Name: Serena Hope
Age: 22
Nationality: Canadian
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Class: Breeder
Stats: Aim: 6
Will: -2
Toughness: 5
Strength: 4
Perks: Mechanic: During her time on the base and in service Serena learned a lot of the various vehicles stationed there and is confident in her ability to get almost any engine running if given the right amount of time.
Pilot: time spent in the military lead to Serena learning quite a bit about jets and helicopters learning basic flight instructions and how to properly land, take off, etc. and though she isn’t at the top she knows quite info on them.
Bunker Down: having spent a lot of time in one place Serena is use to staying stationary for long periods of time in fact she even enjoys if and feels she can perform better when in a safe spot, improving her aim and will.
Shotgun Expert - You know shotguns better than most. You can never critically fail (aka jam or damage) your shotgun. Critical success can occur on a 19 or 20 when using shotguns rather than just 20.
Alien Convert: Fail all will rolls against aliens, now emphatically linked to any surrounding aliens, can birth multiple aliens when impregnated, red eyes, 5' 11'', voluptuous figure)
Empathetic Coordination (Breeder Rank 1) - Aliens in your vicinity have a stronger connection with your guidance and receive a +1 to all rolls. For offspring, this bonus is doubled.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Serena was born and grew up on a base in Canada under the shadow of her parents who specialized in engineering of all kinds her families work often heralded as some of the best in the world, which in turn forced a lot of pressure on Serena as to what kind of technical gifts she would bestow on the world; as such Serena was forced into various fields of technology as scientist studied her trying to find the one right for her after countless years there was no sound conclusion even though Serena displayed interest in various tech none of them seemed to click with her which left her to become a regular solider in the military as she was abandoned by her parents with their high expectation for their daughter. Becoming a solider made Serena very patriotic for her country, so when the invasion begun she fought the best she could working on defense vehicles and fighting back the threat, eventually becoming a rather good mechanic and solider something which was noticed by X-COM leading them to bringing her into the program as a general mechanic on missions.
Flaw: Submissive- time spent under her parent’s boot and scientist ordering her around has made Serena quite compliant with other’s demands.
Flaw: Tech Nut- Due to her past Serena is fascinated by all types of technology and will go so far as to abandon a fight if it means she gets to explore and learn
about new tech.
Flaw: Naïve- Serena is naïve to a fault and will believe whatever people tell her without question no matter how absurd it is.
Flaw: Lethargic- Serena is always tired though it doesn’t get in the way much she generally can’t follow orders well which tends to work against her on battlefield as her attention either falters or she’ll fall asleep at critical times.
Upside: People Lover- Serena loves people causing her to work a little harder when she knows she has people depending on her and will work harder the better she knows them.
Upside: Trust- Serena tends to harbor deep faith in her comrades and is almost always ready to follow them into the fray no matter how bleak the situation looks.
Equipment: Semi-automatic shotgun, semi-automatic pistol, standard issue armor, Mechanic’s tool belt etc.
(If any of this needs to be changed for whatever reason let me know)