bus. "Uh sir you should get back inside soon.... You probably just hit some animal and if it was just some animal. It would be best we leave it be..... Animals are most dangerous when their life is on the line." She says quite concerned as her hand is inches away from her handgun. The blood made her spine tingle as she waited for the driver to get back inside and get the bus moving again. It was much more of fearful when her paranoia started to act up her voice was commanding as she was thinking of getting the driver back in forcefully.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Apr 15, 2014 7:25 pm

The driver shook his head. "I gotta call this in... that's a lot of blood, this could turn into a hit and run if we leave now." He said turning to look down the alley. "I've got a flashlight under the seat, get it and come out here and help if you want to get moving again." He said staying inside the headlights of the bus.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 15, 2014 8:03 pm

"Alright then." She replies heading over to the flashlight. Grabbing her spare light from her backpack as well to make sure things would go more smoothly. Getting a better look at all the blood made her spine tingle as her mind explored the possibilities of what they could had hit. If it had been a person they wouldn't have just up and left after being hit or losing that much blood. Heading out she hands the bus driver his flash light while keeping hers up and on as she tried too help the driver whatever way possible to get moving once more.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Apr 17, 2014 3:29 am

The two of them waved the beams of their flashlight down the dark alley trying to cut into the darkness. Noah slowly walked forward following the bus driver as he followed the wall of the alley. The blood trail continued until it ended around the edge of a dumpster. The bus driver slowly approached until something lunged forward tackling him to the ground. She was to startled to do anything to help him, she was frozen in place by the scream he made as blood splattered against the wall. The scream died down into a low gurgle that broke her trance. Turning her light she finds a thin pasty white youth crouched over the driver, blood ran down its throat as it hissed at the light. The drivers throat was torn out, and the man sitting on his chest slowly stood up and began backing away from her light.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Thu Apr 17, 2014 4:00 am

The shadow lept forward as she as startled with the scream being heard quite loudly she hesitated to even move before the screaming stopped as she turned around to see what had attacked Noah was quick pull out her gun and fire at the man she was afraid and like hell she was gonna stay and let this thing get her. After firing a couple of shots she turns to run not wanting to confirm if it was dead or alive and chasing her running all the way to the bus.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Fri Apr 18, 2014 1:59 am

Noah got off a lucky shot and put a bullet between its eyes. It coughed falling over backwards and writhing on the ground. She could see clawed hands scraping up bits of pavement from the alley. Noah hears a scream from the direction of the bus and returns to find a group of thugs walking down the alley toward her. None of them had any real weapons, just improvised pipes and chains to bludgeon unfortunate victims with. The one leading the group walked forward, he was a tall and muscular brute with a menacing grin on his face as he bounced a baseball bat on his shoulder. "Your out a little late, aren't you shorty?" He says slowly approaching Noah despite spotting her gun. "I hope you didn't kill that skinny fuck that just came running through here... he was mine." He said glaring down at Noah. He was still about five feet away, enough room for her to draw her weapon if she needed to.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Apr 18, 2014 6:13 am

"GET BACK!" She yelled keeping her gun up. Even with that lucky shot she had she probably shot a little bit up between his eyebrows. The hardest part of the skull any second now that creature could get back up and start attacking her from behind. "There was a scream from this direction what did you to the people on the bus." Noah was determined not letting these guys get the chance to walk all over her or get away with whatever they may have done to the people on the bus.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Sat Apr 19, 2014 8:01 pm

"Oh those girls? Nothing really, just broke a window or two on the way over. Why? You're girlfriend on that bus or something. Maybe I should send someone back to keep her company?" The other members of his gang seemed to back away when Noah pulled the gun, but this guy seemed confident in his ability not to get shot, or shrug off the bullet... he kept walking towards her slowly.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Apr 21, 2014 1:16 am

Noah upon realizing the threat of the gun wouldn't scare him off she pretended to aim for his chest as she would take a quick shot at his legs on at his knee and another at his upper thigh to cripple him enough to get past him in a single dash. Before enacting her the mentally prepared reaction she responds in kind to him. "Don't say I didn't warn you." Quickly proceeding to fire the first shot and making adjustments to fire the 2nd one should he fall down from the first or just dodge. The first shot intended for his knee however the second shot would be marked for a thigh. Giving the crippling blow as it would tear through more muscle in his body.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Mon Apr 21, 2014 5:34 am

Noah's taunt was cut off halfway when she feels a heavy weight on her back. With a yell she fires the gun more or less in the direction of the gang. She hears a loud scream in the distance. The creature she had shot through the head was now clawing at her face leaving a long shallow slash across the left side of her face. Teeth sink into her right shoulder and she falls to the ground yelling in pain despite herself. She can hear the leader of the gang laughing to himself as he walks forward swinging his bat and putting a dent in the creatures skull and forcibly removing it from her back. She feels painful tearing in her shoulder and warm sticky blood flowing freely.

"You really shouldn't turn your back in this town." The ganger said slowly walking forward with a grin on his face. He crouched down leaning over Noah ready to gloat but his nostrils flared and his grin dropped momentarily. "A woman?" He asks standing back up slowly. "No fun in toying with a lady... I'll do you a solid, stay still and I'll end this in one blow." he says placing his boot on your collarbone and lining up his bat swing. As he draws back to swing she hears a few quiet 'tick tick tick's' and the man staggers away holding his side. Three short bolts of metal are sticking out of his ribs his gang has already run and he quickly follows only glancing back once in anger before disappearing into the shadows. She hears a limping gait approaching and turns her head to see an old man leaning against the brick wall of the alley. He has short cut grey hair and a neatly trimmed beard. He glances down at her with a blank expression and prods her shoulder with the end of crossbow. "Show me the wound." He says flatly waiting for her to comply.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Apr 21, 2014 6:49 pm

Everything became clear in one moment as she was about to pull the trigger. Realizing too late the pressure pushing her down from behind. As whatever she had been running from had bitten her she couldn't hold back the terror of her scream. The pain was more brutal when the creature's teeth tore away at her when the gang leader hit it away from her. Moments seemed to change in speed as everything moved rather faster until the point the man had put his foot on her. Getting his swing ready time stops for only that moment as she sees something pierce his chest multiple times.

The shock of all that had happened to her had left her stunned. Only breaking out of the trance once the old man had spoke. She removed her coat as it was covered in her blood from where the old man needed to see. Wary at first she allowed him to help. Doubting she could honestly make it to a hospital before passing out from blood loss. "who are you?" Are the first words she instinctively asks the man.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 3:12 am

The man kneels keeping the crossbow pointed at her head and touches the wound, her vision starts to fade and the last thing she can see is the older man wrapping her shoulder.

October 3rd, 10:03, Unknown location

Noah wakes up in what looks like an old rundown basement, she glances around from an uncomfortable wire mattress, her bloodied jacket was hanging off the end. She checked her shoulder and found it bound up in medical gauze. She spots a large bulletin bored with various faces pinned up on the wall along with notebook paper notes. Behind all of that, barley visible with all the clutter is a map of the city. In the corner she sees the old man watching a small TV.

"-The police have still not disclosed any new information on the downtown bus murders. One of the passengers Linda White was found dead with a gunshot wound to her chest and the bus driver Wilson Young was found mutilated in the nearby alleyway. Amy White the first victims sister reports that Mr. Young left with a young man to investigate suspicious activity in a nearby alleyway. Some time later two shots were fired. The young man that accompanied Mr. Young is still missing and the police are looking for any leads on his whereabouts."

The old man glanced back and saw Noah was awake. "Morning..." He said standing up and limping over. He grabbed a tray off a desk near the bed and handed her a cafeteria tray filled with a cold MRE ration. "Its good he didn't bite for that long, otherwise you might have turned by now. Its also lucky you decided to run into that punk on the new moon... all and all you should thank whatever god you might believe in and be more careful next time."
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 22, 2014 4:36 pm

It was strange to pass out. Nothing just slowly turned to black it was like she was being pulled away from her own vision. As everything she saw slowly began go into a tunnel like vision. Until she was pulled too far to even see the old man. What felt like almost a single instant she woke up.

Gathering herself as she peered around her surroundings to take quick notice of the news broadcast. Upon realizing someone had been shot she had wondered who shot Linda. And also if that misfire she had might have been the cause. Quite rare for that to even happen considering how far she was from the bus. As it gave out of the description of the missing 'man'. She gave a sigh of relief to know that she could easily pull I'm a girl card to avoid the police.

As the old man handed her the tray of food she ate without hesitation. Her body was starving at the moment so anything would taste good as long as it would fill her stomach. Upon finishing her meal she returned her attention to the old man. "First of all you still haven't given me your name yet.... and also how are those things relevant to how lucky I was?" She said thinking she would had been luckier if the bus driver had listened to her before hand.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Apr 22, 2014 7:44 pm

"I'm Cardinal, first thing you probably need to know is keep your real name to yourself. I don't care if your speaking to the pope, there are things that can use your name against you. Second thing, you're going to have to realize you've been running around with blinders on your entire life. There's a lot of things out there that people ignore or want to forget about." He said crossing over to a folder and tossing it to her. She opened it to find pictures of similar creatures to the thing that attacked her. They all seemed to be crouched, sprinting, clawing and in some feeding on corpses or live victims. "Those are ghouls, half vampires. You're lucky because you didn't turn immediately after it bit you. I don't know if your out of the woods yet but if you start feeling sick or woosey out in the sunlight I'd write a will and then find a nice constructive way to off yourself." He said walking over to the desk and picking up her gun bringing it over to her. "These don't do shit to ghouls or vampires, their organs don't work, the bullet you put through that ghouls brain just stunned it for a while from the shock. It regenerated then took a bite out of you to feed its hunger. Then you're boyfriend Mr Friendly smashed its face and was getting ready to put you out of your misery. You remember all of this?" He asked folding his arms and waiting for the inevitable questions she would have.
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Re: Final Days [KnightVanilla]

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Apr 22, 2014 9:17 pm

Taking in all that cardinal had to say was quite easy. What was difficult was the moment he brought up the guy being her boyfriend. It showed quite easily on her face as she almost jolted from the word. Only to quickly blurt "he's not my boyfriend.... And besides all of the obvious parts I remember. What else would I have to look out for when it comes to these monsters?" she said picking herself up and redressing herself and holstering her gun.
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