XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

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XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Apr 06, 2014 3:24 pm

This is largely inspired by the game and the brief XCOM role play I saw deep in the bowels of the forums by Neo. In this RP, you can expect somewhat sci-fi urban warfare and lots of sex or rape with aliens which will come straight from the game with slight alterations (mostly of the phallic nature :)).
1. PM me or post in this thread if you ever have any issues or questions.
2. Only join if you can be relatively active (a post every few days)

Earth is waging a guerrilla shadow war against aliens attempting to abduct humans piecemeal and incite terror in order to surgically wear humanity down for an inevitable killing blow. The XCOM Project is launched as a united effort by many of the major nations as an elite force to counterattack the extraterrestrials. A division within XCOM is put together, codenamed Valkyrie Division and it consists entirely of women, from computer tech to frontline soldier. The council of nations allocated them their own base, separate from XCOM HQ to conduct what's been labeled as "special operations" for "alternative means" of gathering intel and defeating the alien threat. You are a member of this division.

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So this is set in 2015 and there will be a few futuristic aspects but nothing like light sabers. Foreseeable futuristic things, such as laser weapons, power armor (not quite space marines), plasma, genetic alterations, etc. This will be set in different places around the Earth, starting with Canada and the sky is really the limit on where it goes from there. Urban and forest warfare and copious copulating with alien life forms in the field (at least a dozen different types to look forward to!) People will not necessarily start grouped together.

Game Mechanics
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In each post, you will simply state what you're doing and I will roll a d20 to determine the success. Your stats will give you certain bonuses that I will factor in and show you the numbers and what happens in my response to your post.

Result table of Dice rolls
1-4 Major Failure
5-7 Minor Failure with consequences
8-10 Minor Failure
11-13 Minor Success with consequences
14-16 Minor Success
17-20 Major Success
NOTE: A natural roll on the dice of 1 is a critical failure (worst case scenario) and a natural 20 on the dice is a critical success (best case scenario)

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These will mostly be for the purpose of combat. If you plan on being "loose" with strategy, I wouldn't worry about this too much. What I list will be their preferred weapon and role in the squad.

Assault: shotguns/assault rifles, point woman (first one in the room, leads the attack), best at close quarters.
Support: Assault rifles/pistols, medic or scouts usually, carries additional support equipment (flash bangs, med kits, smoke grenade, scanners, etc.).
Sniper: Sniper rifles/pistols, gunslinger or long ranged sharpshooters, great at long range, unmatched with a spotter and a high vantage point.
Heavy: Heavy Machine Gun, good for suppression and taking down big targets and groups of small targets, also carry a one-use rocket launcher.

Making a character
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All women characters please! The stats may seem simple, but it's a takeaway from the game and I think it's the right amount of depth.

Age: (minimum 21)
Nationality: (USA, UK, Germany, etc.)
Appearance: (picture preferred)
Class: (see above)
Rank: 1 (everyone starts rank 1)
Stats (20 points to spend, -4 is poor/lowest, 0 is average, 4 is best/max)
Aim -4 (Marksmanship, Hand-Eye Coordination)
Will -4 (Strength of psychic attacks, psychic defense, panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Toughness -4 (Durability, pain threshold, running ability)
Strength -4 (physical strength)

Perks: (Pick up to 3 unique character talents, such as pilot, martial artist, acrobat, mechanic, engineer, etc. OR pick one genetic enhancement or psychic ability. Use your imagination, don't get god moddy :))
Bio: (Background, why you joined XCOM, your character's motivation)
Character personality: (This includes flaws and upsides)
Equipment: (Primary Weapon, secondary, anything else significant)

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XCOM Assault Rifle

XCOM Shotgun

XCOM Sniper Rifle

XCOM Light Machine Gun

XCOM Pistol

XCOM Body Armor

Secondary Equipment
(to be added)

Ranking Up/Base Training
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When you're back at base, you can choose to focus on one type of training that will result in a temporary bonus on your next mission

1. Practice at the firing range (Aim)
2. Focus on strength training (Strength)
3. Focus on endurance/cardio (Toughness)
4. Focus on Team-building exercises (Will)
5. Focus on personal training (improve a perk - gene mods are not applicable)

You only rank up when I designate that you earned it.
You can have attributes above 4 when using points to rank up. If you want to put your newly earned point in Aim and your aim is 4, that's fine, now your aim is 5. 4 was simply the max for rank 1 XCOM soldiers.
Gene Mods are not subject to increase by ranking up - They stay as they are.
Any questions, feel free to ask. Once you've updated your character sheet to Rank 2 (those who were on the first mission), post here please; a simple "ranked up my sheet" will do.

Perk Selection List (Based on Class]
Tier 1 (For ranks 1 - 3)
Intro: I'm only describing the literal gameplay benefits of these perks, you're all free to figure out how to apply them in roleplay. Some perks will branch out later, others will not. I'm sorry to say you won't be able to see how they branch out right at this moment as it's all a work in progress. Just try to understand that it will all make logical sense. Taking the Quick Reflexes perk will likely give you availability to a perk later regarding being fast or highly reactive.

Assault Class Perks
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1. Quick Reflexes - The first successful attack by an enemy in an engagement is instead counted as a corresponding failure. (Minor success becomes minor failure, Critical Success becomes Critical Failure)
2. Close Quarters - Your initiative in hand-to-hand is rarely matched. Your first melee attack in an engagement is an automatic success. A d8 with no bonus is rolled to determine the degree of success.
3. Shotgun Expert - You know shotguns better than most. You can never critically fail (aka jam or damage) your shotgun. Critical success can occur on a 19 or 20 when using shotguns rather than just 20.
4. Assault Rifle Expert - You've spent a lot of time with your rifle. You can never critically fail (aka jam or damage) your assault rifle. Critical success can occur on a 19 or 20 when using AR's rather than just 20.
5. Extreme Conditioning - You're tough, even for XCOM soldiers. You receive a +2 bonus to resist poisons, toxins, or alien substances. You automatically succeed on rolls to resist fatigue or weariness within a 24 hour period. The first successful attack against you in an engagement is treated as one degree worse in your favor (Minor success becomes minor failure, Major success becomes minor success).
6. Daredevil - When the going gets tough, you relish the challenge. Whenever you're outnumbered at least two to one, or you're fighting at least two enemies by yourself, you receive a +1 on all rolls.
7. Lead the Way - You're either a bully or the bravest one in your squad. When you're at the front of the group or the first one to enter a room, you receive a free reaction attack against up to one enemy that fires on you, before they get to attack.

Support Class Perks
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1. Medical Expert - All soldiers know first aid, but you know how to fix them. You can attempt to identify or treat nearly all poisons, toxins, or injuries with appropriate equipment (depending on the injury); difficulty will vary depending on what is being treated.
2. Munitions Monkey - You realize bullets kill enemies, but anything helping those bullets land home is certainly welcome. You specialize in smoke grenades, flash bangs, and other supplementary weaponry to aid the squad. The item list available to you is also bigger, as you've been trained in their use and proper care: gas grenade, mimic beacon, and reaper rounds. You can attempt to make modern munitions in the field as long as you can forage materials (smoke grenades, flash bangs, frag grenades).
3. Team First - You're always looking out for your team, one way or the other. You receive a +2 bonus on all rolls to directly aid allies in any way, shape, or form (not including attacks against enemies).
4. Opportunist - You know how to use openings when you see them. Whenever an enemy is at some kind of disadvantage, your next attack or maneuver, if it requires a roll, you get two rolls and the higher number is the one that's used. There is no limit to how many times this can be used and what determines a disadvantage is up to the GM (such as attacking a prone enemy, an unaware enemy, etc.)
5. Suppression Master - You know how to keep enemies pinned and scared. When you suppress an enemy, the penalties are doubled for those you're suppressing (-2 to aim becomes -4 to aim). In addition, when using an automatic weapon, you can suppress up to two squads at once (rather than one).
6. Sprinter - Your short bursts of legwork are lightning fast. You can outrun any bipedal alien and anyone firing at you while you're moving or retreating receives a -4 to their aim roll. Melee attacks are unaffected.
7. Weapon Expert - Pick one type of weapon (Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols). You can never critically fail (aka jam or damage) with that type of weapon and you can achieve a critical success on a 19 or 20 rather than just a 20.

Heavy Class Perks
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1. Bullet Swarm - You know how to spray and pray with large, rapidly firing weapons. All successful attacks with miniguns or light machine guns automatically suppress the enemy or enemy squad aimed at.
2. Holo Targeting - You've gained access to higher level heavy weapons technology and have been trained in how to use and care for it. Your primary heavy weapon has a holo-targeting system that makes it easier for any allies to hit an enemy you fired at, regardless of whether or not you actually hit. +2 Aim for your allies against opponents you fired againt at some point during an engagement.
3. Demolitionist - Your skill with explosive weaponry is masterful. You've tweaked your rockets and grenades to be almost twice as powerful and have nearly twice the kill radius. Also, you get a +2 on your rolls regarding the use of explosive weaponry.
4. Walking Tank - You're used to the heavy armor given to your military specialty and have adapted to the weight incredibly well. Your movement isn't impaired by your equipment and you're immune to critical attacks by light weaponry (pistols, rifles, shotguns), but not melee weaponry, heavy weapons, or explosives.
5. Grenadier - Unlike a demolitionist who specializes in explosives, you specialize in grenades, including specialty grenades. In addition to having access to smoke grenades, flash bangs, and frag grenades, you can also deploy with needle grenades and gas grenades. You can carry 10 grenades total, divided up however you wish before a mission.
6. Machine Gunner - You've spent extra time training and specializing with the Heavy class mainstay - the rapid firing machine gun. You can never critically fail when firing a machine gun (aka jam or break) and you achieve a critical success on a 19 or 20 rather than just a 20.

Sniper Class Perks
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1. Gunslinger - You're training with two pistols is extensive and frankly, you're just that damn cool. You receive a +1 Aim when firing two pistols at once and this compounds for firing at the same target (for a net bonus +2 when shooting at one target).
2. Agent - You've received infiltration and singular weapon training. Whenever you use a single weapon while leaving the other hand free, you receive a +1 Aim. You also receive a +2 on rolls when attempting to infiltrate or otherwise remain hidden.
3. Deadshot - When you have time to aim, you will never miss. If you spend a round (or a single post) taking aim at a single target, the next shot will receive a +4 Aim and you will have a critical success if the total is 20 or higher after adding your Aim attribute as well (rather than needing to roll a natural 20 on the dice).
4. Disabler - Your extensive weapons knowledge allows you to disable even alien weaponry. You receive a +4 on Aim rolls to disable, damage, or otherwise disarm weapons with your own firearm.
5. Rifle Expert - You have spent countless hours learning the ins and outs of your sniper rifle. You cannot critically fail when using a sniper rifle (aka jam or damage) and you achieve critical success on a roll of 19 or 20 rather than just a 20.
6. Pistol Expert - You know hand guns better than most men know their wives. You cannot critically fail when using a sniper rifle (aka jam or damage) and you achieve critical success on a roll of 19 or 20 rather than just a 20.
7. Lone Wolf - You've learn to be self-sufficient and survive even without teammates. When on your own in the wilderness, you automatically succeed on rolls for survival (building a campfire, finding food or fresh water, crafting crude weapons, etc). You've also learned to channel your survival instincts; as they say, the animal is most dangerous when wounded. If you are ever cornered, outnumbered, and injured (hurt, intoxicated, or otherwise debilitated), you receive a +4 on all rolls for the duration of the engagement.

Miscellaneous Perks (Mostly of the roleplay nature)
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1. Gregarious - You are talkative, charismatic, and good with people. When convincing, persuading, lying, or otherwise socially manipulating NPCs, you will be allowed a roll in which you can add a +4 to determine how successful you are in your conversation, with the chance of success varying depending on what is being done.
2. Mechanic - You are a grease monkey and likely proud of it. You can attempt to operate, fix, repair, and possibly build modern mechanical devices. Later, another perk may open for you to operate advanced mechanized devices.
3. Pilot - You've soared the high skies in many different jets, planes, and helicopters. You can operate and make minor mechanical fixes on aircraft.
4. Martial Artist - You have been trained in the finer echelons of hand-to-hand combat. You receive a +4 on melee attack rolls with humans and other bipedal creatures not more than three times bigger than you.
5. Weapons Expert - You have extensive knowledge of how to build, care for, and repair innumerable kinds of small arms.
6. Tactician - You've had formal training in tactical close combat. When engaged in combat, you can ask the GM for one tip on how to handle a specific battle situation. You also receive a +2 to notice ambushes and traps before they're set.

FINAL NOTE: This is just the beginning and I will add more, but I still highly encourage you all to come up with your own perks for your characters at creation if you want a special kind of uniqueness!

Alien Index (will expand as aliens are encountered... kind of like a pokedex I guess!)
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Sectoid - http://tf3dm.com/imgd/l81910-sectoid-soldier-95212.jpg
4 1/2ft tall, weakest kind, always travel in groups, possess some psychic ability, only carry plasma pistols. Recent reports say they've evolved 9 inch phallic members.
Muton - http://s.cghub.com/files/Image/327001-328000/327527/520_max.jpg
8ft tall, made of pure muscle, sometimes travel in groups, other times act as leaders among lesser aliens like sectoids. The main frontline infantry of the alien invaders. Under their crotch plates, which can detach with a single button on their armor, is a 15 inch thick member.
Seeker - http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130901044844/xcom/images/0/0b/XCOM_EW_Seeker.png
A half-metal hovering octopus, it has the power to cloak and become completely unseeable to the naked eye. It has long tentacles that have phallic tips that impregnate or poison an individual. It also uses its cloaking power and tentacles to asphyxiate enemies.
Floater -http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140117230703/xcom/images/thumb/e/e1/Concept_-_Floater.jpg/500px-Concept_-_Floater.jpg
A flying torso, half-metal half-flesh, it has incredible maneuverability from its jetpack and is usually tries to flank an enemy, or more recently, to snatch. It has three tentacles that come out of its back to "pleasure" or "torture" (depending on who you ask) whomever it manages to grab.
Chrysalid - (http://s.pro-gmedia.com/videogamer/media/images/pub/large/xcomchrysalid.jpg)
A four legged stalking-melee creature about 7ft tall, it seems animalistic in nature and the debate is still going whether or not it has intelligence. It has incredible speed and strength and some reports have allocated that men killed by this creature return as walking, cannibalistic, corpses, but these new chrysalids seem more intent on breeding human women and the end result of this is still unknown.
Berserker - (http://images.wikia.com/xcom/images/archive/6/6f/20121025045057!Concept_-_Berserker.jpg)
These massive muton-looking creatures are a full foot taller than their green armored counterparts at 9ft and they have seemingly extraordinary strength and toughness, capable of taking anti-armor rounds to the face and heart and still fighting on. They have been seen to tear vehicles in half and run straight through concrete walls without slowing. Their only weapon are their gauntlets which produce three-pronged two foot long claws. They've been much more known for their recent rape escapades, using incredibly thick cocks that top out at nearly 2ft in length and they fuck with absolute animal rage and fury.
Thin Man - (http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120612205520/xcom/images/a/a1/Thinman.jpg)
These human-looking aliens are often used to infiltrate and scout before a major attack, almost seamlessly blending in at a glance and they're the only aliens with a full head of hair.
They're 6ft tall, always wear suits, and only carry plasma pistols. Reports have shown that when they die, their bodies instantly decompose into a cloud of poisonous gas. However, even more recent reports have shown they have 11 inch long and thick penises under their suits and when they die, it's no longer poisonous gas. It's a toxin that causes those nearby to reach uncontrollable levels of lust and arousal.
Hybrid - These come from mating between a human female and an alien. Their powers and abilities vary depending on which alien the human female mated with, but they are humanoid-like and otherwise seem completely human except for a lack of body air and varying skin colors.
Cyberdisk - http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2013 ... erdisc.png
An immense hulk of machine and flesh that comically looks like a car-sized flying saucer with its hovering capability. However, when in firing mode, it opens up and unleashes its main rapid fire plasma guns. It also possesses artillery capability and explodes upon death.
Elite Muton - http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140122200054/xcom/images/e/e3/XCOM(EU)_MutonElite.png
These mutons are the creme of the crop. Bigger than normal mutons and as big as berserkers, their skill and toughness is nearly unmatched. Their immense strength allows them to use their favorite plasma cannon with one hand when necessary. They're usually only found protecting sectoid commanders or ethereals; if you run into elite mutons, there's a chance an ethereal is around.
Ethereal - http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/u ... an_05a.jpg
The highest ranking alien known to XCOM forces. Their physical power is next to nothing judging by their frail bodies, but their psychic ability is unparalleled. Reports have shown soldiers being turned to shoot one another, by the whim of an ethereal, and it can also lift single, possibly multiple, bodies or soldiers at a time. Their psychic whiplashes have caused soldiers to have critical aneurisms and die outright. It has also been reported that they can directly reflect a certain amount of firepower back at enemies.
Mechtoid - http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb2014 ... tNight.png
The half-machine half-sectoid stands about 10ft tall and crouches to enter through the doorway. Both of its arms are massive plasma rail guns combined with incredible mechanical strength. Sectoids and other semi-psychics can mentally enhance the mechtoid's combat capability by forming a telekinetic shield against gunfire and melee attacks, as well as super-charging its rail guns.
Outsider - http://www.ufopaedia.org/images/2/20/Outsider_(EU2012).jpg
These aliens stand a little over six feet in height and are made of pure energy and steel. XCOM is unsure whether the construct is actually alive or not, but it is known that Outsiders captain lesser scout ships and more or less act as corporals or sergeants among the lesser aliens, such as sectoids. They provide a psychic link to higher ranked aliens, such as sectoid commanders and ethereals. More or less, it is a skilled soldier with a conduit to the greater war plan that it relays to those beneath them.
?? -
?? -
?? -
?? -
?? -
?? -

(Yes, this is the amount of different alien types, though 3 or 4 are just slight variations)

Character List
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Alexis Stephens, Heavy Weapons (Hazard)
Ciera Skullheart, Sniper (Spriter)
Blair Amell, Sniper (Eaenidu)
Helga Wulf, Assault (Kitty)
Nymia Sarkisian, Heavy (Meep)
Jessica Hardy, Assault (Melissa)
Karmen Mitsuki, Support (Tsai)
Serena Hope, Assault (Sanaki)
Sarah Valero, Support (Soref)
Angelica Manit, Sniper (Kuragari)
Rynth Legacy, Sniper (Knight)
Kelly Black, Support (Frag)
Jessica Smalls, Sniper (Exalted)
Jessi Eyre, Support (Dax)
Motoko Takono, Assault (Motoko)
Veronika Kriger, Assault (Reaver)
Selena Moontear, Support (Venom)
Kelly Baker, Assault (Earthsage)
Adrianna, Support (DrLace)

Ideally, looking for no more than 6 characters right now, so please post here if interested. Also completely open to feedback, I am not a perfect superhuman :3
Last edited by Alaena on Sun Sep 28, 2014 11:57 pm, edited 21 times in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby eaenidu » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:06 pm

Name: Blair Amell

Age: 21

Nationality: USA

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Class: Sniper
Stats (20 points to spend, -4 is poor/lowest, 0 is average, 4 is best/max)
Aim 4
Will -4
Toughness 2
Strength 2

-Enhanced Legs: A genetic enhancement that let's her run longer and leap like Tall Men ~(Has an added affect of making her legs more toned and her ass heart-shaped)

Bio: Blair was trained from a young age how to kill and she was to be her father's perfect apprentice in assassination but due to his hash training she lost all of her self worth and pride, she had a few things drilled into her and they were that money was everything, always obey your employer, and nothing was below you for cash. Blair was working a contract when she killed a girl being scouted for the Valkyries, she was captured and given a choice work for XCOM or die, she chose the first. Her motivation for being in XCOM is good pay and continued life.

Character personality:
Flaw~She is very submissive that she could be bullied by other girls in the program
Flaw~She doesn't really understand Right and Wrong
Flaw~She doesn't do well in close confrontation and will panic or back down if an enemy or another girl gets in her face
Good-She will always do her best to complete the mission
Good-She is very observant and can find the right place to be most of the time
Good-She will do anything her bosses pay her for

Equipment: Sniper Rifle, Pistol, standard issue stuff
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:26 pm

Looks good Eaenidu, like the detail on your genetic enhancement.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby eaenidu » Sun Apr 06, 2014 4:38 pm

Lol thanks :D
"I mean, that thing about not looking a gift horse in the mouth? Well, how the fuck else are you supposed to figure out if it’s full of Greeks?”
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Hazard1325 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:05 pm

Name: Alexis Stephens
Age: 27
Nationality: USA
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Class: Heavy
Stats (20 points to spend, -4 is poor/lowest, 0 is average, 4 is best/max)
Aim 0
Will 3
Toughness 2
Strength 0

Perks: Genetic Enhancement - Regenerative implants, allows Alexis increased odds of survival from critical injuries. Alexis can fully recover from most injuries given enough time, however instant death is still fatal. The downside is that if captured the aliens will have a very durable toy to give to the more aggressive species without fear of killing her.

Bio: Alexis chose the life of a career soldier and quickly rose through the ranks of the united states army. She was known for being quite headstrong and it was the only thing that would keep her from the highest ranks of service. When the alien's first began their abductions she was stationed with the rest of her regiment as civilian escorts. Unfortunately during the first days of the alien assault while defending a civilian convoy heading to a sheltered location an alien plasma weapon hit her in the chest burning away at her insides. Despite being left to die in the field Alexis grabbed her pistol and killed quite a few aliens before eventually being overrun. Before they were able to finish her off an X-Com squad had finally arrived to clean up the mess. Upon finding the injured soldier still clinging to life despite critical injuries she was entered into one of the early genetic enhancement programs as a test subject. The results were mixed, on one hand they were successful in saving her by increasing her body's regenerative rate allowing her to heal her normally fatal wound, on the other hand her headstrong attitude was boosted into outright aggression. After an introductory course in X-Com she was placed in project Valkyrie.

Character personality:
Upside - Defiant, rarely submits to anyone or backs down from a challenge.
Upside - Brave, willing to help comrades or civilians even in the most dangerous circumstances.
Downside - Poor leader, if left alone she would probably turn every fight into a last stand, often doesn't think very far ahead.
Downside - Reckless, often charges ahead of the group.
Downside - Unfriendly, ever since being abandoned on the field she's slow to trust others.

Equipment: Light Machine gun, pistol, frag grenades
Last edited by Hazard1325 on Tue Jul 01, 2014 1:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby spriter1 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:25 pm

Name: Ciera Skullheart
Age: 21
Nationality: UK
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The outfit is just for when she isn't on the field.

Class: Sniper


Aim 4
Will 3
Toughness -1
Strength -1

Mechanic - You are a grease monkey and likely proud of it. You can attempt to operate, fix, repair, and possibly build modern mechanical devices. Later, another perk may open for you to operate advanced mechanized devices.
Rifle Expert - You have spent countless hours learning the ins and outs of your sniper rifle. You cannot critically fail when using a sniper rifle (aka jam or damage) and you achieve critical success on a roll of 19 or 20 rather than just a 20.

Bio: Not alot is known about her life before xcom, all people know about her is that she started when she was 19, she could shoot the wings off a fly 200m away, and that she would spend most of the time in the workshop, either trying to find ways to improve the equipment, or improve her gun...
Character personality:
Flaw - Isn't good with confrontation, and would rather be inside the shadows, both inside and outside of battle.
Flaw - Even with that flaw, she is more than likely to compromise her own safety if it means saving someone.
Upside - could probably think of 5 different ways to tackle a problem, where other people could only think of 1.
Upside - cause she hung around the workshop so much, she knows a good bit about electronics, and could probably hack basic machinery and electronic locks.
Equipment: Modded Sniper rifle ( better zoom, semi auto instead of bolt-action, Revolver mag for faster reloading, faster speed (greater distance and damage) ), hunting knife, <insert basic equipment here>

NOTE: tell me if i did too much to my rifle, and i will change it.
Last edited by spriter1 on Mon Aug 04, 2014 5:22 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 8:44 pm

All women characters please! The stats may seem simple, but it's a takeaway from the game and I think it's the right amount of depth.

Name: Helga wulf
Age: 25
Nationality: German

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Helga wulf xcom rp.jpg
Helga wulf xcom rp.jpg (191.42 KiB) Viewed 3171 times

Class: Assault
Stats (20 points to spend, -4 is poor/lowest, 0 is average, 4 is best/max)
Aim 2 (Marksmanship, Hand-Eye Coordination)
Will -2 (Strength of psychic attacks, psychic defense, panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Toughness 1 (Durability, pain threshold, running ability)
Strength 3 (physical strength)

-Natural Born leader (Spent a lot of time in a military Accademy in Munich, Germany learning from the best Generals that Germany had)
-Her most notable perk is shes a great pilot, flying over 300 missions and gaining a medal during combat missions in 2010 (again she learnt in the academy how to fly, mostly jets though.

Bio: From a young age of 12 she was thrown into military school by her strict father, wanting her to become a soldier like he was. She did question her fathers reasons, knowing fully that her father was a pro-nazi even in this day an age though her father would never let Helga get any answers from him. She did enjoy the accademy in the end, it did get her away from her father and his strict ways. She grew up to be strong in body but her mind was still a little weak from exhaustion leaving her no good with will power and would break down to mind tricks. though she spent a lot of time in flight training she was also trained well in leadership, serving a few times on the frontlines and leading with exeptional skill. When the alien threat threatend earth she had to join up, more against her will as her father pushed her to do it but also the accademy put her name forward.

Character personality:
-FLAW- very submissive due to her mind being weakened and from a very strict background
-FLAW- Breaks to stress easily (she takes medication to try and take the anxierty away
-Upside - though she's grown up in a military school most of her life, shes very bubbly and easy to get along with.

-MP$ submachine gun w/ scope attachment
-8 mags of ammo for her MP5
-Fully automatic machine pistol
-2 mags of ammo for her Pistol
-3 Frag Grenades

(a bit of noob when it comes to XCOM XD have a look anyway and see what you think. if it needs changing then let us know
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Soru » Sun Apr 06, 2014 9:16 pm

I would like to join this, though I don't know much about XCOM. Is that okay?
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Nobudi » Sun Apr 06, 2014 10:19 pm

I'd like to get a placehold for a support class sheet. That ok?
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:03 pm

Lightning strike! Can I get a reserve spot for a Heavy?
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby BlueLight » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:27 pm

Ya... this reminds me of that Firaxis rip off to much. I think i'll stay away.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby dndman997 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:36 pm

no need to be a douche about it blue. oh wait thats your nature to be.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:44 pm

Kitty, spriter, and hazard, your characters are good and will do just fine.
Soru, you don't really need to know about it to participate :)
Meep and Nobudi, you can both have a placeholder. Though don't take too long!

Character list is now full for the time being! Those who wish to apply still can and if somebody drops out or I expand the list, I'll definitely let more people in.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Kittykitty501 » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:55 pm

yayy! XD I look forward to start up! *radio crackles* zis is Valkyrie 2.. standing by to kick some Alien ass!
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Sun Apr 06, 2014 11:56 pm

Kittykitty501 Wrote:yayy! XD I look forward to start up! *radio crackles* zis is Valkyrie 2.. standing by to kick some Alien ass!

Yes, either sometime today or tomorrow, we shall see! :P
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Soru » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:18 am

Alright, I'll make my character sheet soon. I'll most likely make a support class.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:36 am

Name: Nymia Sarkisian
Age: 37
Nationality: Armenia/US
Appearance: Nym is a massive 8' 1" tall with a very broad frame. Her eyes are gold colored, and her hair is a shiny platinum white. Her skin is a fair pale tone. Her body is thick and muscular, but not grotesquely so. She has a very feminine face, and soft features which belie her personality. Private bits~
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She has nice FF cup bosoms and a large 12 inch long 2 inch thick cock with large 4 inch diameter nutz. Her vagina is pink and tight and miraculously still hymenated.

Class: Heavy
Rank: 2
Aim -4 (Marksmanship, Hand-Eye Coordination)
Will 1 (Strength of psychic attacks, psychic defense, panic resistance, pleasure threshold, willingness to submit)
Toughness 4+3(Durability, pain threshold, running ability)
Strength 4+3 (physical strength)

Genetic Augment, Huge: She is massive, as a result she is more resilient and strong. +3 Strength and Toughness.
Walking Tank - You're used to the heavy armor given to your military specialty and have adapted to the weight incredibly well. Your movement isn't impaired by your equipment and you're immune to critical attacks by light weaponry (pistols, rifles, shotguns), but not melee weaponry, heavy weapons, or explosives.

Bio: Nym grew up pretty much the same as most kids, save for the fact she was genderly confused for a while due to being a hermaphrodite. She was a test-tube baby, an experiment before even being conceived. She was picked out as a very suitable subject genetically, and entered into special program to increase her physical prowess. It succeeded, but also had a slight side effect. Her size increased immensely, and her mental stability is slightly off. She entered the military at eighteen, served a few years, then the Aliens came. She joined XCOM and was assigned to the Valkerie Devision.

Character personality: Nym is usually pretty loud, and very outgoing. She has a habit of going into a red haze rage or battle crazed euphoria. Often moving towards the middle of the battlefield, right in the thick of it all. She will run down an enemy if she finds the target easy prey, potentially running into a trap without thinking. She is also fiercely loyal, and will run into direct fire to retrieve a fallen comrade. Get on her good side, and she'll be a VERY helpful ally. She is a bit prudish when it comes to Sexual things given her lack of experience. To add on to all this, her ego is also as huge as her body, boundless confidence and indomitable spirit, thus far.

Minigun with reinforced steel plate shields[abandoned]. Bowie knife*extra large~* Ammo Bag. Incendiary grenades. Modified 8-Gauge revolver with tungsten flechette shells, 5 shot cylinder. Newly Imrpoved Extra thick experimental shock absorption nano-weave full body plating, Now with helmet! Darts no longer effective!
Last edited by Meep Meepersons on Mon Jul 28, 2014 3:22 am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:50 am

Meep Meepersons Wrote:Appearance: Nym is a massive 8' 10" tall with a very broad frame. Her eyes are gold colored, and her hair is a shiny platinum white. Her skin is a fair pale tone. Her body is thick and muscular, but not grotesquely so. She has a very feminine face, and soft features which belie her personality. Private bits~
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

She has nice FF cup bosoms and a large 10 inch cock with large 2 inch diameter nutz. Her vagina is pink and tight and miraculously still hymenated.

In any other roleplay, your character would be really hot to me, but I kind of wanted to keep herms out of this one. I hope that's not a deal breaker :)
Also, I like your genetic enhancement, but would shorter be okay? Like 7ft?
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:58 am

I would reeaaally like to keep her a herm, not like it changes much other then giving her extra sexual options. If I absolutely HAVE to I'll change it :[ *biggest reason I quit RoTHD* As for the height, how about I meet half-way and say like, 8 feet? 7ft is like, really tall, not particularly "huge" per-say, you know? Also will change it more if I really have to. :3
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Re: XCOM: Horny Valkyries OOC

Postby Alaena » Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:01 am

Meep Meepersons Wrote:I would reeaaally like to keep her a herm, not like it changes much other then giving her extra sexual options. If I absolutely HAVE to I'll change it :[ *biggest reason I quit RoTHD* As for the height, how about I meet half-way and say like, 8 feet? 7ft is like, really tall, not particularly "huge" per-say, you know? Also will change it more if I really have to. :3

Alrighty, 8ft is fine and you can stay a herm. :)
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