by Lynxy » Tue Apr 15, 2014 5:34 pm
Camilla sighed as she looked over the things sprawled out over her bed in preperation for packing. The whole party had all taken advantage of the towns hospitality for the last few months, she probably more than any of them, but the time was coming when hospitality would start wearing thin if they didn't move on. She wasn't exactly sure what everyone in the party was doing from here, but only Kath and Alena's plans really mattered to her anyway. The power of the Crystal Sword was very much apparent, and Camilla had often caught herself daydreaming about what other powerful objects might be locked away in these other vaults.
Much had changed in these two months, though. She was grateful to the little alchemist they'd rescued, well the others had rescued, for restoring her body with such accuracy that she'd been able to halt the process a size above her former bust. She had been worried that she would have to live her life with her chest and pants ballooned as they were, but a" little strategic ballooning could be a good thing," she thought with a quick grope of her own chest for emphasis. Her sword, while not an encumberance before, felt somehow easier at her hip and especially in her hands after her attempts to keep up with Kath and Alena's vigerous training pace. She had looked good swinging her sword around before, but the sessions had taught her that she was all form and no function. Now with some experience she'd learned to keep a proper guard up and how not to waste her movements.
"But back to the issue at hand" she thought as she pulled herself from her musings. It was really time that they get moving, and she intended to give Kath a push to leave today. Leaving her bag spread across the bed for now, she headed downstairs in search of Kath only to find her with several of the others already planning where to go next. She gave them a silent wave, but it seemed her job was already done. Conveniant.