CH Part 3

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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:31 am

Irma watched as the goo was removed from the her store. "Now where was me?" She said softly, tweaking one of Sasha's nipples, causing a small spurt of thick milk to come out. "Mmm, yes, your size large here, will cost more for extra metal." She explained, kneading Sasha's tits even more, she even leaned down to get a nice suckle in for a moment.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:34 am

Moans and gasps at the sensation of the smithy squeezing then suckling on her ooverly large endowments, the milky squirting freely down the imposing womans throat/ Sasha could harldly hear what the smithy as said through the flush of pleasure that flowed from her overly large bust. her cock soon hard and grinding against the counter
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:39 am

After corralling Praedy out proper...! Kathryn went back in. And shut the door, making certain to lock it behind her. She stood by the doorway, crossing her arms, bidding her armour... And clothes... To dissipate if the armour would listen to her. She was joining in on this, damn it. She needed a person as powerful as her physically to appreciate proper! Kon was strong, but she didn't have... Well, the muscles for her to simply enjoy. Where as Irma? She was covered in 'em! She couldn't help but respect them. And find them rather attractive.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:52 am

Pready makes a growl at Kathryn from corralling her out of a free meal. "You feed Praedy!" She demands, uncharacteristically aggressive. She crosses he arms and pouts visibly at the fantasizing woman.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:07 am

TCEL: Your armor retracts it's usual way, but the clothes remain. Seems you have to take those off yourself. Odd, You suppose the armor only vanishes the clothes when it turns into that bikini form.

Irma's eyes are closed, relishing in the sweet cream of Sasha's tits. Then suddenly she pulls away with a loud pop. Licking her lips she eye'd Sasha, then Kath. "Hmm? Why lock door?" She asked, a bit confused at Kath's actions.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Motoko » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:10 am

Sasha pants softly her eyes closed as she continues to relish in the attention the large smith was giving her nipples "D-don't stop..." she would pant as the large womabn pulls away from her nipples....
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:17 am

There was a simple answer to her actions, really. Stepping in closer, she would begin to shrug off her clothing, revealing her bare skin beneath. Who needed underwear? Not her! Her armour could double as that! Of course, she carried it with her. "... Well, rather hard to not join in, Irma." She vaulted the counter quite simply, shifting behind her to grope the large smithy's chest. She made certain to grind her crotch against her rear. "I appreciate the company a fellow woman... Especially a strong one like you." She murmured this as she kissed at the woman's neck. And soon, the beastly appendage between her legs began to grow once more.

Man, she'd used that thing a lot in the past day...
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Taria » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:40 am

Angry and frustrated at no one letting her have her way. Praedy remember there being another meanie woman who would let her feed, but that woman got defeated. With a wicked grin Pready begins a mixture of remembering (which doesn't go well) and following the tracks of her part and other people till she can find where this Necro woman has been jailed. It'll be easy for her to seep through the bars into her cell, and the guard probably aren't too worried about people sneaking in.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:17 pm

When Ol'gerr and alena found a tavern and then the bar she sat down at a table and ordered the biggest flagon ale one could get. Ol'gerr didn't mind having a good drink tonight, they deserved it more than anything. her gaze turned to Alena and she smiled softly, looking down to her pendant that sat nicely upon her breast part of her armor.

"well I guess I should start with my lands hmm?"

She quickly got comfy on the chair and proceeded with her lecture about her people.

"well the most southern part of this continent is one of the most beautiful places one can ever visit, to me anyway. lush with forests that peek up to skys limit, moutain ranges that topple the height of any other moutain in the region, beautiful cave systems almost like the one down in the Necromancers lair. Animal of all kinds freely dancing between the trees and foilage, a sky that is so beautiful some of our people say its the heavens promised to us by our goddess. Trees so huge that you could fit a village inside of one.. and of course the wood elfs did that. building hidden away villages with these giant trees, perfect to hide from other races I suppose. We had plenty of coastline near by.. with being at the most southern area so we had trade and met new people though as always our people rejected other races, like humans and Orcs. the main city which in common means "Cloud tree city".. gaining its name from the sheer height of the place.. the only most wealthiest of our kind could live there.. pfft those up there are quite snobby.. even for Elven standards"

she gave a sotft chuckled at the last part before she placed a finger to her lips in mid thought, thinking back to her home village and all her close knit friends who she left behind for adventure. thoughts going back to her mother and father, hopeing they were okay without there precous daughter to help them. Having digressed to her thoughts to much she turned back to Alena and continued to talk about her people.

"our socierty is quite friendly and peacful.. until some of another race stumbles upon us.. looking down upon them like they are nothing compared to us Elfs. typical of the Elven way I have heard people say.. but many of our people remember darker times of war and destruction between the different races.. being the length of time we exist on this beautiful plain we tend to remember happeninigs a lot longer and old grudges will stay for centuries"

Her fingers ran over the pendant, feeling the indentation of the goddess upon the Item . this made her decide opon The wood elves main religion which of coure was Meepism.

"When meepism entered some of our tribes, it changed some of us. we became a little more.. fun I suppose the word is. though some argued that it would anger the tree spirits to praise a false goddess. The elders speak of the first meep follower.. dressed differently from that of what was considered "normal" atire.. almost that of what you wear your self Alena and that what the young looking Elf wore.. preaching words of the greater goddess, one who stood high and strong, protecting the people of this world.. The major religion in our parts became meepism and almost every one started to worship the Hermaphrodite Goddess.. saying how she would bring pleasure and paradise to those who died.. belonging to her guidance. thats why I wear the Pendant.. just to show others I am a believer.. without dressing down into typical Meep clothing, I still prefer the Elven style"

Her lips curled to a smile, locking eyes with Alena again as she took a large drink from her flagon (Im just guessing I got the drink without a hitch XD). giving a long satisfied sigh of contentness as the alcohol slipped down her gullet and warmed her body up nicely.

"Im sorry If I missed out any details you might of wanted to hear about.. I can go of if you liked me too? .. it feels good to be civil from time to time and enjoy a good coversation with someone who is not just trying to get into your panties hmm?"
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:58 pm

Ordering a pint for herself, Alena listens enthralled by the description of Ol'gerr's Southern Continent. Since she barely got to learn anything of the culture around the areas she grew up since she was often chased out of town, she's almost hungry for knowledge of how people act, what their ideas are, their religions, all kinds of things. When her friend is done, she contemplates for a bit. All in all, Alena doesn't think she'd fit in there. Even if she used her disguise magic to look Elven instead of human, she doesn't have the mannerisms and language to pass. That means she'd invariably be subjected to the Elves condescending nature and the sad thing is that'd still be an improvement to what she's used to. Still, even if she were to visit she'd want to give Cloud Tree City a wide birth. The wealthy tend to be the most close-minded in her opinion and the most likely to have someone seriously try to kill her rather than just run her out. Alena wasn't nearly as well trained with the sword in those days, so having someone after her life simply meant she ran much faster and much farther than most other times.

Still, she thinks she'd like to visit. The sheer amounts of nature means that she might have to actually try to find some Elves, so maybe she could explore quite a bit of the land on her own or maybe with a friendly guide. It's quickly becoming apparent that after her quest is done, Alena is going to go traveling the world. She's already promised Marisa that they'll visit her homeland and now she wants to explore Ol'gerr's. It doesn't seem like a bad idea for someone who's been isolated from it for so long to see it all with her own eyes. Maybe, just maybe, she'll find a place that accepts her and will allow her to live there without hostility. And really, that's all she wants from life. That and a family like the one she had with the clergy of Meep.

Still, a few things have piqued her curiosity. "You say the first follower was dressed much like myself? So that would mean that the faith started spreading in earnest shortly after I was placed in the cave 300 years ago, correct? And what about your hometown? I would love to hear about where you grew up." She nods at Ol'gerr's last sentence. "Indeed. Civil conversation is something I have sorely missed. While I was in the cave, conversation was usually only a method of making me drop my guard and give the intruders information. It is refreshing to speak with someone who does not have an ulterior motive."
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 6:46 pm

"the wood elves were truly nature guided before meepism took over and indeed if I rememebr correctly is was just over three hundred years ago when they say that follower entered our part of the world. they say she was shunned at first and given the worst welcoming.. then people started to listen to her tales that she brought from foreign lands.. and soon enough she had enough respect within the community.. you could say she was almost like a messiah to some of the earlier believers and she still has her tomb within cloud tree city, next to other honourable wood elves. I have seen it my self when my parents took me there once.. as I was never old enough to see the first with my own eyes.. though my father would often joke about seeing her him self and even bedding the woman.. much to my mothers disgust""

a little smirk cropped upon her lips as she slowly moved the flagon around, watching the ale turn within it before taking another gulp. thinking of how to explain her home and give it the credit was due. with a proud smile she began to talk again.

"my village.. well homeland.. in your tongue would just be known as the Emerald forest.. it gots its name from the trees that grew around the area.. when the sun would shine through their many leaves, it would cause a glistening effect.. like that of a Pure Emrald. also the gem its self could be found in the caverns below. I do not fully know the reasons but the tree one was my fravourite.. my mother would always point it out when ever I was sad or feeling alone.. it was beautiful.. truly was.. I do miss it and mean to travel back there one day but it seems I keep getting further and further away.. this town being the furthest I have ever been before.. alas I digress again. The main tree of our village wasn't as big as the main city but it was big enough to hold the majority of the village though some would build their homes on other trees.. connected by many catwalks and such. to truly show you the beauty of the place.. you'd have to see it with your own eyes.. maybe if we are ever close by, I'll take you"

Ol'gerr wouldn't admit it but she really needed to talk about her homelands, just to clear her mind a little from current hapenings. she call the inn keerper over and baught a drink for her new friend. taking another drink of her ale before asking Alena something

"what do you remember from before? how was this world? I know the wood elves were at war at somepoint before meepism. at war with the rivaled high elfs.. which is one of the many grudges that our kind with have.. and will forget so easily"
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Apr 08, 2014 7:34 pm

Alena gives a solemn chuckle, the kind with little to no mirth, at Ol'gerr's question. She just hopes her friend isn't too disappointed in her answer when Ol'gerr gave up so much information so freely. "I have lost the first 12 years of my life to the void and when I reached 38 years of life, I was placed in the cave, so unfortunately I do not have much information for you in regards to my time period." She says apologetically, though she continues so that her response isn't a total disappointment. "The world I remember for the most part was hostile. Meepism had not spread too terribly far in my time, so a lot of people feared and rejected those that were different. If you were human, elf, dwarf, etc., then you were fine, but if you were monstrous like the goo-girl or myself, you found yourself run out of town unless you could disguise yourself. Even then, if there was someone in town who could see through your disguise, you were still run out. So my life for the next 8 years repeated in a cycle: Find a town, make a few friends to ease my sense of loneliness, have someone find out about my nature -usually the friend-, and then be run out of town. A few times, they actively tried to kill me, a difficult feat given my natural defenses, but I was far away from the swordmaiden I am today thus my response was to run until they stopped chasing me. I can tell you briefly of the towns themselves, but after a while, I stopped paying attention to them and paid more to the people within. I did see a lot of the countryside, however. It was a lot less developed then what I have seen of the world today, so the grasslands would spread for leagues ahead of me with all manner of beast roaming through living their lives. Forests would spring up so large that you would wonder if there was an end to them, yet would seem so warm and inviting that you would become unsure if you wanted them to. I encountered a desert exactly once in all of my travels and was almost compelled to shout 'Hora hora!' a look for potatoes. I have not the foggiest idea why, but I learned that I do enjoy potatoes. I have seen much of the world around me, untampered with and pure of outside influence. Pure, beautiful, terribly easy to lose yourself in. It is probably why I find myself more at ease in nature than I do in civilization.

"When I was 20, I got lost in a glorious, beyond beauty forestland and stumbled upon a church. The church is the most vivid memory of a place I have. I can tell you the colors of the walls, the style of the stained glass, the little plank I had to be careful of when I slithered over it for fear of breaking it once again. I recall the forest itself with trees so large it seemed like they split the heavens, sparse enough to let sunlight filter though and bless the area with an almost ephemeral light. It as if the slightest disturbance of the quiet could cause it to fade out, yet while it was there it would shine with all its might! In this almost isolated piece of heaven was where I stayed for the next 18 years, recovering from the treatment of the outside world, reading whatever I could get my hands on, and growing stronger fighting with Meep's holy weapon. The clergy I called family came and went as they spread the word of Meep through out, I gather I joined the flock near the beginning of the movement's life, but they always returned with glorious tales of their travels. They had a way with words, so they would always paint vivid pictures of the world for me, describing the utter chill of a tundra or the serene peace of an Elven woods or the fear inducing power of a volcano nearby a village they visited. Most of what I know of the world, I learned through them, so I am not the best source of information in that regards. It was a dream for someone like me and I hope to return there one day, even if everyone I could call family has grown old and died long ago. I do not think my cloister was involved too heavily in that war, but I do remember more than a few of my family being called off to participate. I remember almost hating the High Elves when one of them didn't return. I suppose that is one of the positives of being in the temple for so long: It gave me time to think and cool down from that rage. It replaced it with entirely new ones, but those a lot less destructive."
Alena pauses, both to catch her breath since she's been speaking for so long and the gather her thoughts. She's already said most of what she knew of the world during her time period, but that still feels woefully uneven with what Ol'gerr has already shared.

"Though you have already seen it, I could describe the temple. I will not go over what was obvious, you have already experienced those parts. I cannot describe most of the inner temple because that is where the trials where held and I was not allowed to view those for fear of sharing the information with challengers. I can, however, describe the side rooms where I slept. I am likely biased due to my intense dislike for the rest of the temple, but these were the most beautiful part. They were carved almost entirely of crystal, so whenever I lit a fire or created a light, it would reflect off the walls and create a rainbow of color, a rainbow I could twist and cause to dance as I moved the light source throughout the room. I only shared this with one other, though it quickly became apparent that that was a bad idea since she tried to slay me when she figured out I had no information about the challenge for her. Still, it was a glorious place to rest, entertained by the pretty lights across my eyes."
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Lynxy » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:10 pm

Seeing that she's going to have to worry about her armor at a later time, Camilla decides it's time to put her feet up and finally have a rest. She steps into the bar, glancing at Ol'gerr and Alena having a very in depth discussion about something about elves or... something. It doesn't hold her attention. With a shrug she heads up to the bar for a bottle of the best spirit she can get. Probably a take on whiskey, knowing this region. [I'm utterly confused as to whether there is an employee left here or not]

With her bottle and glass in hand, she heads to a table at the far end of the room and has a seat by herself. After pouring a glass, she reclined in her seat as far as possible and quietly sipped away.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:22 pm

Ol'gerr listened with such curiosity, Alenas words filling her mind with images of every place and thing she had described to the elf. Her story was also saddening to hear though and the urge to get up and Hug Alena tight was running through Ol'gerrs mind but alas she resisted for now anyway. This lady was older than her mother or father was and knew more about world before than some of the Elders at her village. Her hand gripped Alenas after she spoke of how someone who broke her trust in the temple like many before, squeazing her hand gently just trying to give the girl some comfort.

"well.. you are free now are you not? this land has changed quite a lot and the rather more beautfifully unique creatures are accepted in this day and age. yeah some are still racist.. I mean I still have my quarrels with the race of humans and High elves.. mosty high elves.. like I said, we hold our grudges against those who have brought harm to our lands..humans just have the tendancy to believe all elves are the same.. or they seem to think of us Elves as exoctic and want to.. well you know.. want to try some"

She giggled a little at the last part of sentence, it was true. throughout her travels a lot of men and sometimes women did hit on the elf but they were mostly beaten down by a punch in the face or a swift kick to the nether regions. Her head looked down to the table and she pondered some more, maybe she could fill in Alena with more information about the world as it was now though she found it a little hard to think of anything else as she was a new traveler really in her own sense.

"I know we are almost smack bang in the middle of the continent, mostly human settlements but thats as much as I can tell you about this area. the high elfs now still remain on the south eastern side of the continent.. lost a lot of land due to quarrels and minor battles between humans and the other races. I believe they are quite isolated now.. much to pleasure I may add. I believe the temple you were in.. Drow archtitect? now thats a race of the Elves that are really qite rare to see due to their darker paths.. the dungeon we found you in was the first time I ever saw Drow workings with my own eyes"

Ol'gerr smiled a little again, though the journey was a rough one it was indeed an experiance that would make her hardend for future journeys into the unknown.

"Im sorry.. I can speak for a long time when I get started on the Elven History.. though like I said.. some elves remain a mystery to me like the Sea el'ves and moon elves.. those are ones that I do not think I'll ever lay my eyes upon.. even by the old age of 300 I dont think I will ever see those of our race"
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby MiscChaos » Tue Apr 08, 2014 8:44 pm

Alena nodded through most of what Ol'gerr says and is thankful for the comforting hand as she told her tale. There is, however, one thing she can't let go. "Ol'gerr Wulf, just who are you calling old!? I will have you know I am just as spry today as I was when I went into the cave! I shall live for many a year more even without the stasis that the cave put me under!" She says, blustering about her age. The tone she said it in though should make it clear that it was mostly in jest. Mostly. She's still going to have to get used to being one of the oldest beings on the planet. She's sure she can bare it if a friend calls attention to it, but if a stranger calls her old... well, she's unsure how many pieces would be left of them. Her little tirade over, Alena thinks a bit more over what Ol'gerr has said and comes to a conclusion. "Either way, I am becoming more and more sure I should stay in human disguise while in a town. If they find elves exotic, can you fathom how they would react to me? I have not seen another like me in all of the years I have been alive, though that is not saying much." She doesn't remember the first 12 years of her life, traveled for 8 years, then spent the next 298 years in isolation either at the church or in the temple. It could be she simply didn't stumble upon a settlement of people like her or that they were in disguise the same as her in any town she visited. Alena's a bit confused about one part though. "Drow architecture? I am unsure, I was never told exactly who built the temple, just that I was needed there to guard the Crystal Blade. I simply assumed the whomever created the blade were the same people who created the temple to house it. I do wonder how I possibly did not notice how far we had traveled to get here. My church was somewhere closer to the western lands than to the center." She is curious about those minor battles that were mentioned since they might affect the condition of her temple, but not enough to actually ask about it. Despite how much she's had to fight in the past, she's not fond of the activity. If it were possible to avoid it, she would. That's how she ended up talking with so many of the intruders of her temple, because she wanted either learn more about them to see if they were worthy or plain old talk them out of it. She will admit to loneliness being a part of it, but she likes to think it's a minor part.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Lynxy » Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:17 pm

Camilla giggles at her table. "Don't refer to yourself as "spry" if you don't want others to envision a feisty grandmother, Alena. Call yourself "fit" or literally anything else from now on. OK?" She flashes a lopsided grin before finishing the contents of her glass.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 9:28 pm

she almost spilt her drink in laughter as Alena joking acused her of calling the snake lady old. giving a little smirk she shook her head and took another long swig of her booze before slamming it down asking for another for her self from the inn keeper. listening again to each word the lady spoke eagerly, though she couldn't help but be amused at her statement of how she would have to stay in human desguise, probaly was for the best though like she did say, the more uniquer creatures of this world were widely accepted these days.

"Im not fully sure of the cavern or the temple its self, just many objects and craftmanship pointed out that it could've been created by the Drow. that blade though that kath recieved? that was.. something I have never seen before. beautiful in everyway.. I must admit to being a little jealous of the human getting the sword.. but I wont pry any more about the sword. though I am curious.. we the wood elfs only know what the first told us about meepism.. I tend not to know the full worship of our goddess.. care to share some more infomation on the religion? If not then do not worry friend and I apologuise for bringing up any matters that should not be brought up"

HEr gaze turned to Cam and she smiled a little, raising a drink to her fellow adventurer charging a toast to being victorious in their adventure. though unfortunatly for Ol'gerr, she was feeling a bit typsie already from drinking the strong stuff quite fast.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Meep Meepersons » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:42 pm

Irma: Gasped and eeped at Kath's sudden aggression, standing still for only a moment. Her hand gripped the handle of the dagger on the table and pulled it free. She tapped the flat part against Kath's groping hands and gave a slightly annoyed smirk. "I said later when moon is highest, silly man." She said firmly, calling Kath man due to her cock, and her not knowing the word for a hermaphrodite. In her language, there weren't any words for it. Being able to sire children made you a man in her culture. If Kath didn't remove her hand, Irma would poke it with the tip of the dagger for emphasis. She didn't really want to fool around right now, but if one was observant, and had the scent ability, they could tell she was heavily aroused from the smell and pheromones being released from her sweating figure.

Taria: You make it to the cell easily, the necro is laying face down with a gag and her hands bound in tight manacles behind her back, bags covering her hands to prevent her from performing somatic spells.

Azmer: The child like elf entered the Tavern and hobbled her way over to the table her magically enslaved wood elf had been, and clambered atop a seat obviously much to large for her. "I see you are talking about the past. I am sure I could answer any and all questions you may have of my and Alena's world three hundred years ago." She said gloatingly, with confidence in her tone. She was a massive well of knowledge on legs after all. Where most girls had huge cans and sexy bodies, Azmer had one of the biggest and heaviest brains in the world, if not the biggest.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby TCELESBHSUP » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:48 pm

Kathryn could definitely smell her arousal- oh Gods, did it make her shudder. She was twitching practically, ending up poked in the hand. It hardly hurt, but she removed herself reluctantly. Curses... She was throbbing at present. Irma's need was her need at this point. But, oh well. She forced herself to redress, shaking her head and bidding her armour to return. She'd learned to ask nicely, since it seemed pleased with that, so why wouldn't it? Besides... She figured it wouldn't object to a nice meal, even if it was still sated. "... Alright. Sorry." She checked her hand, noting... Well, no real damage despite being poked with a sharp object.

"Hard to hold back when you're feeling up Sasha..." Her voice was rather teasing, though she still went back around the counter.
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Re: CH Part 3

Postby Kittykitty501 » Tue Apr 08, 2014 11:55 pm

Ol'gerr looked to the young looking elf and tried her best to hold back a snarl. it was probaly the worst kind of thing to happen in a sense, she was a high elf and she had control over Ol'gerr. She sighed and turned to the girl and thought back to one of the questions she asked Alena before. hoping to annoy the elf though it could be a bad idea but she just wanted her freedom.

"oh its good to see you again misstr- I mean Azmer. We were discussing the war.. you know between the Wood elves and the high elves? I was just wondering if you could shed some light on it? I knew our race won and drove back the High elves out of our lands.. we still celebrate that day you know?"

She was being a tad bit brave but after all, she had had a few drinks alread.
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