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Candy followed the footprints, off to the east. They appeared to be of human origin, or some other bipedal creature. They didn't look like monster tracks at the least. However, once they got to a small clearing, the footprints scattered about. She couldn't read exactly what happened, but it appeared to have been a fight of some sorts around here. Judging by the burns, as well as the frozen plants, magic must have been involved. The footprints then headed off further east, with noticeably fewer footprints. She then followed the trail to another clearing, where she saw the ruins of what looked like an old outpost. The building was tall with walls surrounding all of it, and it was shaped much like a small castle, only the bricks were all white, and appeared to glow in the sun. Candy could see that the trail went in that direction, but she could not see anyone.
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Ava scrounged and scrounged all over the camp, and other than a pair of silk panties, found nothing interesting. The camp was almost entirely devoid of possessions that interested her. She did however, finally spot several human looking footprints heading off toward the north. There was also a set of what looked like horse prints, but they appeared to be from a creature with only two legs.
Wulf and Rosa:
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The journey to the pub was short and sweet. Wulf and Rosa both found the three men still sitting at their table. Once the women returned, they each looked at them expectedly, awaiting their answer. Upon discovering that the mine had been cleared off all monsters, the men jumped up in a cheer. The leader then thanked the women once more.
"Thank you so much for this. y friends and I will head to that old mine right away and see what we can scrounge up from there. You two will each get a small share of the profits for clearing the mine out. However, my friends and I will need some time to actually start digging. However, I do have a small prize for you two right now."
He said with a smile on his face, as she then handed both women a coin purse containing twenty coins in it.
Arashi and Lulu:
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Lulu slashed her claymore down at her stunned opponent. The imp was unable to counter or dodge her in any way, as her blow came faster and stronger than normal. Her claymore easily separated his head from his body, causing black blood to shoot up into the air for a moment, as his life drained away. The imp corpse hit the ground with a thud. Lulu now had an opportunity to see that everyone else was still in battle. Arashi however, was making a move in her direction, with an imp just above and behind him.
Lulu rolls a: 20 (Crit Hit.)
Imp rolls a 3: Hp. 0/6
As Arashi made his way over to help Lulu, he saw her take the head off of her stunned opponent. His own opponent then came to mind, as the imp flew by Arashis face, barely missing a chance to cut his face open with his claws. The imp let out a small growl in frustration, as his red form whipped past Arashi. The imp then swung around to attack Arashi again, this time full on.
You roll a: 14
Imp rolls an: 11
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Karina made her way back to town without any trouble. The people were going about their business as usual. The guards were watching, and the people were walking around. She did not come across any random events or unusual scenarios, this time, as she walked into the city, and got the sweet smell of pollution into her lungs.
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Ruby is able to slip by the armed thugs in the street, by taking a back alley. She easily came around to the building where her target resided. The building looked like it had been a warehouse at some point. However, now it had a large chimney, that billowed a small stream of smoke from it. The thugs were none he wiser of her presence, as she made her way up to the back door without incident, and was able to sneak inside. Once inside, she found herself in what was obviously a warehouse. There was a large wall twenty feet in front of her that sectioned off the building. She could see two doors, one on the first floor and one on the second floor, that lead past the wall she was looking at.
By the time you realize this doesn't say anything. It's too late to stop reading.