by TCELESBHSUP » Mon Apr 14, 2014 9:24 pm
Cassandra nodded her thanks, stripping down just to get redressed in this jumpsuit. It actually fit fairly well, surprisingly. Perhaps a lucky guess, or she just figured out her measurements and such by eye. Either way, it worked. Unfolding her rifle, she would turn her gaze to the girl, blinking. "... Are you sure you want to? Big risk. If I fuck up, you're next in the line, and there's going to be a lot of them." She had to make utterly sure that this woman- Samantha, it seemed, was prepared for this.
"And do you have any explosives? I imagine there'd at least be some TNT laying around. If I need to, gonna collapse some mine shafts on them, make it harder for them to get here. If I can't force them out, gonna make a single path they can get through. Easier shooting that way, and you'll know they're coming."